Read Books Novel

The Seduction

The Seduction(12)
Author: Carly Phillips

He rises and immediately strips off his jeans, taking his boxer briefs with him. “See? Implied.” He winks and climbs back on the bed, his muscular body gliding over mine and settling in.

Sensations bombard me as his thick erection pulses against my sex. The roughened hair on his chest grates against my ni**les, causing a delicious kind of friction that is unbelievably arousing. But when he dips his head and touches his nose to mine, the sweet gesture unravels me. I want him to own me, to possess me. And when his lips cover mine, he does, kissing me thoroughly, as if I mean something to him. As if I mean everything. I’m so lost I can barely summon the will to warn my galloping emotions to slow down.

He rocks his hips over me, and I see stars, but it’s not nearly enough. Nothing will be enough until he’s inside me. I spread my thighs, making room for him and hoping I’m giving him a direct signal to hurry up and make things happen.

“In a rush?” he asks. “Because I’m not. I intend to explore every inch of this hot body before I make you mine.”

I shiver at the words. My stupid heart soars at the implication — the one I want is probably the one he can’t possibly mean. But a girl can hope, and despite everything in my life, I’ve always hung on to promise and possibility.

He pushes himself lower, dips his head, and licks at my nipple. His longer hair falls around his face as his mouth pulls the taut bud into his mouth, and I thread my fingers through the strands. But I can’t hold on because there’s a direct connection from my breast to my sex, and suddenly I’m pulsing and needy, my hips moving desperately beneath him. He merely switches sides, moving back and forth between my br**sts until I’m senseless with desire.

Then I hear the rippling of protection, and he’s back over me, his hard length pressing inside. All the while, he’s kissing me, his lips soft and arousing. The feel of him inside me is everything I’ve dreamed of and wanted. He braces on his hands on either side of my head and pushes in deeper.

I suck in a shallow breath. It’s been awhile, and I’m not experienced, so it hurts at first.

“Shh.” He continues, slow and easy, his thrusts shallow, his lips gentle on mine.

My body responds, and quickly he’s gliding in and out, and I’m soaring at the sensations he’s awakening inside me. It wasn’t like this last time. This is glorious and amazing. Our bodies are in sync, and I’m reaching heights that are incredible.

“You feel so good, Princess.”

I can’t find the words to respond. He doesn’t seem to care. He likes to talk during sex, and he’s whispering hot, dirty things in my ear. Things that make me wetter, more aroused. But he also tells me how I make him feel. What he wants to do to me next, and my sex grows slicker, and he’s pumping into me with ease.

I rock against him, match him move for move, arching my back. I’m mindless, loving the feel of his hardness over and inside me. And I’m building toward something huge, something big, and I reach for it, my fingers digging into his shoulders, my moans loud as ecstasy washes over me. It’s glorious and intense, and I’m totally gone by the time I hear his groan and feel him collapse over me.

 I wake up in an unfamiliar bed, a warm, hot body surrounding me, and immediately remember last night. I’m not used to sleeping with anyone, and I’m surprised by how comfortable I am with Zach. How well I slept.

I glance over my shoulder. From the look of him and the cute snoring sounds, I had the same effect on him. I grin, happy in a way I haven’t been in a long time. I hope we’re not uncomfortable with each other when he wakes up, but I assure myself we’ll be okay. He’s easy to be around. And because of the deep pain he exudes about his sister, I know he’s a man whose feelings run deep. A man with depth. I like that too.

I like him.

“Have you been awake for a while?” he asks, his voice rough with sleep.

I tingle at the sound, memories of hearing him rumble naughty things in my ear coming back to me. I press my thighs together, but I only make the sudden ache grow.

“I haven’t been awake too long,” I say.

“But you’re up and thinking.” He pulls my hair off my face and nuzzles his lips against my neck.

I purr like a contented kitten. “I prefer to call it remembering.”

He rolls me to my back and comes over me, his big, gloriously naked body hovering over mine. “Are you sore?” he asks.

I blush. I know I do. My cheeks are hot, and I’m embarrassed. “Does it matter?” I am, a little, but it’s not something I’d talk about with him.

“It does if we’re going to do it again.”

That’s when I realize he’s hard and erect and he’s pressing against my aching but aroused flesh.

“Do you always wake up ready to go?” I ask, then close my eyes. There I go again, speaking what comes to mind.

He laughs, the vibration sensitizing me even more. “I’m a guy, so yes. But with you in my bed, I’d say I’m even more ready.” His gorgeous eyes darken further.

And then he takes me to heights that surpass even last night’s.

Chapter Five

My life isn’t perfect. Never has been. I thought it never would be. One chance meeting, one special man, and one month later, things are different. Life is sparkling and bright. I see everyday images with a new eye. The blue sky and the white, speckled clouds add a lightness to my step, and even the dingy dorm room and my sucky roommate don’t seem as bad these days.

Maybe it’s because my bodyguard now comes with benefits. I chuckle at my joke as I hang my bag on a hook in the back room of The Tavern.

“Someone’s happy,” Callie says, joining me. She, too, is placing her belongings in their places.

“Maybe someone’s getting lucky,” Mark, a busboy who has a bad habit of eavesdropping, says, butting into my business.

“Go away,” I say to him. I don’t want to discuss my private life with someone I barely know.

He rolls his eyes. “You two are no fun.”

“Go find friends,” Callie tells him.

Until he learns boundaries, I don’t see such a thing happening. But he listens for once and walks out of the room, mumbling to himself about cliquey women.

“Seriously,” Callie says, studying me with care. “It’s great to see you with a new light in your eyes.”

“Thanks,” I say. Callie’s a sweet woman.

She’s older than me, and she has wisdom I’m still hoping to develop.
