Read Books Novel

The Sky Is Falling


"Yes." She went on, "Do you know why I accepted that job? Because we honeymooned there. What was the name of the hotel we stayed at?"

"The Oranjestad."

"It was beautiful, wasn’t it? And what was the name of that mountain we climbed?"

"The Hooiberg."

Rachel smiled and said softly, "You haven’t forgotten, have you?"

"People don’t usually forget their honeymoon, Rachel."

She put her hand on Jeff’s arm. "It was heaven, wasn’t it? I’ve never seen such incredible white beaches."

Jeff smiled. "And you were afraid to get a tan. You wrapped yourself up like a mummy."

There was a moment of silence. "That’s one of my deepest regrets, Jeff."

He looked at her, not understanding. "What?"

"Our not having a – never mind." She looked at him and said quietly, "I loved being with you in Aruba."

Jeff said evasively, "It’s a great place. Fishing, windsurfing, snorkeling, tennis, golf…"

"And we didn’t have time for any of them, did we?"

Jeff laughed. "No."

"I’m having a mammogram in the morning. I don’t want to be alone when they do it. Will you come with me?"

"Of course, Rachel."

When they arrived at Rachel’s home, Jeff carried his bags into the spacious living room and looked around. "Nice. Very nice."

She put her arms around him. "Thanks, Jeff."

He could feel her trembling.

The mammogram took place at Tower Imaging in downtown Miami. Jeff stayed in the waiting area while a nurse took Rachel to a room to change into a hospital gown and then escorted her to an examination room for X rays.

"This will take about fifteen minutes, Miss Stevens. Are you ready?"

"Yes. How soon can I get the results?"

"That will have to come from your oncologist. He should have them tomorrow."


The oncologist’s name was Scott Young. Jeff and Rachel walked into his office and sat down.

The doctor looked at Rachel a moment and said, "I’m sorry to say I have bad news for you, Miss Stevens."

Rachel gripped Jeff’s hand. "Oh?"

"The results of your biopsy and mammogram show that you have an invasive carcinoma."

Rachel’s face turned white. "What – what does that mean?"

"I’m afraid it means you need a mastectomy."

"No!" It came out instinctively. "You can’t – I mean, there must be some other way."

"I’m afraid," Dr. Young said gently, "it’s gone too far."

Rachel was silent for a moment. "I can’t do it right away. You see, I’m scheduled to do a photographic shoot in Aruba next week. I can do it after that."

Jeff was studying the worried expression on the doctor’s face. "When would you suggest she have it, Dr. Young?"

He turned to Jeff. "As soon as possible."

Jeff looked at Rachel. She was trying hard not to cry. When she spoke, her voice was trembling. "I’d like a second opinion."

"Of course."

Dr. Aaron Cameron said, "I’m afraid I’ve come to the same conclusion as Dr. Young. I’d recommend a mastectomy."

Rachel tried to keep her voice level. "Thank you, Doctor." She took Jeff’s hand and squeezed it. "I guess that’s it, isn’t it?"

Dr. Young was waiting for them.

"It looks like you were right," Rachel said. "I just can’t – " There was a long, sad silence. Finally Rachel whispered, "All right. If you’re sure it’s – it’s necessary."

"We’ll make you as comfortable as possible," Dr. Young said. "Before I operate, I’ll bring in a plastic surgeon to discuss the reconstruction of your breast with you. We can do miracles today."

Jeff put his arms around her as Rachel burst into tears.

There were no direct flights from Washington, D. C., to Aspen. Dana boarded a Delta Airlines flight to Denver, where she changed to a United Express plane. Later, she had no memory of the journey. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Rachel and the torment she must be going through. I’m glad that Jeff will be there to make it easier for her. And Dana was worried about Kemal. What if Mrs. Daley quits before I come back? I have  –

The flight attendant’s voice came over the loudspeaker. "We will be landing in Aspen in just a few minutes. Please see that your seat belt is fastened and return your seat back to the upright position."

Dana began to concentrate on what lay ahead of her.

Elliot Cromwell walked into Matt Baker’s office.

"I understand Dana’s not doing the broadcasts tonight."

"That’s right. She’s in Aspen."

"Following up on her Taylor Winthrop theory?"


"I want you to keep me informed."

"Right." Matt watched Cromwell leave and thought, He’s really taken an interest in Dana.

When Dana disembarked, she headed for the car-rental counter. Inside the terminal, Dr. Carl Ramsey was saying to the clerk behind the counter, "But I reserved a car a week ago."

The clerk said apologetically, "I know, Dr. Ramsey, but I’m afraid there’s been a mix-up. We don’t have a single car available. There’s an airport bus outside, or I can call a taxi for – "

"Never mind," the doctor said, and stormed out.

Dana entered the airport lobby and walked up to the rental desk. "I have a reservation," she said. "Dana Evans."

The clerk smiled. "Yes, Miss Evans. We’ve been expecting you." He gave her a form to sign and handed her some keys. "It’s a white Lexus in parking space one."
