Read Books Novel

The Sky Is Falling


"Yeah, just left. Didn’t say a word. Didn’t even stop to pick up his pay."

Dana said slowly, "Do you remember exactly when that was?"

"Sure do. It was the morning of that fire. The big one. You know, the one the Winthrops died in."

Dana felt a chill. "I see. And you have no idea where Mr. Kelly is?"

"Nope. Like I said, he just disappeared."

The remote island at the tip of South America had been buzzing all morning with the arrival of jet planes. Now it was time for the meeting, and the twenty-odd participants were seated in a guarded, newly built structure that was scheduled to be demolished as soon as the meeting was over. The speaker stepped to the front of the room.

"Welcome. I am happy to see many familiar faces here and some new friends. Before we begin our business, some of you are concerned about a problem that has arisen. A traitor is among us, threatening to expose us. We do not know who it is yet. But I assure you that he will be caught quickly, and that he will suffer the fate of all traitors. Nothing and no one can stand in our way."

There were murmurs of surprise from the crowd.

"Now. Let us begin our silent bid. There are sixteen packages today. Let’s start with two billion. Do I have the first bid? Yes. Two billion dollars. Do I have three?"

Chapter Thirteen

THAT EVENING WHEN Dana returned to her room, she stopped in sudden alarm. Everything looked the same, and yet…she had a feeling something was different. Had her things been moved? It’s Chicken Little time, Dana thought wryly. She picked up the telephone and called home.

Mrs. Daley answered the phone. "The Evans residence."

Thank God she was still there. "Mrs. Daley?"

"Miss Evans!"

"Good evening. How is Kemal?"

"Well, he can be a bit of a devil, but I can handle him. My boys were like that."

"Then everything is…all right?"

"Oh, yes."

Dana’s sigh was of pure relief. "Could I speak to him?"

"Certainly." Dana heard her call, "Kemal, it’s your mother."

A moment later Kemal was on the phone. "Hi, Dana."

"Hi, Kemal. How are you doing, pal?"


"How was school?"

"It was okay."

"And are you getting along all right with Mrs. Daley?"

"Yes, she’s rad."

She’s more than rad, Dana thought. She’s a miracle.

"When are you coming home, Dana?"

"I’ll be home tomorrow. Have you had your dinner?"

"Yes. It wasn’t too bad, actually."

Dana was almost tempted to say, Is that you, Kemal? She was thrilled at the change in him.

"All right, darling. I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night, Dana."

As Dana was getting ready for bed, her cell phone rang. She picked it up. "Hello."


She felt a surge of joy. "Jeff! Oh, Jeff!" She blessed the day she had purchased the international cell phone.

"I had to call you to tell you I miss you like bloody hell."

"I miss you, too. Are you in Florida?"


"How are things there?"

"Not good." She heard the hesitation in his voice. "In fact, it’s pretty bad. Tomorrow Rachel is scheduled to have a mastectomy."

"Oh, no!"

"She’s not handling it well."

"I’m so sorry."

"I know. It’s rotten luck. Darling, I can’t wait to get back to you. Did I ever tell you I’m mad about you?"

"I’m mad about you, darling."

"Is there anything you need, Dana?"

You. "No."

"How’s Kemal?"

"He’s getting along fine. I have a new housekeeper he likes."

"That’s good news. I can’t wait until we’re all together again."

"Neither can I."

"You take care of yourself."

"I will. And I can’t tell you how sorry I am about Rachel."

"I’ll tell her. Good night, baby."

"Good night."

Dana opened her suitcase and took out a shirt of Jeff’s that she had taken from the apartment. She put it on under her nightgown and hugged it to her. Good night, darling.

Early the following morning Dana flew back to Washington. She stopped at the apartment before going to the office and was greeted by a cheerful Mrs. Daley.

"It’s grand to see you back, Miss Evans. That boy of yours is wearing me out." But it was said with a twinkle.

"I hope he isn’t giving you too much trouble."

"Trouble? Not one bit. I’m pleased at how well he’s doing with his new arm."

Dana looked at her in surprise. "He’swearing it?"

"Of course. He wears it to school."

"That’s wonderful. I’m very pleased." She looked at her watch. "I have to get to the studio. I’ll be back this afternoon to see Kemal."

"He’ll be so glad to see you. He misses you, you know. You go on ahead. I’ll unpack your bags for you."

"Thank you, Mrs. Daley."

Dana was in Matt’s office telling him what she had learned in Aspen.

He was looking at her incredulously. "The day after the fire, the electrician just goddamndisappeared ?"

"Without collecting his paycheck."

"And he was at the Winthrop house the day before the fire happened."


Matt shook his head. "It’s likeAlice in Wonderland. This gets curiouser and curiouser."

"Matt, Paul Winthrop was the next one in the family to die. He was killed in France not long after the fire. I’d like to go there. I want to see if there were any witnesses to his automobile accident."
