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The Sky Is Falling

Dana’s heart quickened. "You do?"

"You bet." He leaned forward conspiratorially. "Those damn Martians…"

She was at the top of Ptarmigan Mountain on skis, and she could feel the cold wind biting at her. She looked down at the valley below, trying to decide whether to return, when suddenly she felt a push from behind, and she was hurtling down the slopes, faster and faster, heading toward a huge tree. Just before she hit the tree, she woke up, screaming.

Dana sat up in bed, trembling. Is that what had happened to Julie Winthrop? Who pushed her to her death?

Elliot Cromwell was impatient.

"Matt, when the hell is Jeff Connors coming back? We need him."

"Soon. He keeps in touch."

"And what about Dana?"

"She’s in Alaska, Elliot. Why?"

"I would like to see her back here. The ratings on our evening broadcasts have gone down."

And Matt Baker looked at him and wondered if that was the real reason for Elliot Cromwell’s concern.

In the morning, Dana dressed and drove back into the center of town.

At the airport, waiting for her flight to be called, Dana noticed a man sitting in a corner looking at her from time to time. He looked strangely familiar. He was dressed in a dark gray suit, and he reminded her of someone. And Dana remembered who it was. A different man at the Aspen airport. He had also worn a dark gray suit. But it was not the clothes that triggered Dana’s memory. It was something in their bearing. Both of them had an unpleasant aura of arrogance. He was watching her with a look that almost bordered on contempt. She felt a chill.

After Dana boarded the flight, he spoke into a cell phone and left the airport.

Chapter Fifteen

WHENDANA ARRIVED home, she found a beautiful little Christmas tree that Mrs. Daley had bought and decorated.

"Look at this ornament," Mrs. Daley said proudly. "Kemal made it himself."

The tenant next door was watching the scene on his television set.

Dana kissed the older woman’s cheek. "I love you, Mrs. Daley."

Mrs. Daley blushed. "Oh, what a fuss over nothing."

"Where is Kemal?"

"He’s in his room. There are two messages for you, Miss Evans. You’re to call Mrs. Hudson. I put the number on your dresser. And your mother called."

"Thank you."

When Dana walked into the study, Kemal was at his computer.

He looked up. "Hey, you’re back."

"I’m back," Dana said.

"That’s dope. I was hoping you’d be here for Christmas."

Dana hugged him. "You bet. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. How are you getting along here?"


Good. "You like Mrs. Daley?"

He nodded. "She’s cool."

Dana smiled. "I know. I have a couple of calls to make. I’ll be back."

Bad news first, Dana thought. She called her mother’s number. She had not spoken to her since the incident in Westport. How could she have married a man like that? Dana listened to the phone ring several times, then her mother’s recorded voice came on.

"We’re not home right now, but if you leave a message, we will call you back. Wait for the tone."

Dana waited. "Merry Christmas, Mother." She hung up.

The next call was to Pamela.

"Dana, I’m so glad you’re back!" Pamela Hudson exclaimed. "We heard on the news that Jeff is away, but Roger and I are having a few people over for an early Christmas dinner tomorrow, and we want you and Kemal here. Please don’t tell me you have other plans."

"No," Dana said. "As a matter of fact, I don’t. And we would love to come. Thank you, Pamela."

"Wonderful. We’ll expect you at five o’clock. Casual." She paused. "How are things going?"

"I don’t know," Dana said frankly. "I don’t know if they’re going anywhere."

"Well, forget about everything for now. Get some rest. We’ll see you both tomorrow."

When Dana and Kemal arrived at the Hudsons’ on Christmas Day, they were greeted at the door by Cesar. His face lit up when he saw Dana.

"Miss Evans! I’m so pleased to see you." He smiled at Kemal. "And Master Kemal."

"Hi, Cesar," Kemal said.

Dana handed Cesar a brightly wrapped package. "Merry Christmas, Cesar."

"I don’t know what – " He was stammering. "I didn’t – you’re too kind, Miss Evans!"

The gentle giant, as Dana thought of him, was blushing. Dana handed him two more packages. "These are for Mr. and Mrs. Hudson."

"Yes, Miss Evans. I will put them under the tree. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson are in the drawing room." Cesar led the way.

Pamela said, "You’re here! We’re so glad you two could make it."

"So are we," Dana assured her.

Pamela was looking at Kemal’s right arm. "Dana, Kemal has a – that’s wonderful!"

Dana grinned. "Isn’t it? Courtesy of my boss. He’s quite a fellow. I think it’s changed Kemal’s whole life."

"I can’t tell you how pleased I am."

Roger nodded. "Congratulations, Kemal."

"Thank you, Mr. Hudson."

Roger Hudson said to Dana, "Before the other guests arrive, there’s something I should mention. Remember I said that Taylor Winthrop told friends he had retired from public life and then became ambassador to Russia?"

"Yes. I suppose the president pressured him to – "

"That’s what I thought. But it seems that it was Winthrop who pressured the president to appoint him ambassador. The question is, why?"

The other guests began to arrive. There were only twelve other people at the dinner, and the evening was warm and festive.
