Read Books Novel

The Sky Is Falling

As they walked along, Dana noted that most of the shops’ windows were empty.

The luxuries are gone. The state no longer has money to pay the scientists and technicians who work here. They have not been paid in months. Dana looked at a tall building on the corner and noticed that instead of a clock it had a large instrument mounted on top.

"What is that?" Dana asked.

"A Geiger counter, a warning in case anything goes wrong with the reactors." They turned into a side street filled with apartment buildings. "My apartment is in here. We must stay there for a little while so no one will be suspicious. The FSB checks on everyone."

"The FSB?"

"Yes. It used to be called the KGB. They changed the name, but that is all they changed."

The apartment was large and was once luxurious, but it had become shabby. The curtains were torn, the carpets were worn, and the furniture needed re-upholstering.

Dana sat down, thinking about what Sasha Shdanoff had told her about the FRA. And Jeff had said, The agency is a cover-up. The real function of the FRA is to spy on foreign intelligence agencies. Taylor Winthrop had once been the head of the FRA, working with Victor Booster.

I would stay as far away as you can from General Booster.

And her meeting with Booster. Can’t you fucking journalists let the dead rest? I’m warning you to stay the hell away. General Victor Booster had an enormous secret organization to carry out the murders.

And Jack Stone was trying to protect her. Be careful. If Victor Booster knew I was even talking to you…

The FRA spies were everywhere, and Dana felt suddenly naked.

Sasha Shdanoff looked at his watch. "It is time to leave. Do you know yet how you are going to get me out of the country?"

"Yes," Dana said slowly. "I think I know how to arrange it. I need a little time."

When the plane landed back in Moscow, there were two cars waiting. Shdanoff handed Dana a piece of paper.

"I am staying with a friend at the Chiaka Apartments. No one knows I am there. It is what you call a "safe house." Here is the address. I can’t go back to my own place. Come here at eight o’clock this evening. I must know your plan."

Dana nodded. "All right. I have a phone call to make."

When Dana got back to the lobby of the Soyuz Hotel, the woman behind the desk stared at her. I don’t blame her, Dana thought. I’ve got to get out of this dreadful outfit.

Inside her room, Dana changed into her own clothes before making a phone call. She prayed as the phone kept ringing at the other end. Please be in. Please be in. Dana heard Cesar’s blessed voice.

"The Hudson residence."

"Cesar, is Mr. Hudson in?" Dana found that she was holding her breath.

"Miss Evans! How nice to hear from you. Yes, Mr. Hudson is here. Hold on, please."

Dana felt her body tremble with relief. If there was anyone who could help her get Sasha Shdanoff into the United States, Roger Hudson would be the one person able to do it.

His voice came on the line a moment later. "Dana?"

"Roger, oh, thank God I got you!"

"What’s the matter? Are you all right? Where are you?"

"I’m in Moscow. I found out why Taylor Winthrop and his family were murdered."

"What? My God. How did you – "

"I’ll tell you all about it when I see you. Roger, I hate to impose on you again, but I have a problem. There’s an important Russian official who wants to escape to America. His name is Sasha Shdanoff. His life is in danger here. He knows the answers to everything that’s happened. We have to get him out, and quickly! Can you help?"

"Dana, neither of us should be involved in anything like this. We could both get in trouble."

"We have to take that chance. We have no choice. This is too important. It has to be done."

"I don’t like this, Dana."

"I’m sorry to drag you into this, but I have no one else to turn to."

"Dammit, I – " He stopped. "All right. The best thing to do right now is to get him to the American embassy. He’ll be safe there until we can work out a plan to get him into the United States."

"He doesn’t want to go to the American embassy. He doesn’t trust them."

"There is no other way. I’ll call the ambassador on a secure line and tell him to see that he gets protection. Where is Shdanoff now?"

"He’s waiting for me at the Chiaka Apartments. He’s staying with a friend. I’m going there to meet him."

"All right. Dana, when you pick him up, go directly to the American embassy. Don’t stop anywhere on the way."

Dana felt a surge of relief. "Thank you, Roger. I meanthank you! "

"Be careful, Dana."

"I will."

"We’ll talk later."

Thank you, Roger. I mean thank you.

Be careful, Dana.

I will.

We’ll talk later.

Tape ends.

At seven-thirty, Dana slipped out of the service entrance of the Soyuz Hotel. She went down an alley, ripped by the icy wind. She pulled her coat around her tightly, but the cold was in her bones. Dana walked two blocks, making sure that she was not being followed. At the first busy corner, she hailed a taxi and gave the driver the address Sasha Shdanoff had given her. Fifteen minutes later the taxi stopped in front of a nondescript apartment building.

"Me wait?" the driver asked.

"No." Commissar Shdanoff would probably have a car. Dana took some dollars from her purse, held out her hand, and the driver grunted and took them all. Dana watched him drive off, and she went inside the building. The hallway was deserted. She looked at the slip in her hand, apartment 2BE. She approached a flight of shabby stairs and walked up to the second floor. There was no one around. A long hallway lay in front of her.
