Read Books Novel

The Sky Is Falling

"Look this way, Dana…"

"Dana, is it true that you slapped a policeman?"

"Can you tell us what happened?"

"Did he harass you?"

"Are you going to press charges?"

The man was shying away, covering his face.

"What’s the matter?" Dana called. "Don’t you want your picture taken?"

He fled.

Matt Baker appeared at Dana’s side. "Let’s get the hell out of here."

They were in Matt Baker’s office at the WTE building. Elliot Cromwell, Matt Baker, and Abbe Lasmann had been listening to Dana for the last half hour in shocked silence.

"…and the FRA is involved, too. That’s why General Booster tried to stop me from investigating."

Elliot Cromwell said, "I’m stunned. How could we all have been so wrong about Taylor Winthrop? I think we should inform the White House about what’s happening. Let them call in the attorney general and the FBI."

Dana said, "Elliot, so far we only have my word against Roger Hudson’s. Who do you think they’re going to believe?"

Abbe Lasmann said, "Don’t we have any proof?"

"Sasha Shdanoff’s brother is alive. I’m sure he’ll talk. Once we pull a single thread, the whole story is going to unravel."

Matt Baker took a deep breath and looked at Dana admiringly. "When you go after a story, you go after a story."

Dana said, "Matt, what are we going to do about Kemal? I don’t know where to look."

Matt said firmly, "Don’t worry. We’ll find him. Meanwhile, we have to get a place for you to hide where no one can findyou. "

Abbe Lasmann spoke up. "You can use my apartment. No one will think of looking for you there."

"Thank you." Dana turned to Matt. "About Kemal…"

"We’ll get the FBI on it right away. I’ll have a driver take you to Abbe’s apartment. It’s in our hands now, Dana. Everything’s going to be fine. I’ll call you the minute I hear something."

Kemal pedaled along the icy streets, anxiously looking behind him every few moments. There was no sign of the man who had grabbed him. I’ve got to get to Dana, Kemal thought, desperately. I can’t let them hurt her. The problem was that the WTN studio was at the other end of downtown Washington.

When Kemal came to a bus stop, he got off the bicycle and pushed it onto the grass. As a bus approached, Kemal felt in his pockets and realized he had no money.

Kemal turned to a passerby. "Excuse me, could I have a – "

"Get lost, kid."

Kemal tried a woman who was approaching. "Excuse me, I need bus fare to – " The woman hurried by.

Kemal stood in the cold, without a coat, shivering. No one seemed to care. I’ve got to get bus fare, Kemal thought.

He yanked off his artificial arm and laid it on the grass. When the next man passed by, Kemal held out his stump and said, "Excuse me, sir. Could you give me enough money for bus fare?"

The man stopped. "Of course, son," he said, and handed Kemal a dollar.

"Thank you."

When the man walked away, Kemal quickly put his arm back on. A bus was approaching, just a block away. I’ve made it, Kemal thought jubilantly. And at that moment, he felt a sting in the back of his neck. As he started to turn, everything grew faint. Inside his head a voice was screaming, No! No! Kemal slumped to the ground, unconscious. Passersby began to gather.

"What happened?"

"Did he faint?"

"Is he all right?"

"My son is diabetic," a man said. "I’ll take care of him." He lifted Kemal up and carried him into a waiting limousine.

Abbe Lasmann’s apartment was in northwest Washington. It was large and comfortably decorated with contemporary furniture and white rugs. Dana was in the apartment alone, pacing back and forth, panicky, waiting for the phone to ring. Kemal must be all right. They have no reason to harm him. He’ll be fine. Where is he? Why can’t they find him?

When the phone rang, it startled Dana. She snatched it up. "Hello." The line was dead. It rang again, and Dana realized it was her cell phone. She felt a sudden sense of relief. She pressed the button. "Jeff?"

Roger Hudson’s voice said quietly, "We’ve been looking for you, Dana. I have Kemal here."

Dana stood there, unable to move, unable to talk. She whispered at last, "Roger – "

"I’m afraid I can’t control the men here much more. They want to cut off Kemal’s good arm. Shall I let them?"

"No!" It was a scream. "What – what do you want?"

"I just want to talk to you," Roger Hudson said reasonably. "I want you to come to the house, and I want you to come alone. If you bring anyone, I won’t be responsible for what happens to Kemal."

"Roger – "

"I’ll expect you in thirty minutes." The line went dead.

Dana stood there, numb with fear. Nothing must happen to Kemal. Nothing must happen to Kemal. With trembling fingers, Dana punched in Matt Baker’s phone number. Matt’s recorded voice came on.

"You have reached the office of Matt Baker. I’m not in right now, but leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible."

There was the sound of a beep. Dana took a deep breath and spoke into the phone. "Matt, I – I just got a call from Roger Hudson. He’s holding Kemal at his house. I’m going there now. Please hurry before something happens to Kemal. Bring the police. Hurry! "

Dana turned off her cell phone and headed for the door.

Abbe Lasmann was putting some letters on Matt Baker’s desk when she saw the message display flashing on Matt’s telephone. She dialed Matt’s password and played Dana’s recording. She stood there a moment, listening to it. Then she smiled and pressed the erase button.
