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The Stars Shine Down

"Right." Murchison had become one of the most ruthless and successful real estate developers in New York. Keller said, "Lara, he’s bad news. He enjoys destroying people."

"You worry too much."

The financing for Cameron Towers went smoothly. Lara had been right. The bankers felt that there was a sizzle to the tallest skyscraper in the world. And the name of Cameron was an added cachet. They were eager to be associated with her.

Lara was more than a glamorous figure. She was a symbol to the women of the world, an icon. If she can accomplish this, why not me? A perfume was named after her. She was invited to all the important social events, and hostesses were eager to have her at their dinner parties. Her name on a building seemed to ensure success.

"We’re going to start our own construction company," Lara decided one day. "We have the crews. We’ll rent them out to other builders."

"That’s not a bad idea," Keller said.

"Let’s go for it. How soon are we going to break ground for Cameron Towers?"

"The deal’s in place. I would say three months from now."

Lara sat back in her chair. "Can you imagine it, Howard? The tallest skyscraper in the world."

He wondered what Freud would have made of that.

The ground-breaking ceremony for Cameron Towers had the atmosphere of a three-ring circus. America’s Princess, Lara Cameron, was the main attraction. The event had been heavily publicized in the newspapers and on television, and a crowd of more than two hundred people had gathered, waiting for Lara to arrive. When her white limousine pulled up to the building site, there was a roar from the crowd.

"There she is!"

As Lara stepped out of the car and moved toward the building site to greet the mayor, police and security guards held the crowd back. The people pushed forward, screaming and calling her name, and the photographers’ flashbulbs began popping.

In a special roped-off section were the bankers, heads of advertising agencies, company directors, contractors, project managers, community representatives, and architects. One hundred feet away, large bulldozers and backhoes were standing by, ready to go to work. Fifty trucks were lined up to cart the rubble away.

Lara was standing next to the mayor and the Manhattan borough president. It had started to drizzle. Jerry Townsend, head of public relations for Cameron Enterprises, hurried toward Lara with an umbrella. She smiled and waved him away.

The mayor spoke into the cameras. "Today is a great day for Manhattan. This ground-breaking ceremony at Cameron Towers marks the beginning of one of the largest real estate projects in Manhattan’s history. Six blocks of Manhattan real estate will be converted into a modern community that will include apartment buildings, two shopping centers, a convention center, and the tallest skyscraper in the world."

There was applause from the crowd.

"Wherever you look," the mayor continued, "you can see Lara Cameron’s contribution written in concrete." He pointed. "Uptown is the Cameron Center. And near it, Cameron Plaza and half a dozen housing projects. And across the country is the great Cameron Hotel chain."

The mayor turned to Lara and smiled. "And she’s not only brainy, she’s beautiful."

There was laughter and more applause.

"Lara Cameron, ladies and gentlemen."

Lara looked into the television cameras and smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Mayor. I’m very pleased to have made some small contribution to this fabulous city of ours. My father always told me that the reason we were put on this earth was…" She hesitated. Out of the corner of her eye, she had seen a familiar figure in the crowd. Steve Murchison. She had seen his photograph in newspapers… What was he doing here? Lara went on… "was to leave it a better place than when we came into it. Well, I hope that in my own small way, I’ve been able to do that."

There was more applause. Lara was handed a ceremonial hard hat and a chrome-plated shovel.

"Time to go to work, Miss Cameron."

The flashbulbs began to pop again.

Lara pushed the shovel into the dirt and dug up the first bit of earth.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, refreshments were served, while the television cameras kept recording the event. When Lara looked around again, Murchison was nowhere in sight.

Thirty minutes later Lara Cameron was back in the limousine headed for the office. Jerry Townsend was seated next to her.

"I thought it went great," he said. "Just great."

"Not bad," Lara grinned. "Thanks, Jerry."

The executive suites of Cameron Enterprises occupied the entire fiftieth floor of Cameron Center.

Lara got off at the fiftieth floor, and by then the word had gotten around that she was arriving. The secretaries and staff were busily at work.

Lara turned to Jerry Townsend. "Come into my office."

The office was an enormous corner suite overlooking the city.

Lara glanced at some papers on her desk and looked up at Jerry.

"How’s your father? Is he any better?"

What did she know about his father?

"He’s…he’s not well."

"I know. He has Huntington’s chorea, hasn’t he, Jerry?"


It was a terrible disease. It was progressive and degenerative, characterized by spasmodic involuntary movements of the face and extremities, accompanied by the loss of mental faculties.

"How do you know about my father?"

"I’m on the board at the hospital where he’s being treated. I heard some doctors discussing his case."

Jerry said tightly, "It’s incurable."

"Everything is incurable until they find the cure," Lara said. "I did some checking. There’s a doctor in Switzerland who’s doing some advanced research on the disease. He’s willing to take on your father’s case. I’ll handle the expenses."
