Read Books Novel

The Stars Shine Down

"I understand." That shouldn’t be difficult to work into a conversation.

"The piano was originally known as the pianoforte. That is Italian for ‘soft-loud’…"

They spent the next few days discussing tapes that Philip had recorded – Beethoven, Liszt, Bartok, Mozart, Chopin.

Lara listened, and absorbed, and remembered.

"He likes Liszt. Tell me about him."

"Franz Liszt was a boy genius. Everyone admired him. He was brilliant. He was treated like a pet by the aristocracy, and he finally complained that he had become on par with a juggler or a performing dog…."

"Tell me about Beethoven."

"A difficult man. He was such an unhappy person that in the middle of his great success he decided he didn’t like the work that he had done, and he changed to longer and more emotional compositions, like the Eroica and the Pastoral…."


"Chopin was criticized for writing music for the piano, so the critics of his day called him limited…"

Later: "Liszt could play Chopin better than Chopin could…"

Another day: "There’s a difference between French pianists and American pianists. The French like clarity and elegance. Traditionally, their technical schooling is grounded in jeu perle – perfectly pearly evenness of articulation with a steady wrist…"

Each day they played one of Philip’s recordings and discussed it. At the end of the two weeks Professor Meyers said, "I must confess that I’m impressed, Miss Cameron. You are a truly dedicated pupil. Perhaps you should take up an instrument."

Lara laughed. "Let’s not get carried away." She handed him a check. "Here you are."

She could not wait for Philip to return to New York.

Chapter Twenty

The day started with good news. Terry Hill called.



"We just heard from the Gaming Commission. You’ve got your license."

"That’s wonderful, Terry!"

"I’ll go over the details when I see you, but it’s a green light. Apparently you impressed the hell out of them."

"I’ll get everything started right away," Lara said. "Thanks."

Lara told Keller what had happened.

"That’s great. We can sure use the cash flow. That will take care of a lot of our problems.."

Lara looked at her calender. "We can fly there on Tuesday and get things moving."

Kathy buzzed her. "There’s a Mr. Adler on line two. Shall I tell him…?"

Lara was suddenly nervous. "I’ll take it." She picked up the telephone. "Philip?"

"Hello. I’m back."

"I’m glad." / missed you.

"I know it’s short notice, but I wondered whether you might be free for dinner this evening."

She had a dinner engagement with Paul Martin. "Yes. I’m free."

"Wonderful. Where would you like to dine?"

"It doesn’t matter."

"La Cote Basque?"


"Why don’t we meet there? Eight o’clock?"


"See you tonight."

When Lara hung up, she was smiling.

"Was that Philip Adler?" Keller asked.

"Uh-huh. I’m going to marry him."

Keller was looking at her, stunned. "Are you serious?"


It was a jolt. I’m going to lose her, Keller thought. And then?: Who am I kidding? I could never have her.

"Lara…you hardly know him!"

I’ve known him all my life.

"I don’t want you to make a mistake."

"I’m not. I…" Her private telephone rang. The one she had had installed for Paul Martin. Lara picked it up. "Hello, Paul."

"Hi, Lara. What time would you like to make dinner tonight? Eight?"

She felt a sudden sense of guilt. "Paul…I’m afraid I can’t make it tonight. Something came up. I was just going to call you."

"Oh? Is everything all right?"

"Yes. Some people just flew in from Rome" – that part at least was true- – "and I have to meet with them."

"My bad luck. Another night, then."

"Of course."

"I hear the license came through for the Reno hotel."


"We’re going to have fun with that place."

"I’m looking forward to it. I’m sorry about tonight. I’ll talk to you tomorrow."

The line went dead.

Lara replaced the receiver slowly.

Keller was watching her. She could see the disapproval on his face.

"Is something bothering you?"

"Yeah. It’s all this modern equipment."

"What are you talking about?"

"I think you have too many phones in your office. He’s bad news, Lara."

Lara stiffened. "Mr. Bad News has saved our hides a few times, Howard. Anything else?"

Keller shook his head. "No."

"Right. Let’s get back to work."

Philip was waiting for her when she arrived at La Cote Basque. People turned to stare at Lara as she walked into the restaurant. Philip stood up to greet her, and Lara’s heart skipped a beat.

"I hope I’m not late," she said.

"Not at all." He was looking at her admiringly. His eyes were warm. "You look lovely."

She had changed clothes half a dozen times. Should I wear something simple or elegant or sexy? Finally, she had decided on a simple Dior. "Thank you."

When they were seated, Philip said, "I feel like an idiot."

"Oh? Why?"

"I never connected the name. You’re that Cameron."

She laughed. "Guilty."
