Read Books Novel

The Summer I Turned Pretty

The Summer I Turned Pretty (Summer #1)(20)
Author: Jenny Han

I hurried over to Conrad, walking so fast I kicked up sand behind me. "Hey, I’m gonna get a ride," I said breathlessly.

The blond Red Sox girl looked me up and down. "Hello," she said.

Conrad said, "With who?" I pointed at Cam. "Him."

"You’re not riding with someone you don’t even know," he said flatly.

"I do so know him. He’s Sextus."

He narrowed his eyes. "Sex what?"

"Never mind. His name is Cam, he’s studying whales, and you don’t get to decide who I ride home with. I was just letting you know, as a courtesy. I wasn’t asking for your permission." I started to walk away, but he grabbed my elbow.

"I don’t care what he’s studying. It’s not gonna happen," he said casually, but his grip was tight. "If you want to go, I’ll take you."

I took a deep breath. I had to keep cool. I wasn’t going to let him goad me into being a baby, not in front of all these people. "No, thanks," I said, trying to walk away again. But he didn’t let go.

"I thought you already had a boyfriend?" His tone was mocking, and I knew he’d seen through my lie the night before.

I wanted so badly to throw a handful of sand in his face. I tried to twist out of his grip. "Let go of me! That hurts!"

He let go immediately, his face red. It didn’t really hurt, but I wanted to embarrass him the way he was embarrassing me. I said loudly, "I’d rather ride with a stranger than with someone who’s been drinking!"

"I’ve had one beer," he snapped. "I weigh a hundred and seventy-five pounds. Wait half an hour and I’ll take you. Stop being such a brat."

I could feel tears starting to spark my eyelids. I looked over my shoulder to see if Cam was watching. He was. "You’re an ass**le," I said.

He looked me dead in the eyes and said, "And you’re a four-year-old."

As I walked away, I heard the girl ask, "Is she your girlfriend?"

I whirled around, and we both said "No!" at the same time.

Confused, she said, "Well, is she your little sister?" like I wasn’t standing right there. Her perfume was heavy.

It felt like it filled all the air around us, like we were breathing her in.

"No, I’m not his little sister." I hated this girl for being a witness to all this. It was humiliating. And she was pretty, in the same kind of way Taylor was pretty, which somehow made things worse.

Conrad said, "Her mom is best friends with my mom." So that was all I was to him? His mom’s friend’s daughter?

I took a deep breath, and without even thinking, I said to the girl, "I’ve known Conrad my whole life. So let me be the one to tell you you’re barking up the wrong tree. Conrad will never love anyone as much as he loves himself, if you know what I mean–" I lifted up my hand and wiggled my fingers.

"Shut up, Belly," Conrad warned. The tops of his ears were turning bright red. It was a low blow, but I didn’t care. He deserved it.

Red Sox girl frowned. "What is she talking about, Conrad?"

To her I blurted out, "Oh, I’m sorry, do you not know what the idiom ‘barking up the wrong tree’ means?"

Her pretty face twisted. "You little skank," she hissed.

I could feel myself shrinking. I wished I could take it back. I’d never gotten into a fight with a girl before, or with anyone for that matter.

Thankfully, Conrad broke in then and pointed to the bonfire. "Belly, go back over there, and wait for me to come get you," he said harshly.

That’s when Jeremiah ambled over. "Hey, hey, what’s going on?" he asked, smiling in his easy, goofy way.

"Your brother is a jerk," I said. "That’s what’s going


Jeremiah put his arm around me. He smelled like beer. "You guys play nice, you hear?"

I shrugged out of his hold and said, "I am playing nice. Tell your brother to play nice."

"Wait, are you guys brother and sister too?" the girl asked.

Conrad said, "Don’t even think about leaving with that guy."

"Con, chill out," Jeremiah said. "She’s not leaving. Right, Belly?"

He looked at me, and I pursed my lips and nodded. Then I gave Conrad the dirtiest look I could muster, and I shot one at the girl, too, when I was far enough away that she wouldn’t be able to reach out and grab me by the hair. I walked back to the bonfire, trying to keep my shoulders straight and high, when inside I felt like a kid who’d gotten yelled at at her own birthday party. It wasn’t fair, to be treated like I was a kid when I wasn’t. I bet me and that girl were the same age.

Cam said, "What was that all about?"

I was choking back tears as I said, "Let’s just go."

He hesitated, glancing back over at Conrad. "I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Flavia. But I’ll stay here with you and hang out for a while. The whales can wait."

I wanted to kiss him then. I wanted to forget I ever knew Conrad and just be there, existing in the bubble of that moment. The first firework went off, somewhere high above us. It sounded like a teakettle whistling loud and proud. It was gold, and it exploded into millions of gold flecks, like confetti over our heads.

We sat by the fire and he told me about whales and I told him about stupid things, like being secretary of French Club, and how my favorite food was pulled pork sandwiches. He said he was a vegetarian. We must have sat there for an hour. I could feel Conrad watching us the whole time, and I was so tempted to give him the finger–I hated it when he won.

When it started to get cold, I rubbed my arms, and Cam took off his hoodie and gave it to me. Which, was sort of my dream come true–getting cold and having a guy actually give you his hoodie instead of gloating over how smart he’d been to bring one.

Underneath, his T-shirt said STRAIGHT EDGE , with a picture of a razor blade, the kind a guy shaves with. "What does that mean?" I asked, zipping up his hoodie. It was warm and it smelled like boy, but in a good way.

"I’m straight edge," he said. "I don’t drink or do drugs. I used to be hardcore, where you don’t take over-the-counter medicine or drink caffeine, but I quit that."


"Why was I hardcore straight edge or why did I quit?"


"I don’t believe in polluting your body with unnatural stuff," he said. "I quit because it was making my mom crazy. And I also just really missed Dr Pepper."

I liked Dr Pepper too. I was glad I hadn’t been drinking. I didn’t want him to think badly of me. I wanted him to think I was cool, like the kind of girl who didn’t care what people thought, the kind of person he obviously was. I wanted to be his friend. I also wanted to kiss him.
