Read Books Novel

The Tied Man

The case became leaden in my hands.

‘You’ve thought of something, haven’t you?  Look, I’m getting up there and do my thing in a minute – got to go and get my nose powdered backstage if you get my drift – but hold that thought ‘til I get back.’  Gabriel got to his feet and bent down to whisper in my ear.  ‘Do I get a clue?’

‘Do you think everyone has a price?’ I asked quietly.

‘Wow.  Cryptic.’ He shrugged.  ‘Prob’ly.  Just some are higher than others.  Don’t move from that seat, will you?  I reckon you’re gonna love what I’m about to do.’  He paused.  ‘Well, I hope you like it.  I know I’m comin’ off as a bit of a dick right now, but I kind of feel I need to impress you.’  Then he threw his shoulders back, flicked his head of Byronic curls and straightened a pair of black leather jeans that looked as though they had been sprayed on.  I watched him make his way through the crowd, grasping outstretched hands and blowing kisses as if he were a separate species, evolved to exist in the public eye.

Across my knees, the briefcase lay squat as a toad as I considered Gabriel’s answer.


‘Oh yeah, that’s good, God, you’re a dirty, dirty bastard, just hold it there…’

I didn’t have a lot of choice about holding anything anywhere, but at least getting fucked against the dining table meant there was less chance of my leg giving way under me, and what Gary lacked in technique he certainly made up for in enthusiasm.

His fingers dug hard into my hips as he hammered his well-lubed cock into me, bringing himself off with a series of child-like squeaks.  I concentrated on relaxing my abdomen, granting him easier passage and –hopefully – making it feel a little less like I’d been attacked with a pile-driver the next morning.  After what seemed like aeons I felt him shove his way even further in than I would have thought possible, so that his balls slammed against me, and he shot his load into me with a loud cry.  Sweat from his forehead spattered onto my bare back, where he had shoved my shirt up for easier access.  As he pulled out I winced as my stomach gave its customary involuntary spasm.

I silently pulled my jeans back up from around my ankles and clenched my arse to stop the grubby little fucker’s cum from leaking out before I could rip my clothes off and fling them into a boil wash, and preferably before I had the added humiliation of Henry collecting my dirty laundry.  I hated bareback fucking, even though Blaine demanded proof  from each of her clients that  they were negative before they set foot on the island – I already knew I’d be spending the best part of an hour scouring away at my skin to rid myself of every trace of this bastard’s assorted bodily fluids.

‘Er…’ Gary mumbled.

‘Don’t worry,’ I said as I fastened my fly.  ‘This didn’t happen.’

‘Good.  Thanks.  This isn’t something people know about.  I mean, it’s not like I’m not into birds, but every now and again, it’s good to have a bit of a change.  It’s not like I’m permanently transferring to the other team.’  He chuckled at his own wit and I pictured the fire-poker embedded in his left temple.  ‘It’s cool to come somewhere I can be myself, to be honest.  Cost a bloody fortune, but worth every penny.’

I lit up a cigarette and Gary shook his head.  ‘Those things’ll kill you.’

‘Not fucking quickly enough,’

Gary looked confused. ‘Right, better get back to Kayleigh.  You know what birds are like if you leave ‘em too long.  Well, maybe you don’t… Anyway…’


Gary reached into his pocket, pulled out a twenty-pound note and folded it into my palm.

I waited until I could no longer hear his footsteps then threw my performance-related bonus onto the fire.  It flared bright blue, the colour of Lilith’s eyes, before vanishing in the flames.


Gabriel stood in the centre of the stage, swathed in dry-ice and adoration.  He raised a hand to the crowds and appealed for silence.  ‘For those of you who’ve been wonderin’,’ he announced in an accent that now made him sound like the Artful Dodger, ‘I reckon it’s time I put you out of your misery, yeah?’  He laughed in delight as the audience roared its approval.  ‘So yeah, this is about a friend of mine, and yeah, she’s here tonight.’

Three thousand pairs of eyes turned to stare at me.  ‘Oh, for fuck’s sake,’ I groaned, as I slid down my seat and tried to disguise myself against the tablecloth.
