Read Books Novel

The Tied Man

As regretful as she sounded, there was no doubt that this was how it had to be.  I sat obediently and observed as, having created their perfect boy, the two men proceeded to destroy him.


As Ellis slumped in a chair and watched, an erection already obvious through his black jeans, Chester sat next to Finn and cupped that fragile, beautiful face in his hands, turning his head so that it was in profile and kissing him hard, grabbing at his hair and forcing his tongue through unwilling lips.  As if in slow motion, Finn began to respond and returned the kiss with automatic, desperate passion.

Blaine turned to me.  ‘Look at that.  He’s virtually comatose, but he still knows all the moves.  I’ve never known such a professional little slut.’

I flinched at the words and she laughed.  ‘Oh Lilith, are you still playing the Salvationist?  Watch him at work and tell me – what else was he going to do?  It’s not as though I abducted him from the corridors of Dublin University, or stopped him from making the final breakthrough in the fight against cancer.  He was a whore when I met him.  A highly accomplished one, I’ll grant you, but a whore nonetheless.  All I did was provide him with a better territory.’

Chester finally broke away from the kiss and began to undress, carefully removing and folding each garment.  Ellis got an opportunity to play now, and as he stepped into the pool of light by the bed, I saw the cruelty in his designer smile.  He casually drew his right arm back and hit Finn hard across the face with the back of his hand and the man who had once happily fought three of Coyle’s thugs at the same time collapsed back onto the bed, the first blood of the night leaking from the corner of his mouth in a thin trickle.  He didn’t even raise a hand to wipe it away.

Blaine wore an expression that suggested equal parts arousal and triumph.  She clearly found my disgust amusing.  ‘It’s time you faced an unpleasant truth, Lilith.  I don’t think you can deny that there’s something in this scenario that fulfils Finn in a way you never will.’  She returned to running her fingers through my hair.  ‘You might just be trying to rescue someone who really doesn’t want to be saved.’

Ellis wrapped his hands around Finn’s neck,  thumbs resting on his windpipe, and began to squeeze; softly at first, almost a caress.  As the grip tightened Finn’s first instinct was to reach out and rest his fingers on Ellis’ cheek in hopeless entreaty.  Even through the silencing glass, I could understand the mouthed ‘No’.

‘Blaine, they’re going to kill him,’ I whispered.

‘Don’t be ridiculous.  It’s just air play,’ Blaine corrected me.  ‘If you deprive a man of oxygen for long enough, then restore the supply, it produces a far more impressive erection.  Although in Finn’s case any erection at all would be impressive.’

As I watched, impotent and sickened behind our barrier, Chester grinned in delight and stroked his hard-on, and Finn began to convulse.  His back arched and his hands thrashed against the sheets, flailing uselessly as Ellis continued to choke him.  The second the hold was released the seizure stopped and Finn’s chest heaved, but this was the only movement he made, much to his tormentor’s annoyance.  Ellis had expected some sign of arousal, but Finn wasn’t even capable of consciousness now.

‘Oh come on, Finn,’ Blaine hissed.  ‘Give them something, for heaven’s sake.’

If she was concerned that her latest customers might ask for a refund, she needn’t have worried.  Despite Ellis’ initial irritation at Finn’s inconsiderate lapse, they were both more than happy to continue playing.  As Ellis began to unbutton his shirt, Chester hauled Finn over so that he was now lying face-down on the quilt, then returned to the discreet leather holdall that held their toys. He extracted a tiny brown glass bottle –  amyl, I guessed – and an unopened tube of lubricant.  He threw the lube to Ellis but kept the bottle for himself.

Chester unscrewed the bottle, lifted it to his nose and inhaled deeply, before holding it for Ellis so that he could do the same.  Finally he masked Finn’s nose and mouth with his cupped hands so that he had no choice but to breathe in the fumes as Ellis squeezed a gobbet of lube onto the back of his right hand and smeared it across his fingers so that they gleamed in the candlelight.  I looked away, but Blaine caught hold of my chin and turned my face back towards the window.  ‘Consequences, Lilith.’

Finn’s face contorted in agony as a clenched hand  was shoved deep into him, and when Ellis pulled his fingers away blood and shit glistened across his knuckles.  He must have deemed him ready, because without any further ceremony he began to fuck Finn with lethal savagery.
