Read Books Novel

The Tied Man

‘At least you tried, love,’ Henry said. ‘More than anyone else could have done.’

‘Oh, shut up, you pair of maudlin, defeatist bastards.’  Lilith wriggled from my embrace and sat up, wearing the blanket like a superhero cape.  ‘Not everything that happens in this unutterable hole has to end in crushing disappointment and despair, you know.’

‘What, you mean…’ I didn’t dare finish the sentence, but Lilith managed to stop shivering long enough to give a rictus grin.

‘I did it, Finn.  It nearly bloody killed me, and I didn’t realise how long it would take to dial a number when I couldn’t feel my fingers, but I did it.’  She returned my kiss and whispered,  ‘Game on.’

Chapter Twenty Nine


A week to the day since our last meeting, Blaine and I rode out together.  She was on Bruno, and once again I took Ruby.  The little chestnut mare was still skittish and ill-tempered, but she was far calmer than the day I had ridden with Finn, and despite the company I relished the exhilaration of a flat-out gallop over frozen fields.  There was also something particularly satisfying about pulling three lengths ahead as we thundered uphill on a track away from the village.

We came to a halt on an exposed rise at the estate boundary wall, so that Blaine  could survey her fiefdom’s winter splendour.  Leafless trees stood in stark contrast against a clear lazuline sky, and in the distance, woodsmoke curled lazily from half-a-dozen holiday cottage chimneys;  the last guests of the year enjoying a break before the ski-season began.

Blaine was poised and technically perfect in the saddle, but she wore a discreet pair of spurs that she used on Bruno’s sweating flanks, and he fretted and mouthed at his bit as she held him on a tight rein.  ‘So, now you’ve proved that you’re the superior rider, are you going to tell me what you want from me, and what you’re prepared to give in return?’

I had rehearsed this so many times in my head over the past seven days.  Something slightly audacious, but achievable. ‘I want a weekend with Finn, once every month.  Here at Albermarle, of course.’  The script transformed itself into calm, measured words.

Blaine raised a disdainful eyebrow.  ‘That’s certainly some request.  It would mean you  spending more time with him than any other client ever has.  And for this unprecedented generosity, what would I get?’

‘There are two elements. The first is that I would bring you a new client in time for your birthday.’

‘Is that it?  I think you’ll find I’m perfectly capable of finding new guests all by myself, Lilith.’  Blaine kicked Bruno into a walk back along the bridle path, clearly disgusted by my meagre offer.

‘I wasn’t implying that I would simply grab someone off the street.  I mean someone who means something to me.  No more ‘innocent victim’ – I become complicit in your business.’

Blaine hauled Bruno to a halt.  ‘And who would this ‘someone’ be?  From what I recall, your address book is hardly bursting at the seams.’

‘Gabriel James.’

And then Blaine couldn’t help but smile.  ‘What, your little puppy from London?’

I nodded.  ‘He’s completely besotted with me.  And he has an appetite for depravity that’s just waiting to be explored.’

‘You’re sure of that?’

‘Positive.  Some people are exceptionally easy to read.  I’m sure he’d be willing to perform, in all senses of the word.’

Blaine patted Bruno’s taut neck with a gloved hand.  ‘I certainly don’t doubt your judgement on these things.  So how were you planning to contact him?  Another trip to London is quite out of the question.’

‘I’ll call him.  From your office, with the speaker on – that way you’ll know exactly what’s been said by both of us.’

‘And the second part?’

Despite her calm, non-committal response, I could see the excitement begin to glitter in her eyes at the thought of a personal minstrel to add to her new collection of artists.  Now to seal it.

‘You get me.  Finn told me that you usually bring one of your girls up from London for your party – well, from now on you won’t have to.’

Blaine gave a harsh laugh of surprise.  ‘You mean you’re willing to let me auction you instead?’

‘That’s pretty much it. Yes.’

‘Lilith, are you entirely sure about what you’re offering here? Because there will be no going back on any of this, if I agree.’
