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The Undead Pool

The Undead Pool (The Hollows #12)(136)
Author: Kim Harrison

Her eyes flicked to Jonathan. She swallowed hard, eyes welling as she looked at the girls, and then, head falling, she turned. Heels clicking on the cobbles, she strode away, not acknowledging the watching people.

“ ’Scuse me,” Jenks said tartly. “I have a little dusting to do.”

Ray called out after him as he left. I was shaking, uneasy, as a few Weres peeled off from the rest and followed Ellasbeth out. Slowly the crowd faded back, leaving only the zoo security with their green uniforms and two-way radios. Jonathan came forward with a dangerous grace I remembered but had never given much credit to. He could have killed them. It would have been easy, both to do and to live with afterward, and that was why I was Trent’s security, not him.

Trent inclined his head at the last of the Weres, and the man touched his nose before fading into the dispersing crowd. I couldn’t tell what pack he belonged to, but I probably owed David a favor.

“Thank you, Jonathan,” I said, numb, as the tall man took Lucy and set her in the stroller. Zoo security was beginning to ring us, and it was clear we had to leave.

“I didn’t do this for you,” the man growled, his long fingers ugly as he snapped the buckles around the little girl. Trent cleared his throat in rebuke, and he stood. “Excuse me,” he said, the scent and feel of wild magic lingering about him as he handed Trent his card back. “I’ll take the girls and find some damp towels.”

They were already clean, but Trent nodded, evidently needing a moment to collect himself. I watched as Jonathan pushed the girls to a nearby water fountain.

“What did he say to them?” I asked.

“I’ve no idea.” Trent wiped the back of his neck, and the scent of cinnamon and wine grew strong. “But Jon is probably the reason I survived and my siblings didn’t.” He looked up, his expression grim in the dappled shade of the pergola. “Quen is good, but Jon has no restraint and acts without thinking beyond the moment. He was with me the night my siblings died. He’s like having a loaded gun on the nightstand with kids in the house. Unsafe even now.”

“Are you okay?” I asked, and he touched my elbow, trying to get me to walk over to the water fountain. Nina and Ivy already had, closing in around the most vulnerable members of the group. It was time to go.

“I’m sorry about this,” Trent said, glancing to where Ellasbeth had stood. “I knew she was going to try something, but I honestly thought she’d be a day or two after the media broke. And at the zoo? I am truly sorry. You being here was not my intent.”

I made my steps slow, reluctant to reach the sun and the lack of privacy. “I’m glad I was. Like I said, are you okay?”

Trent hesitated, a faint smile beginning as he looked from the strange, mixed-up group. Jenks had joined them, and his dust seemed to be the glue that bound them. “Tired,” he admitted, but his touch had become tighter about my waist, pulling me to him.

“No doubt,” I said as we rocked back into motion. “It’s after noon.”

“Not that tired,” he said, leaning to whisper it. “Just . . . tired? Are you . . . tired?”

Oh! Getting it, I felt myself warm. “Gosh, Trent,” I whispered, both pleased and flustered. “People are watching.”

“Let them watch,” he said, motioning for Jonathan to take the girls and go before us. Looking as if he’d rather eat slugs, the tall man maneuvered the girls onto the path and started forward. Ivy and Nina with their new hats fell into place behind them, leaving Jenks to fall back to us. His dust sparkled as we found the sun, and tugging me closer, Trent stole a quick kiss.

“Seriously?” Jenks snarked as I turned the quick kiss into something a little more lengthy, more promising. “You’ve both lost just about everything, and all you can think of is sifting your dust? I will never understand you lunkers.”

Trent pulled away, his eyes holding a heat that set my own libido sparkling. “Lost?” he said, our pace exactly perfect as we followed behind them. “Lost what? Money? My table at Carew Tower?”

“Your voice in the enclave,” I added. “Your tee time at the golf course.”

Trent sighed regretfully, but he was holding me tight. “True. Money drives the world, but when everything falls apart to leave the underpinnings of our life bare to the scrutiny of critics and thieves, the only thing remaining, the only thing that can’t be taken away, is the love you hold for the people you care about.” He pulled me closer, and I leaned into him, feeling warm, as if I’d finally done something real and right. “I have a very sturdy house, Jenks,” Trent said. “So do you.”

And understanding that perfectly, Jenks flew ahead to tease the girls.
