Read Books Novel

The Unidentified Redhead

The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead #1)(20)
Author: Alice Clayton

“What the what?” I cried, feeling my back. I had lain right on his espresso, knocked it over, and it was now all over my back and sweet mother of pearl it was hot! It was dripping off the side of the table and onto the floor.

“Are you OK?” he exclaimed, un-sticking my shirt and holding it away from my body so I could get a little air flow.

“Yes! God dammit, that hurts!” I cried. And what the hell, who makes out with someone as hot as this guy and then lays in hot coffee?

You do, Grace.

“You’d better take that off. It’s cooling now,” he observed, staring at the coffee destruction that I had inflicted on my shirt.

“Ya think?” I asked, more frustrated that the kissing had stopped than the fact that my back was probably blistering. I could tell he was concerned that I’d really hurt myself, but there was also a twinkle beginning to build in his eye. He was trying not to laugh as he continued to hold my shirt away from my back.

“If I take this shirt off, I’ll be topless. No bra, mister, can you handle that?” I inquired.

“Why don’t we just take a look at your back first, make sure you’re OK.

Then I’ll see about handling you,” he teased, still trying not to laugh. I turned around and grasped my tank top, pulling it slowly up toward my shoulders. As I revealed my back to him, I heard him gasp.

“Yeah, that’s right. Liking the view?” I asked, swaying my hips suggestively. I peered over my shoulder in what I thought was a seductive gaze. He was frowning.

“Settle down, Crazy Girl, you are really red back here. Let me get you some ice,” he replied. “Stay here.”

He walked into the kitchen and I could hear him puttering about. He came back in a minute, holding a Ziploc bag filled with ice and wrapping a kitchen towel around it. He took my elbow and began leading me into his bedroom.

I still had my shirt pulled up around my chin, trying to keep the girls under cover in front. I saw him sneak a glance down and then shake his head. He was smiling that sexy little half grin.

“You’re in quite the compromising position.”

“Compromise this,” I shot back, as we walked into his bedroom. I could tell he had just straightened up right before I got there, and I was touched.

It smelled like Febreze.

He guided me over to the bed. “Right then, you lay down, and I’m gonna put this on your back. It should feel better. I promise I won’t peek,” he stated, as I stood in front of him. I stretched up on my tiptoes to place a soft kiss on his neck and then kicked off my sneakers.

“Close your eyes,” I whispered. He grinned and his eyes slammed shut dramatically.

I lifted my shirt off over my head and tossed it on the floor in front of me.

As it hit the tops of his feet, he smiled again.

“You promised, no peeking,” I scolded, moving over to his bed.

“I know. I’m trying. You’re kind of killin’ me here. Let me know when you’re settled,” he said softly.

“All right, I’m good. You can open now,” I answered. I had settled myself on the middle of his bed, lying on my tummy, facing him. I had grabbed a pillow and placed it below me, and it was keeping me covered. Mostly. I might have arranged my cle**age a little. He opened his eyes and took me in.

“Why the hell couldn’t you have spilled some on your pants, too, Grace?” he joked, sitting next to me. “Hold still, here comes the ice.” He gently placed the towel-wrapped ice bag on the place where it was the most red, and I hissed involuntarily.

“Does that hurt much?” he asked, his other hand running up and down my arm soothingly.

“No, not too much. It’s just the cold.”

We both smiled at each other again. I looked around his room and noticed a guitar in the corner. I would have to remember to ask him about that.

I sighed. “What’s that about?” he asked, noticing the sigh.

“It’s nothing. When I imagined me being topless in your bedroom, there wasn’t an ice pack involved,” I joked.

“You are not the only one who has imagined you topless in here. Who knew you would sustain an injury, though?” he answered.

“Well, I’m here. And I am topless.”

“Yes, and still burned. I wouldn’t want you to injure yourself further,” he stated firmly.

I looked at him. He was sitting cross legged on the bed next to me with the ice bag in one hand, holding it to my back. The other was still on my arm.

He looked like a piece of heaven. I couldn’t resist him. He was too delicious.

I sat up, with my hands still covering me. He slid the ice off my back. I reached out my hands to him, leaving me open to his gaze. His eyes widened and a slow grin spread across his face. I pushed him back onto the pillows and swung one leg over.

“It’s OK, Hamilton. I’ll just have to be on top.”

“Beautiful,” he breathed.

Nice move, Grace, now go get yours.

We did not do the deed. That would have been too easy, too soon. It would’ve been amazing, but amazing too soon. I thought about what had transpired between us as I drove home. My mind kept flashing on images that were particularly pleasant.

His eyes, staring up at me as I straddled him, running my hands through my hair, smirking down at him …

His hands, when he touched me for the first time. He’d run them slowly from my hips to my belly, and then proceeded, with agonizing slowness, to my br**sts. He watched my face for approval as he circled me, caressing the sides of each before gently kneading my skin. I had moaned when his fingertips brushed against my ni**les, which hardened instantly.

His soft smile, as he watched me begin to come undone …

His strength, as he sat up underneath me, nuzzling at my neck. He had been so careful not to touch my back, and he used my hips to guide me closer to him. I only cringed slightly when he grasped me there. I wasn’t quite as self conscious as I had once been. I had lost my hands in his hair again. His breath had gotten heavier and more uneven as I pressed my hips downward onto him, eliciting a groan that made my blood boil and my tummy flip.

His lips, as he pressed them further down my neck toward my br**sts. I had arched backward to get better leverage, and he kissed down between them.

He had planted soft kisses all over, between, below and around.

His tongue, when he finally took my right nipple into his mouth. He had sucked tortuously, running his tongue back and forth before releasing it with a nibble. He had grinned wickedly at me, as he watched my reaction.
