Read Books Novel

The Unidentified Redhead

The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead #1)(28)
Author: Alice Clayton

And he had marked me.

Just before he dragged his body back up mine, he’d nibbled lightly on the inside of my right thigh. I sighed his name once more and he actually bit down, piercing the skin and making me shiver delightfully. He had flashed me a triumphant grin—there is nothing like a proud, proud man. A man should feel pride in his work, and making me come was now his job. I had never been given it so good in my life. My throat was hoarse, my legs were on permanent shimmy-shake, and I could not wipe the grin from my tired face.

And I was still wearing my heels. Slut.

I was lying on my back, with Jack snuggled up against me, his head pressed into the nook between my neck and my shoulders. His hand absently continued to caress my br**sts, traveling from one to the other while I breathed contentedly beneath him. I had no energy even to speak, but I did channel a little strength into making my fingers scratch his head, granting me a peaceful sigh back. It was the least I could do. He had earned it.

“Grace?” he whispered, long after the music had switched to something a little more quiet.

“Hmm?” was all I could manage.

“I love that you called out my name when you, you know,” he said quietly.

“I did?” I asked incredulously.

“You don’t remember?”

“Sweet Nuts, I don’t remember anything after you ripped my panties off. I think I may have blacked out.” I sighed.

He laughed and continued to stroke my br**sts. It was more than pleasant.

“I’ll tell you what, though. You give mama a few minutes to recover here, and then it is on, Johnny Bite Down.” I quipped, the thought sending a fresh wave of desire through my body, which he instantly noticed.

“Grace, you have sex hair!” He laughed, guiding my hand up to the back of my head, where I could feel a nest beginning to form.

“Ah well, it was worth it.” I giggled, rolling over on top of him and sliding down his body. “Now then, let’s see what young Mr. Hamilton is up for … ooh, I see he is already up,” I teased, as I made my way down his body.

“Hey, I thought you said you needed some recovery time, Crazy,’“ he protested weakly, trying to grab my shoulders.

“Hamilton, shut the f**k up and enjoy this,” I said, using his own words against him.

He smiled and nestled his head back into the pillows, folding his arms behind his head to give him a better view of me.

“Carry on then.” He smirked.

And carry on I did.

Chapter 12

I crawled down his body like a smitten kitten, intent on where I was headed.

He hissed when I let my br**sts brush against him, sliding up and back again with purposeful movements designed to make him come unglued. This was not my first time at the rodeo, and I knew I was quite good at this. While he had started out smirking, his mouth had quickly turned into a perfectly shaped O

as his eyes closed and he exhaled slowly.

“Grace,” he whispered, drawing my name out for literal y seconds. His hands returned to my hair almost instantly and brushed it back from my face. When his eyes opened again, he saw me positioned with my mouth directly above him, not moving at all. I let my breath caress him and I watched him twitch beneath me. He was gorgeous. I gently took him into my mouth, just barely, and let my tongue sweep out to touch the tip of him. He groaned.

The sound of Jack Hamilton groaning was quite possibly the most beautiful sound in the world.

I let my fingertips caress the length of him and then grasped him firmly.

His hips bucked off the bed, as my own had done earlier. Turnabout was fair play. I was going to enjoy teasing him.

When I took him into my mouth and he felt my hot tongue push against him, he reacted involuntarily. I stroked him quickly and then slowly, alternating my grip between maddeningly gentle and perfectly tight. He let his hands loose in my hair, gripping me when he needed an anchor.

I wrapped my lips around the base of him and then gently surrounded him with my teeth. I pulled back, letting my teeth graze his skin with gentle pressure, releasing him with relish. I immediately took him in again, burying him in my mouth as I had done earlier, letting him fill me. His breath took on a husky quality, and I knew he was getting close. I couldn’t let that happen.

I stopped, and sat back on my heels, and his eyes sprang open, meeting mine. Tilting my head as I looked at him, I grinned.

“Grace, quit f**king with me,” he growled thickly.

“Oh, I have only begun to f**k with you,” I whispered back. Leaning down again, I took his hands and pressed them against the sides of my br**sts, pushing them together. I took him between them, squeezing him and earning another groan of approval.

“Ah, Grace, your tits are heaven.” He moaned.

“Mmm, does that feel good?” I asked, as I watched him from above.

“You have no idea,” he answered roughly.

I had some idea.

I bent down and took him back into my mouth again. I knew the sight of me with him between my br**sts was going to be more than he could handle, and when my tongue found him again, I knew he was seconds away from his release. My mouth was furious on him, pumping him in and out of me, and his groans grew steadily louder as he tried to pull away from me.

“Grace, oh God, Grace, I’m going to … mmmm … ” he stuttered, sitting up, trying to be a gentleman about this.

I paused only for a second to say, “I know,” and with one hand pushed him back onto the bed, lowering myself to him again.

He let his head settle into the pillows as he gripped my hair again, feeling his release begin. I felt him starting to come before he actually did, and I kept my mouth tightly on him. I knew he wanted me to pull away. That sweet display of chivalry would have never worked on me. I wouldn’t miss this for anything.

I felt him explode in my mouth, and I continued to keep pace with him as he shook. I watched from my vantage point as the most beautiful man in the world made the most beautiful face in the world.

Watching Jack come was like nothing I had ever seen. He said my name repeatedly, loudly at first, and then quietly, almost reverently as he began to climb back down. I watched as his face, brow furrowed at first and clenched in passion, began to soften and my favorite smile crept in.

He was luminous.

He was angelic.

He was mine. Whether he knew it or not, he was mine.

I released him from my mouth, kissing him softly. I planted sweet kisses all along his belly and his chest as I crawled back up. I settled into his nook, and he held me close. He continued to say my name, getting quieter with each breath he took. Leaning down, he kissed my forehead, pulling me closer to him.
