Read Books Novel

The Unidentified Redhead

The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead #1)(3)
Author: Alice Clayton

Dark emerald green with flecks of gold.

This guy must get so much play.

I leaned closer to him and said quietly, “You only need to worry if she asks you to dance for her. Watch out for that.” He grinned a sexy little smile while Holly took him by the hand and began leading him away. “OK, kids. I need Jack to meet a few people. I’ll deal with you two later.” The two of them headed back into the living room as Jack waved over his shoulder, leaving me and Nick to laugh in the kitchen.

“So, you played that real smooth, Nick. Is that the hottie you’ve been raving about all night?”

“Don’t act like you didn’t think he was cute. I saw the way you checked him out,” he said, leaning back against the counter and fanning himself. “I made such an ass of myself! I wanted to play it much cooler when I saw him, but I couldn’t make myself shut up! Did I actually tell him he was pretty?” he asked, a blush staining his cheeks as he reenacted the encounter in his mind.

“Yeah, you did. But don’t worry about it. When I first moved out here, I was convinced I recognized an actor from Baywatch. I stalked him from produce all the way to the bakery and when he finally looked at me, I muttered the word

“Hasselhoff” and then ran and hid in the soup aisle. I still get embarrassed when I see a box of Cup O’ Noodles,” I assured him.

“You should be embarrassed because you’re still buying Cup O’ Noodles, but whatever. Let’s get plowed and flirt with pretty boys!” he said, refilling my martini glass, making it extra dirty. I laughed and ignored the fluttering in my tummy when I heard a British accent floating in from the other room.

Later that night, Holly and I were out on the terrace overlooking the city, working our way through our fourth cocktail and toasting her success. Nick came out to say his goodnights and slipped his arm around my waist.

“OK, bitches, I’m taking off. Be good, and make sure no one goes home with my pretty boy. I need to make sure he stays pure until I can convince him to switch teams,” he teased, wagging his finger at Holly.

“How do you know he doesn’t already play on your team, Nick?” I asked.

Holly laughed and said, “Oh, sweetie, Jack is the hottest thing to hit this town in a while. He’s got girls throwing themselves at him every night. He’s discreet, but he is hittin’ that shit.”

“Oh, God, I can’t hear any more. It’ll make me too sad. I’m going home to weep over some Manilow,” Nick cried, throwing a sad look at the both of us as he made his way back into the house. He passed Jack on his way, who was talking to two girls over by the piano, and he winked at Nick. I heard Nick mutter “tease” as he walked by, and I could see Jack chuckling.

“So, I get that he’s cute,” I said, “and what girl doesn’t like an accent? But why is he the next big thing? Nick mentioned something about a movie coming out … Time or something?” I asked Holly, scooting closer to her as we watched Jack talk to the two girls that couldn’t stop giggling at everything he said. I noticed he bit down on his lower lip constantly.

Was he nervous?

“Grace, are you serious? You can’t be serious. Time?” She stopped short and looked at me incredulously.

“What? Is this something I would know about?” I racked my brain trying to remember if I had heard anything about this movie, but was drawing a blank.

“So, you have never read the short stories Time is based on? You really don’t know anything about them?” she asked, still looking shocked

“Hey, I’ve had a lot going on lately. I haven’t had a lot of time to read much.

Besides, you know I read mostly nonfiction,” I answered, looking back at Jack through the clear glass of the French doors.

“It’s a series of short stories that were written for a women’s magazine.

How the hell did you miss these?” she cried. She was still looking at me like she couldn’t believe what I was telling her.

“What are they about? Is that why Nick is so excited for this movie to come out?” I noted.

“Grace, shut up and listen to me. These stories and this movie will have everything you have ever wanted: passion, love, adventure, sex, humor. Practical y every woman I know is in love with them! The main character, Joshua—holy hel , girl. He’s like a sexy scientist man traveling through time, and in each story he’s in a different period. Joshua, hell, he is such a jackass, but an adorable jackass, and from story to story he’s with a different woman. This movie is going to be huge!” she squealed. She was getting very excited.

“Hmm, I don’t know. I’m not usually a romance fan. Too schmaltzy, ya know? Not really a fan of science fiction either. Not my thing. Gimme a good historical nonfiction, like, did you see there’s a new book out about Lincoln?

They now think that he—”

“Oh, would you shut up about your historical nonfiction?” Holly interrupted. “Honestly, it’s like you’re sprinting toward the retirement home. And Time isn’t romance, it’s just … Gah, I can’t describe it! That’s why this movie is such a big deal—and why Jack is such a hot commodity right now. Jack is Joshua. Women are losing their minds across this entire country waiting for it to come out. Oh man, I can’t wait for you to read them! You swear to me right now you’ll read them!” she pleaded with me, her voice getting steadily higher. I had only ever seen her this worked up when Donnie Wahlberg was involved.

“Jesus, fine. Calm down,” I said. “Did you just squeal? Yes, I will freaking read them,” I placated, noticing that Jack was coming toward us.

“Jack, listen to this,” Holly started. “Grace hasn’t read the Time short stories.

She has never even heard of the movie! ” she called out as he walked onto the terrace, leaving the two girls giggling in his wake. He stared at me dramatically and then swept me into a close hug.

“Run away with me,” he said quietly, pulling back to look at me, placing a hand on each side of my face. Holly laughed behind us. I chuckled nervously and then got control.

“Are you asking random women to run away with you, Jack?” Holly asked, and he dropped his hands from my face, looking at me in mock adoration

“Random? I meant it this time!” he said. “I told you, the next female I meet that hasn’t heard of this silly little film I will run off with, have a tasty little tryst to satisfy the gossip magazines. How lucky am I that she seems normal?” he joked back.
