Read Books Novel

The Unidentified Redhead

The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead #1)(36)
Author: Alice Clayton

“Good show, right?” I asked.

“Hmm, I don’t know if I would go that far,” he said, his fingers finding their way to the top button on my shirt.

“Hey, mister, I have a huge audition tomorrow. I’ll probably have to sing.

I can’t be screaming tonight,” I warned, already growing warm as he started in on the second button.

“Grace, it’s not my fault if you can’t control your volume. Exercise a little self restraint, for pity’s sake.”

“Right. Not possible with you.”

I relaxed into it though, as he began kissing lower with each button he popped.



“Are you wearing anything underneath this shirt?”

“What do you think?” I teased. He undid the last button and spread my shirt out.

I was bare beneath.

“Fantastic,” he breathed at the sight of me.

His mouth immediately went to work on my left nipple, his hand coming up to knead my right breast. I moaned in spite of myself.

“Hey, quiet down there, mouthy,” he chided, one hand dipping down lower, nudging my legs apart.

“If you do that, I’m not sure how quiet I can be,” I begged, feeling myself getting more excited by the second. I tried to distract him by turning his face up toward mine, but the boy was already on the move.

“Grace, I’ll make you a promise,” he said, peering back up at me, his chin resting on my tummy.

“Yes?” I asked, my voice cracking.

“If you can keep your voice down, I’ll promise you that I’ll only make you come once, and trust me when I say that once will be enough,” he enticed, rubbing circles over my Hamilton Brand.

“And if I can’t keep it down?” I asked naughtily. I really did need to get some sleep, but now he had piqued my interest.

“Then al bets are off, and I’l ravage you like I did last night. Al . Night. Long.” Hell.

Grace, you have one of the most important meetings of your life tomorrow. You cannot lose your voice.

But he said he would ravage me. And having been ravaged by Mr. Hamilton before, I was anxious to ride this roller coaster again.

Grace, grow up. Let the man get you off once. It will be spectacular, obviously, and then you can get some sleep.

But I didn’t know if I could keep my voice down. I tended to lose all control when his mouth was involved.

For f**k’s sake, Grace, grow up. Bite down on a leather belt or something.

He was watching my inner monologue with great fascination, chuckling at me.

“Well, Crazy? What’s it going to be?” he inquired, while hooking my right leg over his shoulder. He leaned his head toward me, licking his lips, watching for my answer. I was shivering.

Orgasm #1 or Orgasm #2? To be fair Orgasm #2 would probably quickly be fol owed by Orgasms #3-13 and beyond … and no voice tomorrow. Oh, God, this was impossible. He was blowing on me now, his breath making me pant heavily.

Grace …

I grabbed handful of duvet and bit down.

“Good girl,” he whispered with a satisfied grin and went to work.

And it was spectacular.

Chapter 16

Warmth spread through my tummy as tightness began to build. I hissed as I felt a flickering, an insistent fluttering, and then a warm wet tongue sweetly lapping at me. I leaned into it, feeling the intensity as it ran through me.


I woke with a start, breathing heavily, and in the middle of a moan. I clutched the sheets to me, covering my nakedness. I could still feel the pangs of my dream orgasm beating through me. It had been so real. It felt so real. I was still completely aroused.

“Thank, God, you’re up. I was worried that I was losing my touch,” I heard my Brit say. I looked around the room, searching for him, until I felt a poke on my leg.

I looked down, and I saw Jack between my legs.

This would now be known as the Hamiltonian Wake-Up-Call.

His tongue was poised just over me, ready to deliver another kind of kiss that killed.

“Oh, God. I wasn’t dreaming that?” I exclaimed, ni**les on point.

“Huh uh,” he whispered, pointing his tongue and placing it against me. I leaned up on my elbows and watched him. Amazing. The sight of him, spreading me with his magic fingers and pressing his tongue against me, was the best way I had ever been woken up.

I moaned.

Then he moaned against me, the vibration of his lips making me shiver.

He buried his face in my sex, making my toes curl and my back arch. He furiously pressed his tongue into me, bringing me to a quick peak. I clutched my thighs around him, digging my heels into his shoulders, rocking back onto the bed. Before I was finished, I pulled his face away.

“Come here.” I growled, and after kissing my Hamilton Brand, he obeyed. I kissed him feverishly, the taste of me all over him. He was still gloriously naked from the night before … and gloriously hard. I grasped him firmly while his hips bucked into mine. My name slipped from his lips as I whispered in his ear.

“Touch me again,” I said, guiding his hand back to me. We stroked each other, and I was stil so sensitive from just moments ago that it did not take much.

“Oh, God, Jack! That’s so good!” I cried, never taking my gaze off his, even though my eyes wanted to roll back in my head.

He growled as he watched me come again, a devilish grin on his face. I pushed him back and knelt next to him on the bed. He kept one hand between my legs, and I dedicated both of my hands to him, watching his beautiful face.

He was moaning, my name continuing to fall from his mouth. He was rock hard, and I imagined how he would feel inside me.

He was close, and I pressed my face to his. His head was thrown back on the pillows with that look that I’d come to love all over his face. It was a thing of beauty. His eyes were fiercely shut, jaw tense, brow furrowed, mouth slightly open, moaning my name. As much as it killed me to do it, I removed his hand from me. I wanted this to be about him.

“Open your eyes, Jack,” I said quietly. “I need to see you.” His lids opened and the look of wonder in his eyes stunned me silent. I felt him tense as he came for me, and I grasped his face with my left hand, sweeping open kisses across his cheek as I watched him.

His eyes never left mine. I felt him shudder and I slowed my hand, gently taking him back down.

“Jesus, Grace.” He moaned, finally shutting his eyes, pulling my forehead down to meet his own. His breath was sweet as he continued to shudder. I wrapped my arms around him and wrapped my body around him as well. I brought him down to my breast and cuddled him to me, holding him tightly as the last few waves ran through his body.
