Read Books Novel

The Unidentified Redhead

The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead #1)(51)
Author: Alice Clayton

“Right then. That’s settled. But remember one thing, Grace,” he said.


He pushed his head above the covers, looking wonderful y rumpled and sexy.

“When I’m working, I’m working. You can come and meet them then.

Because when I’m not working … ” he paused and I finished for him.

“You’re only going to be working me, George.” I arched an eyebrow at him.

He gazed at me for a moment and just the look in his eyes made my ni**les go on point.

He noticed.

“Grace, you bad girl. You’re going to enjoy this weekend … ” His voice trailed off seductively. His lips dipped to my neck and began to sweep kisses across my collarbone and his hands came up to my br**sts.

I rolled away, to the furthest edge of the bed.

“Hey, where did you go?” he asked, surprised.

“We’re going to sleep, Sweet Nuts, so tomorrow will happen faster,” I answered.

He chuckled and rolled over to me, pressing his body up against me in the most comforting way, and as his hands found my br**sts, he whispered, “Good night, sweet girl.”

I sighed happily and shut my eyes, willing myself to sleep.

Tomorrow, we’d drive.

And then?

Let the blessed shagging begin.

Chapter 20

When I woke up, it was like Christmas morning. And by that, I mean I was so excited to drive to Santa Barbara and have the hotel sex that I began jumping on the bed, singing a happy tune. Jack was, of course, still sound asleep, and he groaned from his place beneath the covers. I continued to jump, and sang, in a tune that sounded oddly like “A Tisket A Tasket”:

“A shagging, a shagging, I’m going to get a shagging!” Jack was under the covers, still groaning. I poked him with my toe, standing over him in a victorious pose. “Hey, get up! Get up! I thought you said the shagging would begin today,” I teased, taking my toe and pulling the covers down slowly. I revealed a creased forehead, knit together eyebrows, glaring eyes, and a frowning mouth. As the reveal continued, however, I saw a strong chest, slim hips, my favorite trail this side of Appalachia, and … hello, lover. A Morning Missile. His eyes said no, but his wood said yes.

My eyes widened at the sight, and Jack arched his back as he stretched, making it poke further at his boxers. I bit my lip in unrestrained lust. I couldn’t get sidetracked or we would never make it to Santa Barbara.

“Hey, George … let’s go, let’s go! Get up!” I prodded, humming my original shagging tune.

“Grace, stop it,” he warned, trying to retrieve the covers from underneath my bouncing feet.

“George. George. George,” I chanted with each bounce. He glared at me again through sleepy eyes.

“Grace, I’m warning you,” he scolded.

“And I’m warning you, man. You said you’d shag me today,” I repeated, now bouncing harder than ever. The bed was squeaking, inappropriately.

“I’m gonna spank you today if you keep that up,” he intoned. “Now seriously, stop all that bouncing about. I won’t tell you again.” His eyes darkened as they looked at me now fully, standing over him in my white Polo button down, hair messed from sleep, eyes sparkling. I started to bounce again, and he warned me one last time.

“Grace.” He was talking to me as if he was my dad … hmmm … my daddy … did he want to play Who’s Your Daddy?

I bounced. He moved like a cat and caught me in midair, pulling my legs out from under me, making me land flat on my back and knocking the wind out of me. He straddled me while I struggled to catch my breath between giggles.

“Grace, you need to calm down. We can’t leave for Santa Barbara yet.”

“Why the hel not?” I asked, trying to fight him off. He would have none of it.

“First of all, because you have not packed,” he began.

“I plan on being naked most of the time,” I answered quickly.

“Secondly, the hotel won’t even check us in until noon.”

“We can do it in the car,” I quipped, trying to get my hands free so I could grab onto him. I was more persuasive when I could touch him. He knew this, and so he kept both of my hands high above my head, pinned to the bed.

“Thirdly, has it escaped your attention that it isn’t even 6:00 a.m.?” I stopped cold. I looked at the window and noticed the sun had barely risen.

The freaking birds weren’t even chirping. And I was bouncing on the bed like a mad woman singing about an upcoming shag. I looked from the window back to his face, now fully awake and glaring down at me, but not without a hint of humor.


“Sorry, I didn’t realize how early it was. I guess I’m a little anxious.” I grinned, feeling the blush start to creep in when I thought about how silly this was.

“Crazy,” he said, shaking his head at me. He pulled me up and pressed me close to him. I let my hands come up to his shoulders and hugged him tightly. We embraced for a moment, his hands tracing up and down my back. I breathed in his scent, amplified by his sleepy time heat. Pipe tobacco, chocolate and Hamilton.

“Is it crazy that I can hardly wait for tonight?” I whispered in his ear, feeling my heart damn near beat out of my chest.

“Me either,” he whispered back. He pulled away slightly, pressing his lips to my cheeks and then my lips.

“Now, Grace, for the love of God, can we please get a few more hours of sleep?” he sighed, pulling me back down with him.

“You can sleep, but I need to get packing. You still need to pack, too. What time should I get you up?”

“I’m already packed. My bag is in the car.” He yawned, tugging at my hair, trying to get me to lie back down next to him.

“You already packed? You mean we could have left last night?” I shrieked.

He covered his ears.

“Grace, we’ll leave in a few hours,” he placated. “Pipe down, woman, and bring me those tits. You know I can’t sleep without a handful.” He chuckled, succeeding in pulling me close enough to get a hold of me. I giggled, and let him slip his hands beneath my shirt, tucking in next to him again.

His fingers roamed for a few moments, as was customary, sweeping across my ni**les until they were sufficiently hard. He always did this until I sighed and arched into him a little before he settled in. He would sneak one arm under the pillow and me, and the other arm he would drape over my hip and up under my arm, cupping me and pulling me tightly against his chest until I was in a Hamilton Sandwich. His mouth would always return to mine for one last kiss, and then I usually got another one right behind my ear as his head nestled on the pillow behind my own.
