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The Unidentified Redhead

The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead #1)(53)
Author: Alice Clayton

Yes, you are asking him, and he owes you an answer.

I waited.

“Grace, I think I can honestly say, with no second thoughts, that there isn’t another pair of boobies on the planet that I’d rather have in my hands than yours. Sleeping or otherwise,” he stated, with a glance at my chest.

I got it.

“Oh, baby, you say the sweetest things,” I cried in a sickly sweet voice, launching myself across the seat at him, smacking his cheek with a wet kiss.

“Blech, don’t call me baby. You have enough nicknames for me already,” he teased, crisis averted.

“Oh, suck it, Sweet Nuts,” I taunted

“Now, if Jessica Simpson happens to fall on me, and I have to steady her by holding on somewhere … ” his voice trailed off.

I gave him a wet willy.

We laughed, turned up the stereo, and drove on up the coast. I hoped we could keep the promises we just made.

We pulled into Santa Barbara just after noon, and as the tiny streets wound through the trees, I finally realized where we were staying. The Four Seasons Biltmore was a famous resort, and I had stayed here once when Holly and I first moved to California. It was Spanish in its architecture, with a classic Californian open feel.

We pulled around to the front, the valet got our luggage, and when Jack checked us in, I was pleased to note that we were staying in one of the cottages right on the ocean. I raised my eyebrow when I thought about the extra privacy this would afford us, and he winked at me.

“I wanted you to be able to scream as loud you wanted to, Crazy,” he whispered, green eyes smoldering. I could feel my body warming just listening to him tease me.

“Will someone be making me scream?” I asked in my own whisper, pressing my lips to his neck, while the desk clerk coughed discreetly.

“Count on that, love,” he answered, his hand sneaking down to my bum and giving it a squeeze. I giggled in anticipation as the clerk handed over our keys. We began to make our way in the direction of the cottages, kissing deeply, when I heard a woman’s voice say,

“Well, well, what have we here?”

I turned to see a pretty blonde, standing with a tall, brown-haired guy who obviously worked out a lot. They were both smiling at the two of us pawing each other in the lobby. Jack’s hand gave my bum one more squeeze and then broke away. He smiled back at them, shaking the guy’s hand and giving the girl a hug.

A hug, I noticed, like one you would give your little sister.

“Lane, Rebecca, this is Grace,” he said, pulling me back against him as I shook their hands. They seemed to be eying me up and down in an amused way, but it was not unpleasant. I got the sense immediately that they were approving.

Which was a nice change of pace.

“Gracie, you would know them better as Isaac and Penelope.” He smirked, introducing me to the other two main characters in the film. Lane I already knew I liked. He was grinning big. Rebecca was appraising me a little more carefully, woman to woman. She played the love interest in the film, and I was curious to see the chemistry they had off set.

“It’s really nice to meet you. Are you staying here as well?” I asked, noticing that Lane was eying my chest appreciatively and giving Jack a high five. Rebecca laughed kindly at the two of them, and answered, “Yes. We have the photo shoot tomorrow, so a few of us decided to come up a day early.” She smiled at me, a bit more warmly this time, and I got a gut feeling I was going to really like her.

“I must say, Grace. I don’t know why Hamilton was keeping you such a secret. You’re hot!” Lane burst out as Jack rolled his eyes at him.

“Thanks, Lane. I do have a pretty sweet rack.” I laughed as Jack blushed and shook his head at me, eyes closed. I could tell he was pleased I was getting along with his cast mates so quickly.

“So, what are your plans for the afternoon? We were just going to get some lunch. You should join us,” Rebecca offered.

“Well, actually, we were going to get settled in our room and then maybe just order in,” Jack said, pulling on my hand and squeezing it.

“We would love to come!” I interjected, smiling at both of them. I saw Jack’s expression out of the corner of my eye. It was now my turn to stall. Just for fun.

We all agreed to meet in the oceanfront restaurant in fifteen minutes.

We said our goodbyes and headed for our cottage. As we walked down the cobblestone pathway, he looked at me incredulously.

“What happened to not being able to wait for the shagging? I thought we were going to spend some time inside today,” he asked, shifting my overnight bag to his other shoulder so he could tuck me into his side as we walked.

“Well, I want to spend some time with your friends while I can. Besides, after how much you teased me this morning about my, what did you call it, randiness? Now, I’m going to make you beg for it,” I stated matter-of-factly as we walked up to the front door.

He looked at me carefully for a moment and then opened the door with the key. He let me walk in before him, and when I entered, I was struck by how lovely and romantic this cottage was. Fireplace, private patio, ocean view, and I could see a scrumptious king-sized bed beckoning from the bedroom. All of this I noticed in the seven seconds it took him to close the door, spin me around, lift me off my feet and press me back up against the door.

His eyes burned into mine as he ravaged my neck with his tongue. The suddenness of his attack left me breathless. He bent his head to my ear and bit at my earlobe.

“You want me to beg for it, Grace?” he whispered.

“Uh huh,” I managed to get out, beginning to lose focus. He forced my legs to open and wrap around his waist, and I could feel him, grinding hard against me. A soft moan escaped me.

“I’m begging you, Grace. I’m begging you to let me kiss your sweet tits.” His tongue dragged from the top of my cle**age to the base of my neck. “I’m begging you to let me nibble on you.” He ground hard against my core, eliciting a louder groan from me. “I’m begging you to let me taste you.” He held me up against the door with the strength of his body alone, one hand snaking beneath my shorts and finding me instantly, pressing down hard. I chanted his name.

“And I’m begging you to let me sink in, feel you wrap around my c**k as you come over and over again,” he finished, bringing me to the fastest orgasm I have ever experienced. I screamed his name, still pressed up against the door. The combination of his hand and the words he just spoke in that damnable accent was too much, and I came again, softer but more deeply than the first.
