Read Books Novel

The Unidentified Redhead

The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead #1)(60)
Author: Alice Clayton

You had sex … and it was good.

That was an understatement.

I heard footsteps behind me, and I smiled as I felt his hands creep around my waist.

“What are you doing?” he asked, in a stage whisper. I shivered as he kissed my ear.

“Just looking. Did I wake you?”

“Yes. I woke up because my hands were empty … you took away my favorite pillows,” he muttered, sweeping my hair back to nuzzle the nape of my neck.

“We had sex,” I blurted out suddenly, and I could literally feel him smiling.

“We sure did.” He chuckled.

I giggled, but when he kissed my neck, I stopped. My hands came up behind me and tucked into his hair, guiding his lips back down to my neck. I pushed back against him slightly and felt him press into me, his arousal evident.

I sighed as I felt his hands sneak under the throw, under his shirt and up to my br**sts. When he found them, I groaned, my ni**les hardening immediately beneath his talented hands.

He spun me around to face him, and I saw that he was still naked.

“Aren’t you cold, Sweet Nuts?” I asked, wrapping my arms around him and sharing my blanket.

“No, actually, you have me quite warmed up,” he stated, taking my hand and guiding it lower, encouraging me to grab some Hamilton.

Oh, go on, you deserve another …

I really did.

I wrapped my hand around him, relishing the way he moaned instantly at my touch. I urged him back inside, moving him backward toward the couch.

Once there, I pushed him down and removed the throw, propping one leg up on the couch as I stood before him. Then, I unbuttoned my shirt and leaned closer to him.

“How about a little more slap and tickle?” I asked, in a husky voice. He just grinned that damn sexy grin at me. It made me insane when he did that.

Finished with the shirt, I let it fall to the ground. I took his hands and placed them on my hips, my leg still propped up, opening me up to him. I let one of my own hands dip below, dragging through my own sex, moaning as I did so. His deep green eyes were heavily lidded as he watched me touch myself.

He licked his lips. He was dying to taste me. I let my hand come up and extended one finger to him, running it across his lips, letting him take it into his mouth, sucking enthusiastically. He groaned and tightened his grip on my hips. I leaned closer to him, placing my mouth right next to his ear.

“Now that you have made love to me, which was unbelievable, I want you to f**k me,” I whispered, feeling him tense beneath me. “Hard.” His tongue darted out and licked my neck … hard. He grabbed at my hips, leaving handprints on my skin … hard. His right hand came up and pulled my hair, angling my neck so that he could nibble at me … hard. He took my right hand and put it on his c**k again … hard.

“You feel that? That is all you, Crazy,” he said, as he looked at me with fire in his eyes.

He even looked at me hard. This would be the polar opposite of what had happened earlier. This would be a straight up, old fashioned pounding.

I placed a knee on either side of him and felt his arms come back up to encircle my waist. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I felt him pressing against me. This time, instead of taking him in slowly, I took him in hard.

We both cried out at the suddenness of it, and I marveled again at how well we fit together. I rose back up again, almost withdrawing all the way, and then slammed my hips back down.

“Oh f**k, that’s good,” I moaned, and he went crazy. He gripped my hips tightly, rocking me back and forth furiously on him, grinding into me as his mouth sucked at my ni**les.

I arched my back and pushed my br**sts further against him, riding him, as I had wanted to for so long now.

Nonsensical words were pouring forth from my mouth. I no longer had the power of coherent thought. He, however, was able to say the most deliciously nasty things.

“Fuck, Grace, you feel amazing … Christ Grace, I love watching you ride me … God, your tits are brilliant.”

These were said in my ear as he pounded into me, moaning and groaning and speaking in that heavenly accent. The more into it he got, the thicker the accent got. The closer we both got, the faster and harder he f**ked me. He was finally, blessedly, f**king me like it was his job.

I came hard, and when I did, I screamed his name so loudly I thought for sure he would try to cover up my mouth, but he didn’t.

He loved it.

He grinned at me while I came, thrashing about on top of him, feeling his hard c**k inside of me, stroking my J-Spot over and over again.

He felt my multiples as deeply as I did, groaning each time I would start another wave, pumping into me firmly and holding onto my hips, anchoring me and moving me the way he knew I needed it.

I came back just long enough to say, right in his ear, in a sex-filled voice,

“Jack, you f**k me so good.” And then he came. He came with a groaning bellow that shook me to my core and made me come again.

We were covered in sweet sweat as he pulled me back against the couch with him, sighing, grinning, stroking, touching, rubbing and caressing. We sank into the pillows, with him still inside me.

“Jesus … ” I started.

“… Christ,” he finished, and we laughed.

We were quiet for a moment, when I said, “Well, I did make you promise to make me see God this weekend.” I chuckled, sweeping his hair back from his forehead and kissing it lightly.

“And did I?” he had the nerve to ask.

“Yes, and all the saints, George. And all the saints,” I answered, grinning.

The next morning, I woke up early. What surprised me was that Jack was already awake. I normally had to drag his ass up using all manner of temptation to do so. I slipped back into his shirt again and padded out to the living room.

When he saw me, he put up a finger. He was on his cell.

“Right then. Ten miles from here? Excellent. Right, see you then,” he finished, hanging up the phone.

“Who was that?” I asked, walking over to him and snuggling into his arms for a hug.

“Just making plans for the shoot later today. You hungry?” he asked, hugging me tightly to him. He had already showered and smelled like soapy goodness.

“I’m starved. Someone made me work up an appetite last night,” I purred, pressing myself further into his embrace.

“Well then, let’s get you some breakfast,” he replied, pulling my arms from around his waist and planting a kiss on my forehead.

He pushed me toward the bathroom when I stopped him. “Wait, I was thinking, maybe, we could order in. You know, a little room service.” I winked at him, and he smiled.
