Read Books Novel

The Unidentified Redhead

The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead #1)(65)
Author: Alice Clayton

Once he hit the Promised Land, however, he stopped humming, and I began to moan as he kissed me, tracing the entirety of my sex with his tongue and lips, being agonizingly gentle. I sighed, arching my back like a cat and stretching my arms over my head. Sometimes, he would work me slow and long, and I could tell this was going to be one of those times.

Those nights were always un-freaking-believable.

He spread my legs wider, hooking them over his shoulders and continued his gentle caressing. His tongue made delicate circles around me, working up and down and making me moan deeply. His fingers opened me further, leaving me completely vulnerable to whatever he wanted to do.

He was so good at this, but instead of letting me have a quick release, he would take me just to where my legs began to shake, and then he would back off, blowing cool breath on me, making me shiver and cry out.

By the time he had almost made me come the fourth time, I was begging for it. Just before he brought me to the place where I would finally see stars, he moved quickly up my body, poking his head out from under the covers and slipping fantastically into me.

He entered me slowly, deeply, and I was able to watch his face as he nudged his way inside. We both cried out as he sank in, inch by inch, taking what seemed like an hour to finally be in me. We sighed together, and I wrapped my legs around his waist tighter, desperate to have him as deeply as I could take him in. I looked up at him, his face earnest as he slipped in and out, his blond curls hanging down all crazy and sexy, and his strong arms as he held himself over me. He sucked in his bottom lip and bit down on it with his teeth as I bucked up to meet him.


“Oh, God, Jack, that is … oh, God.” I struggled to find the words to ade-quately explain how good he felt inside me, and I couldn’t. He continued his slow, methodical movements, designed to make me shiver and shake beneath him as I listened to his throaty moans. He hooked my right leg up over his shoulder, and with this new angle, I felt him go even deeper, hitting my J-Spot, which made me cry out instantly.

“Come for me, Gracie, please … I need to feel you come,” he begged, his hips speeding up as he felt my walls begin to squeeze him more firmly. His brows came together as he continued to pump into me firmly, constantly and with no let up as I raced toward my orgasm.

This time, I came crazy quiet. Having been worked to the brink of pleasur-able insanity, I was actually silent. I shook wordlessly, totally caught up in my body and his body, and the effect he had on me. I only came once, and it was like a star exploding. I heard him shout my name as he emptied into me, releasing a great moan as he held himself over me.

He folded into himself, sinking down to bury his head into my neck, and I held him as it was his turn to shake. I held him tightly to me, with my legs and my arms refusing to let him leave my body. I held him as tightly as I could, taking all of his weight and his sighs and his shakes as he completely relaxed into me.

I ran my nails up and down his back and finally into his hair as he sighed his Jack’s Happy Sound into my skin, warming it as he did with his sweet breath.

We stayed like that for several minutes when he finally lifted his head from my breast. I brushed his hair back from his forehead and kissed him softly.

“Can I tell you something?” I asked.

“Of course.” He smiled.

“I love you,” I replied, kissing him again.

“I love you too, Gracie,” he sighed into my kisses. We cuddled for an hour, wrapped up together and eating hotel chocolate.

God Save The Hamilton.

Later on that evening, we might have gotten some chocolate in places that it had no business being, and we decided a quick rinse off was needed. We had yet to use the huge shower together, and it seemed to be a good time.

Firing up the overhead rain faucet, we turned on all the side sprays and even turned on the steamer so we could have the sauna effect. I went back into the bedroom to grab one more piece of chocolate, and when I came back in the bathroom, the entire shower was filled up with steam. I couldn’t see Jack, but I knew he was already in there because he had thoughtfully written the word POO on the glass door in the steam. I could hear him in there chuckling.

“Hamilton, you are such a child,” I called out toward the door.

“Sheridan, get your ass in here,” he teased, sticking his head out and releasing a cloud of steam into the room. “The words will get progressively worse if you don’t.”

Mmm, I had missed seeing my Brit al naked and wet. It was … wel … steamy.

I slipped out of my robe as he watched me and climbed in past him. Standing under the main rain shower, I felt the water rush down over me. I could also feel the six other jets spraying different parts of my body, and that was really nice.

Naughty, almost.

He grabbed my shampoo, and as he lathered me up, I let my arms snake around his waist, holding his wet body closer to mine. He was careful, as always, to keep the suds out of my eyes, and then as he tilted my head backward under the spray to rinse clean, he leaned in and kissed the hollow of my neck.

“Mmm … ” I whispered, not being able to help it. He laughed wickedly as he worked the conditioner through, paying special attention to the ends, like I’d taught him.

Now it was my turn. As I stood on my tiptoes to reach his head, he steadied me with a firm grasp on my br**sts. “Grace, I really could look at your tits for hours. God, they are just fantastic … ” he trailed off, narrowing his eyes as I massaged the shampoo through, making it stand up wildly. I moaned again softly as his fingers slipped over my ni**les.

What is it about being wet that makes everything feel so amazing? It’s as though every sense is heightened, every touch, every caress feels more intense.

As soon as I rinsed his hair out, he took my shower gel, lathered up a sea wool sponge and began moving it across my body, leaving behind a trail of scented bubbles. I grabbed a similar sponge and proceeded to wash him as well, working my way from his chest and arms, down to his stomach, skipping down to his legs and back up to his Mr. Hamilton.

He was all kinds of hard. As I slid the sponge across him, he twitched, and when I looked up at him, I saw dark green burning back at me. He lowered his sponge down between my legs, and I planted my feet wider, giving him increased access.

I dropped the sponge, using my hands and the bubbles to stroke him firmly up and down, feeling him get even harder. He mirrored my actions, swirling his fingers through my slick, wet …

“Grace,” he murmured as he caressed me.
