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The Vampire and the Virgin

"I shouldna have stayed away so long."

"It's all right." She perched on the green love seat. "I've really enjoyed our talks. I feel like I got to know you a lot better, and that's important. If we had met in person, we might not have...talked so much."

No, he would have been making love to her. "That is true."

Her cheeks bloomed a brighter pink. "I'd forgotten how strong the...chemistry is."

Chemistry? "Is that a nice word for wanting to throw you on a bed and rip yer clothes off?"

She drew in a sharp breath. "I suppose."

He sat beside her. "Do ye remember our last night together?"

"Yes!" She jumped to her feet and strode to the door to check the lock. "It was very sweet of you to come tonight."

"I dinna feel verra sweet when I heard yer message. Ye were so upset."

"The box was in my house. I felt violated. And the creep took a pair of my underwear for a souvenir. Can you believe it?"

Unfortunately, he could. He still had a pair of her underwear stashed under his pillow at Romatech. "The bastard," he muttered. "Would ye like me to speak to Otis for you? I could convince him to leave you alone."


Vampire mind control. "I can be verra convincing." Though the mission would require a lot of planning, since he'd have to erase security tapes and the guards' memories.

"I appreciate that, but I have my own plan." She paced across the room. "I'm going to see him Monday."

Robby winced. "I'm no' sure that's a good idea. I investigated the man, and he's verra dangerous. I could take you away, if ye like, and hide you someplace he would never find you."

"I'm not running away. I did that before when my supervisor insisted on it, but it didn't work. And I'm not going to spend the rest of my life in hiding. I'm confronting him Monday. My mind's made up."

"And how are ye planning to make him stop harassing you?"

She explained her plan as she continued to pace. "Don't worry. J.L. is coming with me."

Robby frowned. "I'm glad ye have such a loyal friend, but it vexes me that he's here for you, and I'm no'."

"You're here now." She sat beside him once again. "And that means a lot to me." She touched his cheek.

He took her hand and kissed the pad of each finger. "Ye've changed me, Olivia. I've seen people the last few months, people who aided and abetted the man who tortured me. Before, I would have wanted to kill them."

"And now?"

He kissed the palm of her hand. "Now I realize they were victims, too. I want a second chance in my life, and I know 'tis wrong to deny others that same chance."

"What do you want your second life to be like?"

He smiled. "Ever the therapist. I want it to be full of joy and laughter." He smoothed a hand across her cheek. "I want it to be with you."

"Yes." She closed her eyes as he leaned closer. He pressed his mouth lightly against hers.

"Yes," she whispered again.

Her eyes popped open when he scooped her up and set her in his lap. He scooted to the center of the love seat.

"What are you - this can't be very comfortable for you." She squirmed in an attempt to get up, but he held tight as her wiggling rump incited a delicious agony in his groin.

He moaned.

"I knew it. I'm too heavy for - "

He cut her off with a kiss. Not a gentle peck this time, but a thorough, demanding kiss. For a second she stiffened, then she melted, becoming limp in his arms.

He invaded her mouth, exploring and tasting. His first taste of pizza. So much more spicy and flavorful than the steady blood diet he'd consumed since 1746.

She broke away from the kiss, gasped for air, then kissed him again. Evidently the limp phase had passed. She was now more aggressive, digging her fingers into his hair to pull him closer. She invaded his mouth and stroked his tongue. Her boldness made his groin swell and his heart pound with sudden urgency.

He'd waited too long for this. He slipped his hands under her T-shirt. Her skin was warm and smooth, and her back arched when he pressed against the sweet curve of her spine. He found her bra strap and unhooked it.

She continued to kiss him as he slipped his hands underneath her loose bra. The bottom curves of her breasts were so soft and full. When he palmed one of her breasts and squeezed, she gasped, breaking the kiss. Her breath puffed softly against his cheek as he drew circles around her nipple. The tip hardened, and he rubbed it between his thumb and forefinger.

She moaned, her head falling back. Her neck was exposed, the carotid artery throbbing. He nuzzled his face against her neck, inhaling the scent of her blood. Thank God he'd drank two bottles of synthetic blood before coming. He could resist the temptation of feeding, but the scent of her blood and the throbbing of her veins added to his sexual hunger.

He dragged his tongue along her carotid artery, knowing his saliva would heighten her sensitivity. She shuddered.

"Please," she breathed.

"I will please you," he whispered in her ear, then tickled it with his tongue. "All night long."

"Yes." She reached for the hem of her T-shirt.

"Let me help you." He pulled the T-shirt over her head and tossed it onto the coffee table.

She slipped off the bra and threw it on the floor.

He paused a moment to look at her breasts. The nipples pebbled and darkened before his eyes. "Lord Almighty," he whispered. "Ye're so beautiful."

Her eyes glimmered with tears. "Robby, I'm in love with you."

"Olivia." He kissed her briefly. "Sweetheart, I love you, too."

"Will you make love to me?"

"I thought I was." He brushed a thumb over her hardened nipple.

She drew in a sharp breath. "It feels so good. I can't think when you're - " She groaned when he took her nipple into his mouth.

"Robby." She sounded breathless. "We...we should talk before - " She shuddered when he flicked his tongue.

He suckled her and teased her relentlessly. He didn't want to talk, dammit. He knew he should tell her he was a vampire before making love to her, but if he told her, there wouldn't be any lovemaking.

He released her nipple and smiled grimly at the distended bloodred tip.

"Robby, wait a minute." She gasped when he took her other nipple into his mouth. "I-I should tell you I'm on the pill. I started it at Quantico when all the exercise was messing up my period, and I wanted to be regular."

"Hmm." He continued to suckle.

"I just thought you should know that I have about a two percent chance of getting pregnant."

More like zero percent on account of his dead sperm. "I understand." He blew on her wet nipple.

She shivered. "But I do want to have children someday."

"So do I." He unfastened the top button of her blue jeans.

"Wait. I have to know if you have any diseases."

He paused with his hand on the zipper. "Diseases?"

"Sexually transmitted ones. I can't continue with this unless I know you're...healthy."

"I'm verra healthy." Except for the part about being dead during the day.

She bit her lip. "We'd better use a condom just to be safe."

She thought he had the pox? He stiffened with indignation. "I havena been sleeping with prostitutes."

"You can get a STD almost anywhere. To be perfectly safe, it's best to require a medical report prior to engaging in certain activities."

He blinked. Since when had lovemaking become a business transaction? "I can e-mail you a report tomorrow."

"Oh. Okay." She frowned. "I guess I can trust you."

"Thank you. That's verra kind of you. And while we're completely destroying the romantic mood, how do I know if ye're healthy? Do ye keep yer medical report in yer bedside table so ye can whip it out at the appropriate time?"

"No, of course not."

He arched a brow. "I guess I'll have to trust you."

"You can. I-I've never done anything to get a STD."

He shrugged one shoulder. "Neither have I."

She gasped. "You're a virgin?"

He scoffed. "Do I look like an inexperienced pup?"

Her cheeks turned pink. "No."

He smiled and kissed her nose. "Can we get on with this now? I'm dying to bury myself deep inside you and feel ye shudder - "

"I'm a virgin," she blurted out.

He blinked. He couldn't have heard that right. "Ye...what?"

"I'm a virgin."

"Nay. Ye're sitting half-naked in my lap. Ye were naked and screaming with orgasms on Patmos."

"I have some experience, yes. Mostly with you." She moved off his lap and sat on the love seat beside him. "But I've never had intercourse."

"Ye've never...what is wrong with modern men?" He winced at the slip. He was supposed to be modern, too. "They must be blind! They should be lining up at yer door."

"A lovely thought," she muttered. "I could have them take a number."

"I just meant they must be incredibly stupid if they canna see what a treasure ye are. How could such a thing happen?"

She shot him an annoyed look. "I finished a master's degree by the age of twenty-three, so I was really busy. And then there's the human lie detector thing. A few guys tried to get me in bed, but the minute they lied to me, I showed them the door."

She's a virgin. Robby stood and paced across the room. He'd never suspected this. Olivia had reacted to his lovemaking on Patmos with such free abandon. His wife had been a virgin on their wedding night, and she'd acted shy and fearful, refusing to completely undress.

He'd loved Olivia's boldness. She'd been so responsive to his every touch, squirming and screaming.

Lord Almighty, how could he take her virginity? She was so young, so alive, and he was close to three hundred years old. He was bloody dead half the time. No woman should have to lose her virginity to a bloodsucker.

He would have to tell her the truth, that he was a vampire, because once he made love to her, he wouldn't want to give her up. Ever. She deserved to know the truth before she ended up straddled with one man for all eternity. He grimaced. How could he live up to that?

"Great," she muttered. She grabbed her T-shirt off the coffee table and pulled it over her head. "I didn't realize this would be a problem for you."

"Olivia - "

"And to think I actually hoped you might be flattered." She rose to her feet, her face pale. "I can't believe this."

"I-I'm no' sure I should accept such an honor."

"Honor?" She scoffed. "Yeah, I feel real 'honored' that you would reject me for being too innocent."

"I doona wish to reject you."

"But you don't want to be bothered with my pesky virginity!" She strode toward the front door, her breasts bouncing beneath the T-shirt. "Don't let it worry you, okay? I'll just run down to the local bar and get rid of it. After all, the guys will line up for it, right?"

He winced. "That's no' funny."

"Who's being funny? I'm dead serious." She stalked back to the coffee table and grabbed a glass of water. "I'll just make sure I get their attention." She poured the water over her chest, and the wet T-shirt glued itself to her breasts and distended nipples. "Now I'm ready. With any luck, I can get the service for free."

His hands curled into fists. "Ye canna do this."

"Watch me." She strode back to the front door to collect her handbag and keys. "I should be back in fifteen minutes or so, minus a hymen."

He dashed to the door, ripped her handbag from her hands and tossed it on the floor. "Bloody hell, woman. Ye think I'd let anyone else touch you?"

She shoved at his chest. "Go away! I hate you for thinking my virginity is a problem."

He grabbed her wrists and pinned them against the door. When she squirmed, he pressed his body against her, letting her feel his erection. "Ye love me, sweetheart, and doona worry. Yer virginity will no' be a problem for long."


Olivia glared at him. "I'm not going to bed with you. I'm mad at you."

"Ye'll get over it."

She tugged at her wrists, but he tightened his grip. When he attempted to kiss her, she turned her head so his mouth landed on her jaw.

That didn't deter him. He nibbled a path along her neck, teasing her with his tongue. Her skin tingled. It took all her concentration not to moan out loud.

"Ye were begging me earlier," he whispered in her ear. "Ye were saying, 'Please make love to me.'" He traced the contour of her ear with his tongue.

Her knees nearly buckled. "That was before I realized what a big..." She searched her mind for a good insult, but it was hard to think with him nuzzling her neck.

"Aye. Big." He rubbed his erection against her.

She fought an urge to press back, to wrap her legs around him and pull him into her core. She ached with emptiness, as if she would scream if he didn't fill her up.

But dammit, she was still mad at him. There was no way she was going to beg. "Maybe you didn't want to take my virginity 'cause you're not up to the task."

He lifted his head from her neck. "Are ye trying to insult me now?"
