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The Wedding Trap

The Wedding Trap (Second Service #1)(15)
Author: Adrienne Bell

Beth had gone down to the spa with the rest of the bridesmaids, and, once she was done, she would have to come through the lobby. He hadn’t figured out what he was going to say when he saw her. He hadn’t even made up his mind if he was going to approach her at all. He didn’t want to antagonize her if she still looked upset.

But he did want to see her. For some reason that had become very important.

Alex turned his head at the sound of heels clicking on marble. Beth was in the middle of a group of women making their way up the stairs. She was laughing, but her smile was still tight. Worry lines were etched around her eyes and forehead. Her body was tense.

She gave Isobel Munoz a long hug, and then broke away from the pack. Alex tucked away his tablet, and rose, following close behind as she made her way to the front door of the lobby.

"Beth," he said when he had almost caught up to her. She turned around warily.

"Hey," she said. She didn’t stop walking.

He fell in to step beside her. "Where are you going?"

"I have an errand to run for Isobel.”

"You want some company?" he asked.

That made her stop. She looked at him long and hard. She was worried he was dangerous. And he was. He wouldn’t lie to her and tell her otherwise. The truth was he was far more dangerous than she could ever imagine.

The only thing he could do was assure her that he would never harm her. And he never would. Never. That she would even think it a possibility cut him deeper than he wanted to admit.

The look in her eyes was all apology when she opened her mouth. Before she could say a word, Spencer and Jordan Masterson walked out of the café. Jordan came over and clapped Alex on the back.

"Hey guys, how are you?" he asked.

"Just fine," Alex said.

Spencer Masterson stayed where he was. His eyes were on Beth, and Alex didn’t much like what he saw in them. He was like a child who didn’t like seeing someone other kid playing with his toy. There was a mix of jealousy and, more concerning, anger. This was a man who didn’t like to be shown up. And he blamed Beth for his humiliation.

Alex hooked his arm around Beth’s, and met Spencer’s gaze full on. After a second, Spencer looked away, but none of his petty displeasure had subsided.

"Where are you guys off to?" Jordan Masterson asked.

"We have some errands to run," Alex said.

Beth’s eyes narrowed, but she didn’t say a word.

"Isobel’s hooked you into running around for her again?” Spencer asked Beth.

Beth’s smile was strained and shaky. She was a terrible actress.

"I don’t mind," she said.

“That’s right. We don’t mind at all," Alex said looking Spencer straight in the eye. His stare was enough to drain some of the swagger out of the cocky son-of-a-bitch.

Some, but not all.

“You’d better be careful, Charlie. Beth doesn’t like guys who speak for her,” he said.

“Really? Because from what I’ve heard, you were never really the best judge of her likes and dislikes.”

“Boys,” Beth said, rolling her eyes. She was obviously annoyed with the pair of them. “Why do you even care what I’m doing, Spencer? Don’t you have plans of your own?”

A slow smile spread across his face. He looked Alex up and down. “Yeah, I’ve got a few things of my own to look into today.”

“Good luck with that,” Alex said, hooking his arm around Beth’s tense back and leading her toward the hotel doors.


She was stuck with Charlie. It had to be written in the stars. She’d told him three dozen times in the four block walk to the florist that she didn’t need him around, that he could go back to the hotel, that she was fine on her own. But he refused to take a hint.

The worst part of it was that she wasn’t even sure that she wanted him to. She knew that she should—he had proven to be a dangerous man, after all—but knowing something and feeling it were two different things. And the truth was she was having a hell of a time getting him out of her head.

She’d wasted her time in the spa trying to figure out her feelings toward him. She felt some fear, sure. She wasn’t used to guns or secret plans. But for some reason she wasn’t scared of him. He’d been kind to her. He’d been helpful. He’d had every reason to be angry with her this morning for poking her nose into his stuff, but he hadn’t been. He’d actually tried to calm her down.

So she’d wasted what should have been the most relaxing time before the wedding desperately trying to figure him out. After two hours, she still didn’t have an answer. She’d been hoping that a nice long walk alone might bring some clarity, but then he’d appeared at her side.

She should be past letting him surprise her.

She opened the door of florist shop and found him exactly where she’d left him, leaning against a brick wall, watching the traffic go by. He turned his face toward her as she stepped outside.

"All done?" he asked.

She nodded.

"Was that all you needed to do?"

"Yeah." She started walking back in the direction of the hotel. Within a few steps he was right back at her side.

"Do you want to get some lunch?" He gave her the same smile that he had given her in the lounge last night, the one that turned her knees to jelly and set her heart fluttering in her chest. She hadn’t felt those things since she’d been sixteen and Carlos Diaz had put his arm around her at a party.

"There was an Ethiopian place that we passed on our way here that looked pretty good."

"Um, I’m not sure," she said.

"How’s that? Either you’re hungry or you’re not."

Beth stopped mid-stride and turned toward him. "Why do you want to have lunch with me?"

"I didn’t know I needed a reason," he said.

She sighed and shook her head. "Yeah, you do. And a good one, too. Because I want to know what the hell is going on here."

"Nothing is going on," he said.

"Like hell," she said. "I don’t know anything about you, Charlie. I don’t even know your real name. All I do know is that you are armed, and have mysterious plans for the hotel that my best friend is getting married in this weekend. You’re helping me with my silly little domestic problems, even though I can’t figure out any way that it could possibly benefit you. And despite all of this, I can’t seem to get you out of my head. So, yeah, I’m going need a reason that I should be in your presence any more than I absolutely have to."

"You can’t stop thinking about me?" A grin pulled up the corners of his mouth.

Beth threw her hands up in the air. She turned away from him and strode in the direction of the hotel. She wouldn’t slow down until she got there. Screw her pride. She’d hide out for the rest of the weekend in Isobel’s room if she had to. Poor Jordan might find it a little awkward come Sunday night, but she was sure he’d understand once she explained.
