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The Wedding Trap

The Wedding Trap (Second Service #1)(39)
Author: Adrienne Bell

She heard the pandemonium that had erupted—shouting and running and chairs being knocked over. She managed to turn her head as Isobel came into view.

"Beth, what happened?" When Beth couldn’t answer, she looked at Alex. "Dear God, somebody shot her."

"Everything is under control," Alex said.

"Like hell it is. What is going on?" Isobel screeched. Alex waved his hand and suddenly Jordan was there, wrapping his arms around Isobel’s waist.

"We have to get everyone out of here," Alex said to him. Jordan was as white as a sheet, but he nodded. People might not know who Alex was, but they knew to listen to him.

Alex hooked his arm under Beth’s back and legs and lifted her up. He started towards the hotel. Most of the crowd had already scattered…except her parents. They were running toward her, tears in her mother’s eyes.

"Is she all right?” her mother shouted from a good twenty feet away.

Alex nodded. Her mother rushed over and took her hand, crushing it with a ferocity that surprised her.

"Oh, my baby girl," she said, pushing back her hair. "Who would want to do such a thing to you?"

"I’m going to be okay, Mom." Beth forced the words out. It hurt to talk. Hell, it hurt to breathe.

"I have to get her inside," Alex said, without breaking his stride. "We need to get somewhere secure."

Her mother nodded. "Of course.”

"I can walk," Beth said.

"No, you can’t," Alex said, his voice like steel. "You’re in shock, Beth. It’s going to be a while before you can do anything."

His arms tightened around her as he carried her the rest of the way through the garden.

Her mother never let go of her hand. If she was going to die today, at least she wouldn’t be alone.


Alex stopped short as he stepped through the hotel door. The chaos from outside had spilled into the lobby, but the crowd stopped jostling and talking the moment he and Beth came into view.

Alex hesitated. Anyone could be waiting in the crowd with gun in hand to finish the job.

He took a right instead and headed toward the lounge, kicking the glass doors closed behind him.

It wasn’t much protection, but he’d take what he could get. He carried Beth to a loveseat against the far wall and laid her down on it. It was early enough in the day that the only other person in there was one very confused bartender prepping for the reception.

He’d known something like this was likely to happen, and he was still shaken all the way to his core.

Mrs. Bradley came running into the room. “I need you to do me a favor,” he told her. “I need you to go out there and find a man named John Ryman. I need you to tell him where we are.”

He gave her John’s description, and she nodded. But he saw all his own fears reflected in her wide eyes. “I don’t want to leave her,” she whispered.

“I understand.” And, dear God, he did. “But we need to get her to a hospital, and John is the only one I trust to make that happen.”

Alex knew that this woman had no reason to trust him. She had no idea who he really was, or what role he played in her daughter’s life. But she didn’t yell, or demand answers. She just looked over his shoulder at Beth.

“It’s okay, Mom. Do what Alex says. He’s here to help,” Beth said in a small voice.

“Alex? I thought his name was Charlie,” Mrs. Bradley said.

“I’ll explain everything later, Mom. I promise.”

Mrs. Bradley nodded and gave Beth one long last look before turning for the door. Alex slid a table in front of the doors as they closed behind her, blocking the way. It wasn’t much protection, but it was the best he could do.

Beth struggled to sit up as he brought her a glass of water. Her hands were shaking so badly she couldn’t take the cup. He got down on one knee by her side and held it for her.

Her breath was coming easier now, and her face regaining its color, but not enough to calm him completely. She tried to smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

“I guess you won the bet,” she said, her voice little more than a horse whisper. She cleared her throat and tried again. “Looks like I’m not going to die today.”

She drew in a deep breath and winced. The impact from the bullet had been enough to bruise the hell out her ribs. They might even be broken. And there was no telling what other injuries she might have. He had to get her to the hospital as soon as possible.

But first he was going to have to wait for John’s team to clear out the area. He wouldn’t be taking any more chances with her life.

Never again.

Alex pushed back her hair and laid a gentle kiss on her forehead. At least he meant it to be gentle, but there were too many emotions warring inside his chest—fear, relief, guilt—and he might have pressed a little harder than he intended.

"That’s not funny," he whispered against her ear.

"Come on," she said again. With every breath he could see her getting stronger. "It was a little funny."

He smiled despite himself. She was starting to sound like herself again. It was a good sign. It meant that the worst of the shock was starting to fade.

She tried to sit up, but he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You need to lie down.”

"But I’m feeling better, I swear."

"It’s just the adrenaline. You’re going to be twice as shaky when it fades."

She gave him a glare before slumping back down against the cushions. "Okay.”

"Anyway, there’s nowhere to go. Not until John gets here.”

He knelt at her side, stroked her hair back, and stared into her eyes.

"Is something wrong?" Beth asked after a minute of silence.

"Not anymore."

"But your hand is shaking," Beth said. She’d never sounded so surprised.

He laughed a little. "Of course, it is. For a minute there I thought that I’d lost the woman I love."

Beth’s eyes widened. "Love? You love me?"

"Madly," he said.

Now she was the one that was shaking.

"So you’re not leaving after all of this is over with?" she asked.

"I can’t promise that," he said. "But if I have to go, I’d like you to come with me."

"I’d like that too.” Her voice wasn’t so little anymore. He pressed his lips to hers, but had to break the kiss a moment later when there was a hard rap on the glass door.

John was standing on the other side. He didn’t look too happy. A small crowd of onlookers peeked around him.
