Read Books Novel

The Wedding Trap

The Wedding Trap (Second Service #1)(6)
Author: Adrienne Bell

So much for making a clean getaway. Every face was turned her way, including Spencer’s. There was no turning back now.

Charlie gave her waist a reassuring pat as he guided her toward the group. A smile barely lifted the corners of his mouth—not too eager, not too fake, like he really was happy to meet her friends and family.

Hell, this actually might work.

It would only be five minutes. She could fake anything for five minutes.

Beth’s smile didn’t feel half as natural. She was tense enough to crack in two. And it only got worse the second her eyes locked with Isobel’s.

Beth was going to have a lot of explaining to do after dinner tonight.

"Hi, everybody," Beth said. Despite her best intentions, her voice came out high pitched and squeaky. She cleared her throat and tried again. "Look who I found outside. Turns out Charlie was able to stop by for a second on his way to the airport."

For a moment, there was nothing but stunned silence and half a dozen faces staring at her and the incredibly handsome man at her side. Dear God, had no one believed her pathetic little lie? No one at all?

"Hello," Charlie said, breaking the silence. If he noticed the less than warm reception, he didn’t show it.

“Charlie, this is my mom,” Beth said.

Her mother popped up from the couch.

"Mr. Parker, it’s such a pleasure to finally meet you," she said. "I was beginning to believe I would never would."

“Mrs. Bradley,” he said taking her hand. “The pleasure is all mine.”

Beth could barely believe the hint of blush that appeared in her mother’s cheeks. Damn, this guy was good.

Beth introduced him to the rest of group. She left Isobel for last.

"And of course, you remember Isobel," she said.

"How could I forget? It’s wonderful to see you again."

Isobel’s mouth hung open. It took her a half second to regain her composure and take Charlie’s hand.

"Yeah…you too," Isobel said.

"He’s on a really tight schedule this weekend, but he didn’t want to miss wishing you well before the wedding," Beth said.

Charlie sat on an empty couch, pulling her down with him. Beth’s smile became even more tense. What was he doing?

"It’s not so tight," he said.

"No?" she said, raising her brows. "I really thought that it was."

"I have time."

"You do?" Her voice was high again. "Good. Good."

Beth glanced at Spencer. There was a questioning look in his eyes, but his lips were pressed together in a tight, flat line. That was fine. He might not totally believe her, but his silence was its own little victory.

"So, where are you off to this weekend?" her mother asked.

Beth was just about to open her mouth, when Charlie answered. "I was going to Los Angeles."

Beth’s breath hitched in her throat.

"Was?" Her mother asked the question that was blaring in Beth’s head.

"Beth told me how much grief she was getting for being dateless. It made me realize that I was losing sight of what was really important. It’s obvious that I’ve been neglecting Beth, so I called in a favor and sent someone in my place.”

Beth felt the blood draining from her face. "No, you didn’t," she said.

He laughed a little. "Yes, I did."

"Why would you do that?" Beth asked. Across from her, Isobel cleared her throat. Beth drew in a deep breath and tried again. "It’s just that I know how important this meeting is."

Everyone was staring at her. Dear God, she knew this had been a terrible idea. What was he doing? Was this his idea of revenge?

"You’re far more important," he said.

“No, I’m not.”

“I should be here for you.”

Beth shook her head. “No need. Really. I’m totally fine without you.”

"Of course, you should be," her mother butted in. She leaned forward and patted Charlie’s knee. "We’re all ecstatic to have you with us."

"Thank you, Mrs. Bradley," he said.

Beth shot Isobel a pleading look. There wasn’t anyone else who could help her. But her friend just shook her head. The message was clear. You aren’t getting out of this right now.

"You should be happy that Charles wants to spend time with you," her mother said. "Our Beth has always had a terrible ungrateful streak," she added to Charlie.

Beth stifled a groan.

"You must join us for dinner," Mrs. Masterson said.

There was a chorus of agreement from everyone except Spencer, who was now staring at her through narrowed eyes. Beth started to worry. Silence wasn’t Spencer’s style, not even in defeat.

"I don’t think—"

"I would love to," Charlie said, talking over her words. "We might be a little late, though. I still need to get settled in our room."

Our room. Beth squeezed his hand as hard as she could. In her mind she fantasized that she was crushing all the bones of his fingers, but he was so solid that she doubted she was even pinching him.

Beth tried one more pleading look in Isobel’s direction. The disbelief had faded a little from her friend’s eyes, replaced by a sparkle of humor. Isobel just shrugged her shoulders.

Hey, you got yourself into this mess, she seemed to say.

And she wasn’t going to get out of it that easy. Her only hope was to regroup elsewhere.

Beth plastered another fake smile on her face and stood. "We’d better get you up to the room then, if we want to be back before dessert," she said.

Charlie rose, and pulled his arm around her waist again. Beth knew she should recoil from him. At the very least, she should feel some kind of cold shudder at his touch. He was a bad guy, after all. A car thief. A liar. A breaker of deals.

But she didn’t.

Her heart started to pound in that same strong, hard rhythm it had found the first time she’d seen him. Her body, it seemed, didn’t know from bad guys.

That was all right. That was why she had a head. It knew the difference. Right?

Beth heard the murmur of hushed voices rising up behind her as they walked away. She knew every eye would stay on them until they had disappeared inside the elevator.

"Not everyone believes us," Charlie whispered when they were halfway across the lobby.

Beth gawked at him. Who the hell was this guy?

"It doesn’t matter what Spencer thinks," she said in rush. The only thing that mattered was figuring out what in the world she was going to do now.

"Of course it does." He stopped in front of the bronze elevator doors and pressed the up button. "Kiss me, and he’ll believe it."
