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The Wild Ones

The Wild Ones (The Wild Ones #1)(17)
Author: M. Leighton

“Okay, then I’ll take Titan.”

“Are you sure you can handle him?”

Her eyes sparkle and she sticks her chin out proudly. “I can handle any horse in this stable.”

“Any horse except Runner, you mean.”

“Any horse including Runner.”

“No offense, but you’re not getting on Runner. He’s still too wild.”

“Daddy says he’ll never be ready.”

“Then why would you think you can ride him?”

“I saw you riding him the other day. He looked fine.”

“He’s used to me, but it’ll probably be another couple months before anyone else can ride him.”

“You think?”

“I know,” I say, trying not to let her get my hackles up. “I can feel it in him. He’s coming around.”

“I guess time will tell who knows horses better then, right?”

“I guess so.”

There’s a short and slightly uncomfortable pause before she speaks again.

“I’ll take Titan today then.”

“Fine,” I say, as if she had any other choice. There’s no way in hell I would have let her anywhere near Runner’s stirrups. “I’ll get him ready for you.”

“I can do it.”

“I’m sure you can, but I’ll do it while you talk to him.”

I don’t want to add that my presence will help soothe Titan before she mounts him. Only a person with an affinity for horses like mine would understand. My father used to talk about my sort of “connection” to them all the time. He’d say I was born to work with horses.

Apparently he was right.

Tying Runner’s reins for the time being, I motion for Cami to follow me. “Come on.”

We walk the length of the stable to the other end, where Titan’s stall is. His big, black head is sticking out over the open top half of his stall door. I stop to rub his nose and blow softly into his face before I go to grab his tack. By the time I come back, Cami is feeding him a sugar cube and whispering to him. I can barely make out the words, but the tone says all I need to hear. Her love of horses is clear in every syllable she utters.

I watch Titan’s ears. Although he’s no danger to Cami, he’s not quite at ease with her either. I stroke his neck and chest as I prepare to bridle him, hoping he’ll settle.

“Good boy, Titan. Let’s get you ready for Cami. We’re going out for a ride. You’ll like that, won’t you, big guy?”

All the while I’m stroking him, my voice is calm and soothing. He nickers quietly at me and I slide the bridle into his mouth. His muscles shiver beneath his shiny coat and I can almost feel him relax afterward.

I lead him out of his stall to where I can put his saddle on. I don’t stop talking to him as Cami moves around him, stroking him and getting him used to her. Luckily, Titan is highly trained and very accustomed to the presence of people, even people unfamiliar to him. But when it comes to Cami, I’m not willing to take a chance. I want him calm before we leave the stable.

When he’s saddled and ready to go, I lead him out to join Runner and then hand the reins to Cami. She’s watching me with an odd expression on her face. I’m not sure what to make of it.


She narrows her eyes on me. “You really are good with horses, aren’t you?”

I shrug. “Who told you I was good with horses?”

“My father.”

I can’t keep the shock from my face. The only thing Jack Hines has ever shown me is a mild disdain.

“That surprises you?” she asks.

“Uh, very much.”


I shrug again. “You’d just never know that by talking to him. Or at least I wouldn’t.”

“Maybe not, but that’s what he told me.”

“And why were you talking about me?”

My jeans feel a little tighter when she blushes and licks her lips nervously. “He was just telling me about the new staff, that’s all.”

Why don’t I believe her?

“Is that right?”

She nods.

“Maybe neither of you will be shocked, then, when Runner turns out to be one of the best horses this stable has ever turned out.”

“You’re that sure of him?”

“I’m that sure of him.”

I don’t know her well enough to say for sure, but it looks like she might be a little impressed. And, even though it shouldn’t, that makes me want to smile.


Maybe this was a mistake.

I can’t help but doubt myself as Trick and I lead the horses out of the stable. I thought I could handle just being his friend, especially when he is so determined to keep me at arm’s length to preserve his job. I mean, his interest in me is obviously not that strong or he wouldn’t be thinking about his job first, would he?

For whatever perverse reason, that makes him all the more appealing. And then seeing him with the horses…

Ohmigod! Think about something else!

I can feel my face get hot. Again. I don’t think I’ve blushed as much in my entire life as I have since meeting Trick. And it makes it even worse that I know he likes it. For some reason, that excites me. I want him to like it. I want him to like me, want him to want me. I shouldn’t. But I do.

Without another word, we stop just outside the huge stable doors and mount our horses. Trick looks at me and smiles. He pauses and I see his eyes dart to Titan’s head. I’m not sure if he’s worried that I’m upsetting the horse or that I might be riding an upset horse. Either way, he looks satisfied to see that Titan’s expression and body language are completely devoid of any signs of temper.

“So, where are we going?”

“I thought we’d take them up to the lookout.”

I’m impressed that he knows the land so well. He must’ve explored the trails quite a bit to know where the lookout is. I’m also a little thrilled by the idea.

Even though you shouldn’t be. You know this is a bad idea.

“Sounds good,” I say, ignoring the voice of reason.

Trick gives me a cock-eyed grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “The question is: can you keep up across the open field?”

I feel Titan shift beneath me, his muscles bunching like he’s telling me he’s up to the challenge. Runner is prancing anxiously under Trick, too. “You’re on.”

Without giving him a chance to respond, I tap Titan’s side with my heels and he takes off. I urge him into a run. Fast as lightning, we blaze a trail across the grass. The brisk wind is whipping my hair, the setting sun is warming my face and carefree happiness is bursting from my heart. I don’t question it; I just go with it.
