Read Books Novel

The Wild Ones

The Wild Ones (The Wild Ones #1)(30)
Author: M. Leighton

“Talk!” I bark, a little more sharply than I’d intended. She has to say something, to talk about that douche boyfriend of hers or she’ll soon have something else to rest her legs on. Or any other body part she might want to rest on it.

“All right, all right. Geez!” She pauses for a minute before I hear her sigh. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Things are just different between Brent and me lately. I don’t feel as…certain about him as I used to.”


“Yeah. You know, like he’s the one. Like the one.”

I can’t help but turn and look at her. “Is that what you’re looking for? The one?”

She looks down at her toes and shrugs. “No, not specifically. It’s just that he’s perfect in every way. It just seems smart.”

I return to painting.

“Smart? To what? Marry him because he’s a good fit? That’s not smart. That’s incredibly stupid. And you’re anything but stupid.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I know you.”

“No, you don’t.”

I turn and look at her again. “Yes. I do. At least in all the ways that count.” I pause. My better judgment is telling me I shouldn’t flirt, but I punch it right in the mouth and say what I’m thinking anyway. “Well, minus the way that’s the most fun.”

I wink at her and she blushes. I watch her white teeth sink into the flesh of her lower lip. I shift under her legs and turn to look at her feet. They’re the only body part I don’t want to get naked and rub myself all over.

“So, what’s the problem? Why are you suddenly not so sure?”

“I don’t know. Things just feel…different. It’s hard to explain.”


She sighs again. I can tell she’s not exactly comfortable talking to me about this, but not so much so that she won’t. I just have to pry a little. Why it’s so important to me to help her or to find out the answers is something I don’t want to think about.

“I don’t know. It’s like…like…” She trails off and I make myself not turn to look at her. Her face is expressive and I know it would tell me more, but looking at her only blurs that line I’m having such trouble with.

Her voice drops to something a little louder than a whisper, but not much. “I know it when he touches me, when he kisses me. It doesn’t feel right anymore.”

“And why is that?”

“I don’t know. I just don’t feel that way about him anymore. I don’t want him that way.”

“Then what do you want?”

What I meant was what does she want from him, but the way it came out didn’t sound like that, even to my ears. Painting the last stroke on her left foot, I pick it up and bring it to my mouth, blowing on the wet polish. I don’t even realize I’m rubbing her arch with my thumb until I feel the chills break out on her calf. Lowering her leg, I turn to look at her. Her lips are parted a tiny bit and her eyes are sharply focused on me. On my mouth specifically. I watch her pink tongue slip out to wet her lips and I feel an ache deep down in my stomach.

Without looking away, she tugs her foot from my hand. I let it go and she carefully tucks it behind my back and scoots forward, putting me squarely between her legs.

Oh shit! Stop her now or you won’t stop at all!

“Do you really want to know what I want?”

God, yes!

That’s what I want to say, right before I lay her down on the lounge chair and peel her bikini off. But my sensible side speaks up this time. Fast and loud.

“More than you can imagine, but we both know it’s not a good idea.”

I see the fire in her eyes die. It’s like I doused it with the cold water of rejection. I wounded her, the last thing in the world I wanted to do.

“Cami, I—”

Drawing up her legs, she turns to the side and stands. “You don’t have to explain. I understand. Completely. Thanks for listening. I appreciate it.”

Without even taking her little kit with her, she turns and walks away. And doesn’t look back.


“Cami, you haven’t been out of the house in almost a week. You’re coming with me tonight whether you like it or not.”

“I’m not really up to it tonight, Jenna. Maybe later in the week.”

“Don’t make me come over there and toss your gorgeous butt in the shower. You know I’ll do it.”

“I know what you’re trying to do. And I really appreciate it, but I’m just not in the mood, Jenna.”

She’s quiet for a second. “Is this about Brent?”

“No, it’s not. We’re fine.”

Jenna snorts. “Yeah, right. You and Brent haven’t been ‘fine’ since you met Trick.”

“Jenna, I—”

“I know, I know,” she interrupts quickly. “I’m not saying another word. Look, Cami, just come out with me. For a little while. When you’re ready to leave, we’ll leave. Do it for me. I’m worried about you.”

I know by her voice and from being her friend for a zillion years that she really is worried about me. That’s what makes me cave.

I don’t bother to hide my reluctance. “Fine. But I don’t want to stay long. And if Trick shows up, we’re leaving!”

“I told you, he won’t be there. He and Rusty have other plans.”

She’d said as much earlier, but didn’t elaborate. It makes my heart hurt to think of what (or who) those other plans might be.

“How are things going with you two, by the way?”

I can hear her smile when she answers. “Awesome! He’s just… he’s just… It’s awesome.”

“Sounds to me like you like him. At least a little,” I tease.

“Shut up, smart ass. Don’t be a hater just because you’re too afraid to take the leap.”

My laugh is bitter, even to my own ears. “It’s not a matter of fear anymore, Jenna. I told you what happened. He chose. That’s it. The end.”

“God, Cami! He didn’t choose. He had to have you to be able to choose something else over you, silly. And he never had you. You never let Brent go long enough to see where it would go. Me? I can’t blame the guy. I’m sure he took one look at you and knew you were a heartbreaker.”

“I’ve told you—”
