Read Books Novel

Third Debt

Third Debt (Indebted #4)(12)
Author: Pepper Winters

Kite007: I am different.

My chest deflated, sorrow drowning my veins. He’d let them win. He’d changed.

Needle&Thread: You might believe you’re different, but I know what happened between us. It’s not over because you care for me.

Kite007: That’s in the past. But you’re right. What happened between us isn’t finished.

My spine whipped straight. What did he mean?

Needle&Thread: The world knows. I heard they questioned your father. It’s only a matter of time before he’s convicted. The debts are over. It means we can be together—truly with no horrible ending hovering over us.

Kite007: Still such a naïve little Weaver.

Tears bruised my eyes. In a few words, he’d successfully tarnished my memories of him and made me doubt.

My hands shook as I responded.

Needle&Thread: You said you’d tell me everything—who you are…what you suffer. I’m asking you…tell me. Don’t let them win.

I couldn’t stand the thought of Jethro going to jail for what he’d done. Even though he deserved punishing—he’d been under the control of Cut. If he let me help him…he could stop his family and finally be happy…with me.

Kite007: I’m not that man anymore. There’s nothing to tell.

My heart fell out of my chest.

Needle&Thread: Don’t do this, Jethro.

Kite007: It’s not up to me, Threads.

My world screeched to a halt. That nickname. It wasn’t his to use.

Needle&Thread: How do you know that name?

Kite007: Come on, silly girl. You think I don’t know everything about you? You think the past month you’ve been free of me? That I’m not there…watching you?

Goosebumps splattered across my arms. If his tone was nicer, I would’ve been thrilled to know he’d been watching me. That he missed me and had to stay close.

But his tone was sinister—reminding me all too much of Milan.

I tried to reply, but I had nothing left.

My silence encouraged another text from him.

The phone came alive in my hands.

Kite007: Your time is almost up, Nila Weaver. Enjoy it. I’m coming for you.

I’m coming for you.

I couldn’t think of anything else.

I’m coming for you.

But when?

Work the next day did nothing to ease my state of mind.

I suffered three vertigo incidents before lunch, and when I finally had time to eat, I threw it all up again.

Please. Please…don’t let my sickness be what I think it is.

I pressed my forehead against the cool porcelain of my private toilet in my office as more nausea tore through my system.

I couldn’t ignore it any longer.

Dreadful horror crept over me.

I had unprotected sex.

Jethro came in me.


I moaned as the room spun again.

I can’t be pregnant. I can’t!

Doctors had always told me I ran too much. My periods had stopped coming a year ago, and they said I’d tricked my body into believing it was in starvation mode; therefore, it wasn’t strong enough to have children.

I’d been careless.

I’d been fucking stupid.

Why did I think I could ignore it?

Stumbling to my feet, I grabbed my purse and charged out of the warehouse with its steampunk vibe and countless cubicles all with private sewing machines. My bodyguards that Tex had commissioned were somewhere close by, but I didn’t want them following me.

Not for this.

I didn’t take a breath until I’d run down the stairs and dashed down the road to a local pharmacy. I didn’t think people might witness me buying a pregnancy test, and I definitely didn’t think I would bump into my twin as I came out with a little paper bag clutched in my hands. All I focused on was getting answers. Answers I should’ve learned weeks ago.

I can’t be pregnant!

I slammed into his hard bulk.

V’s dark eyes widened, his arms automatically coming out to catch me. “Threads! Been looking for you. I have a new idea for the backlog and—” His gaze dropped to my fingers, concern etching his brow. “Eh, you okay?”

My cheeks heated.

No, I’m not okay.

I nodded, backing away from him and hiding the test behind me. “Yes, I’m fine. I have to return to work. See you later, alright?”

Pushing past, I bolted across the road, summoned the lift, and flew into my office in record speed.

The moment I was safe, I locked the door and charged into the bathroom.

“Please. Please don’t let me be pregnant.”

The mantra wouldn’t stop echoing in my head. There was no logical way I could be pregnant. Surely!

It was explainable. I’m not pregnant.

My hands trembled as I ripped open the baby-blue box and read the instructions. I’d never had to do this before. It was almost as embarrassing peeing on the testing strip as it was making myself come by a showerhead.

My head pounded.

Was that only last month? Had I gone from writhing with fantasies of Jethro Hawk to spiralling into panic thinking he’d knocked me up?

Oh, God.

“Please, don’t let me be pregnant!”

Shaking, I fumbled with what I had to do. Once done, I placed the cap back on the wet strip and tossed the test into the sink. I couldn’t touch it any longer. I couldn’t look.

Oh, God.

Oh, God!

I stepped away.

I stepped so far away.

I backed up against the wall, bracing myself against the cool grey tile.

I’m not pregnant.

I would know if I was pregnant.

You’ve been throwing up a lot.

That’s explainable.

You suffer from vertigo.

You. Are. Not. Pregnant.

My inner thoughts henpecked and argued, swinging between screaming for being so stupid, to planning how to kill myself just to get this nightmare over with.

Five minutes ticked past, and I still didn’t have the courage to look.

Go on.

Get it over with.


Oh, my God, this couldn’t get any worse. What was my brother doing in my office? I locked the bloody door!

He has a key.

Two seconds later, he rapped his knuckles on the bathroom. “Threads? You okay?”

My throat closed up. I wanted the ground to fissure and swallow me.

“Nila, answer me. I’m worried about you.”

Swallowing back a sudden avalanche of tears, I pushed off from the wall to open the door.

Only the door swung wide, presenting my perfect brother in jeans and a white t-shirt. He looked as if he’d stepped off a runway, while I looked like a homeless ragamuffin.

His eyes went first to the damn pregnancy test in the vanity, then swung to me.

His dusky colouring went ashen; his eyes darkened. “Please. Please. Please tell me that animal didn’t fucking rape you.” Prowling forward, he seethed in the small space. His temper bounced off the tiles, ricocheting with violence. “Nila, tell me right now. Did that cocksucker fucking touch you?!”

I laughed. If only it had been that easy. That awful. I would have an excuse for my stupidity. This was all on me.

V’s lips twisted in horror as my laugh turned into a sob.

It wasn’t rape. It was glorious. It was everything I ever wanted and can never have again.

More tears erupted, giving way to the avalanche.

“Threads, hey. It’s okay. We can get you help.” Vaughn closed the distance and tugged me into his arms. “It’s okay, sis. Honest. I’ve got you.”

His concern was worse than his anger.

More tears.

More sobs.

I struggled. I didn’t want him touching me. Not when I didn’t know if I could live with myself. But his gentle warmth—so unlike Jethro’s frostiness—seeped into me. I sagged. I hadn’t let myself cry since the morning I’d been taken from Hawksridge. But now, I couldn’t stop.

I let it all go.

Somehow amongst my tears, I stuttered, “He—he didn’t ra—rape me, V.”

Just admitting I’d brought this on myself filled me with another wave of shame, of remorse.

V stiffened. His arms bunched as he pulled back, looking into my eyes. “What do you mean, he didn’t…” Understanding suddenly swamped his face. “Fuck, Nila! You slept with him?” Tearing his hands from me as if he were contaminated, he snarled, “You slept with that motherfucker—willingly?”

My tears dried up. I hung my head. “Vaughn, don’t.”

“Don’t?” He stormed to the vanity and swiped the pregnancy test into his fist. He shoved it in my face, hiding the viewing window so I couldn’t see if I’d just ruined my life by being impregnated with Hawk spawn.

“You slept with him unprotected!” He snorted. “Bet Tex will be so happy to know all his energy at keeping you sheltered was in vain. The first guy you’re around and you have to fucking screw him and get pregnant!”

“I don’t know if I’m pregnant yet!”

“Should we find out then?” He presented his palm, holding up the test. “I can’t believe you. God, Nila!”

I didn’t want to see.

I wanted to see.

The results were upside down.

V noticed at the same time I did. He rolled his fingers so the test bounced upright.

One little line.


What does that mean?!
