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Tiger Magic

Tiger Magic (Shifters Unbound #5)(47)
Author: Jennifer Ashley

“Then I go with you,” Tiger stated.

The look Liam shot at Tiger made Carly’s next words die on her lips. Before this, whenever Liam had pinned Tiger, his gaze had been steady and strong, the stare of a man no one messed with. But this look held depths of rage.

Liam’s eyes flicked from sinful blue to almost opaque silver, and he took on the stillness Carly had observed in the Shifters before. In one instant, Liam changed from tired man weary from whatever journey he’d taken to a dangerous enemy ready to strike.

Tiger growled in response. The same rumble that had shaken Ethan’s house flowed from Tiger’s throat, the kitchen windows humming with it. Connor looked up, eyes wide.

Liam’s face elongated until it was the muzzle of a lion, the hair on his head flowing into a formidable black mane. Tiger kept his hands clenched but didn’t change, his low tiger growl going on and on.

Tiger’s growl was matched by Liam’s, both blending into it and vibrating the air. Connor tried to flatten himself against the counter, as though fearing they’d turn and see him, weak and vulnerable, and strike.

Another growl sounded at the back door. Dylan stood in the opening, still in human form, but his eyes were the same white-hot color as Liam’s.

Carly took a step back, then another and another, silently and steadily making her way back to the door to the living room. She understood how Connor felt, hoping the Shifters wouldn’t turn around, see her, and send that building pool of aggression toward her.

Connor slid around the edges of the kitchen, his back to the wall, to join her. His eyes had taken on the same white-blue hue as the others’, but with fear, not rage. When Connor reached Carly, he grabbed her by the wrist, pulled her out of the kitchen, and started heading for the front door.

“Wait,” Carly said, trying to stop.

Connor shook his head. “If they start tearing it up in there, the best place for us to be is not here.”

“But they can’t really fight each other, can they? The Collars stop them. Right?”

Her words died into uncertainty as Connor stared down at her. “Carly, you’re naive. My granddad’s a killer. So is Tiger, and the Collars don’t change that. Do you know what’s going on in there? Liam’s trying to make Tiger back down and obey him, but Tiger’s saying he won’t. Dylan came because he sensed Tiger was snapping Liam’s control. Liam hasn’t really ever been able to control Tiger, and it’s been harder since Tiger met you.”

Carly’s mouth went dry. “Oh, sure, blame this on me.”

“No, not your fault. Tiger’s decided you’re his mate, and that makes him stronger than ever. Shifters will do anything to protect their mates, including defy their leaders if they have to. And I don’t think Tiger has ever recognized Liam as his leader. I’m thinking he’s been obeying Liam just to be nice.”

“But I never said I’d be his mate,” Carly said, her throat tight. “We’re not even dating. Last night was . . .” She broke off, her face heating. “We’d been hurt and scared, and we were celebrating being alive.”

“Not in Tiger’s mind. He’s convinced you’re meant to be together—forever. Probably he’s reacting this way because his mate died, and his cub. The researchers threw them together, then dragged them apart, wouldn’t even let him say a proper good-bye when they died. I bet that’s why he’s clinging on to you, afraid that will happen again.”

“I know about his mate. He told me, the poor guy.”

They peeked through the open door to the kitchen where the “poor guy” was facing Dylan and Liam, his powerful hands clenched to fists, the snarling match still going on. No sign of sparks from any Collars, no signs of pain. Just Shifters facing each other down, violence hovering in the air.

“What can I do?” Carly asked, twining her fingers together in worry. “There has to be something.”

“You could reject the mate-claim,” Connor said. “If Tiger is told he’s no longer obligated to protect you, he might calm down.”

“Might calm down?”

“That’s all I’ve got.”

Carly drew a breath. “All right. What do I do?”

* * *

Dylan was going to kill him. Tiger scented that without doubt. The former Shiftertown leader had run out of patience, and now he was here to protect his son. To Dylan Tiger was a danger, an aberration. They could kill him, have Sean send his body to dust, then hack into the human databases again and wipe out his presence. No trouble at all.

Liam would be sorry, Tiger sensed, but relieved. Liam had never known what to do with Tiger, had been looking after him only as a favor to Eric and Iona. Dylan had never been happy with Tiger here at all.

“Tiger.” Carly was in the room again, with Connor behind her. The scent of his mate twined around him, giving him strength. Tiger knew he could defeat both Liam and Dylan, and protect her and Connor.

He scented Carly’s terror as well, which made him shift his stance slightly, making sure neither Dylan nor Liam could get past him to her.

Carly stepped closer to Tiger. She shouldn’t do that—Dylan was unpredictable, and Carly moving made her harder to guard.

Tiger was so focused on where Carly was and how to keep the other two Shifter males away from her that he was completely unprepared when Carly cleared her throat and then stated in a loud voice, “Tiger, I reject your mate-claim.”


Liam blinked, and his growl cut off. He let his face return to human, rubbing it a little after the change.

Dylan had never shifted, but his eyes didn’t calm. He looked away from Tiger and pinned Carly, which Tiger didn’t like. Tiger renewed his growl and stepped more solidly in front of his mate.

“Thank you, lass,” Liam said, releasing a breath. “Tiger, let her go. I’ll have Sean go with her today to make sure Walker or the Bureau doesn’t try anything more with her. Yes, I heard already about you releasing Walker.”

They didn’t understand. These Shifters who thought they ruled with wisdom and experience had forgotten what it was to be Shifter. Tiger had never lived outside the basement in the place the humans called Area 51, and he’d lived only forty years, but he knew he was Shifter, wild, and different.

“The words she says mean nothing,” Tiger said. “She is my true mate.”

Carly made a noise of exasperation. “Oh, come on, Tiger. I’m only trying to help.”
