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“I take it you’ve been bitten by the woman bug?”

“No, I just know women are not always the best source of company,” Zero said.

“That’s wonderful to know, Zero,” Sandy said. Sandy was the resident doctor.

Tiny saw the anger in the woman’s eyes, and it was all directed at Zero.

In the last month Sandy had started hanging around the compound more often. From what he heard no man was getting between her thighs anymore. Tiny knew it had something to do with the stabbing over Nash. She’d been in a coma for a few days, and it had been touch and go over her life.

“You’re different, Sandy,” Zero said, trying to make up for his words.

“I sleep with men who don’t give a f**k about commitment, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be faithful to the right man.” She glared daggers at Zero before turning her gaze to him. “I need to talk with you.”

He motioned toward his office. There was no exotic sway to her h*ps as he followed behind her. Tiny stared at Sandy’s back and noticed she wore more clothes than he’d ever seen on her. She wore jeans and a long sweater. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. He saw she looked younger than her forty years. He’d f**ked her once many months ago. Afterwards he’d not been able to go home to Eva for the shame that consumed him. They’d not even been dating, but he felt the betrayal.

You’re not even dating now.

Closing the door he walked to his desk. The computer was fried and was no way to get repaired. He’d have to get a new one. “What can I do for you?” he asked.

She bent down to help pick up everything he and Eva had spilled to the floor.

“You don’t need to help with that,” he said, taking the paperwork off her hands.

Sandy took a seat, and he lowered himself down into his own. He couldn’t believe less than an hour ago he’d been f**king Eva in the very same chair. The room smelled like sex to him. It was a good smell, and he didn’t care if Sandy smelled it or not.

“I know I’m not one of your men or part of the club—”

“You’re part of the club, Sandy. What happened to you should never have happened. Don’t think that you’re not appreciated because you are. You mean a lot to me and the club.”

She looked down at her lap. He saw her hands were gripping her knees tightly.

“I, erm, I quit work at the hospital.”

He listened, shocked by the fact she quit work.

“I handed in my notice, and I’m finished with the place. I can’t go home. Being alone hurts, but I can’t be with any of the men either.” She looked up at him. He saw the tears spilling from her eyes. “I’ve never felt this way before. I’m alone. I’ve got no family. I was a doctor, and I loved the life within the club but … I can’t do it.”

She wiped at her eyes. “I thought about leaving, and I got in my car to leave. There’s nowhere for me to go. I can’t support myself.”

“Do you need money?” he asked.

“No, this is not about money. What I’m asking is can I stay here? I can pay rent or something. Can I stay here without being with one of the men? I don’t want to be an old lady or anyone’s woman. I just want to be left alone to deal.”

The desperation in her voice cut him deep. She’d been one of the only women who didn’t have a prospect on her, and she’d suffered because of it. No one would have hurt her if he’d thought ahead.

Getting up from his seat, he walked to the door.

“Stink, come here.”

He waited by his door for the other brother to walk into the room. Stink didn’t have any sense of smell. The other man did all the shit jobs without a problem. He was sure it would only be a matter of time before the boys renamed him when they grew tired of calling him Stink.

“Yes, boss,” Stink said, entering the room.

Tiny told him everything with Sandy. He knew the other man wouldn’t even try it on with her and with the right order, would protect Sandy with his life. Stink once confided in him that he wasn’t interested in quick easy f**ks with Sandy. Stink wanted forever and had the biggest crush on her. No one within the club knew it apart from him. Sandy and Stink would make a good team for now. Tiny knew that Stink wouldn’t do anything to hurt Sandy or put moves on her.

“Are you okay with this arrangement?” Tiny asked, looking at Sandy. The other woman stared at Stink.

“He knows I’m not interested in anything else?”

“Babe, I’m not going to touch you other than to be your bodyguard and safety net. I’ve no interest in bedding you.”

If Tiny didn’t know better he’d say Stink had his fingers crossed behind his back.

“Okay, then I’m good with this, Tiny.” Sandy got up from her seat. “Thank you for being so considerate.”

She placed a cool hand on his arm.

Closing the door Tiny remembered a long time ago when he’d turned and walked away from a woman to be hurt.

The memory swamped him, threatening to drag him down.


Tiny, before The Skulls began

Tiny stared around the grounds. Mikey stood smoking a cigarette. The look of disgust on the other man’s face scared him. Fort Wills was a f**king shit hole, and no one cared about what went on in the little town off the beaten track. No one visited unless they wanted to end up dead or as part of The Darkness. He heard Snitch laughing his head off in the distance followed by the sound of a feminine cry.

“He’s at it again,” Mikey said. Devil walked out of the forest carrying a bottle of vodka. They were the only two men Tiny really knew who hated what The Darkness did. The Darkness was a group of thugs who controlled the town. When they told the residents to jump, the town simply asked, how high?

“What?” Tiny asked. Fear filled every corner of his soul at the desperate screams.

“He’s raping another girl. They’re all f**king monsters,” Mikey said.

Devil threw his bottle against the tree. In the last few months, The Darkness had gotten out of control. There was once a time when Tiny loved being part of a strong group of men. They f**ked whoever they wanted and beat the shit out of anyone who stood in their way. If there was order, they would make it their mission to f**k it over.

“I’m many things, but I’m not a f**king ra**st,” Devil said. “I’m out of here. I’m done.”

“You can’t just walk away,” Tiny said, holding his ground. They were all in this together.
