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“Fine.” He let her hair go and pushed on her shoulders. She went down on her knees before him. “Tonight you’re still mine, and I’ll make sure you can’t remember the last time you were in the shower with him.”

She watched him fist his c**k before ordering her to open her lips. Eva took him into her mouth and showed him how hot it could be to f**k in the shower.


Kelsey stared at the big man sat in her front room. Killer kept coming back, and she didn’t know how she was supposed to keep him away. He scared her. The whole of The Skulls scared her. When he told her everything that happened between Nash and Sophia she’d been terrified. Being with Killer meant risking a lot of pain.

Angel had lost a baby because of the pain of their enemies. The last time she visited the club she overheard some of the men talking about Killer. His name was apt for what he could do.

She tensed as he stood up from his seat and started looking through her books. His hands were large.

“The Lions thought it was funny to watch him kill whoever they told him to.”

“I heard he could snap a neck like Lash with his bare hands.”

Biting her lip, she turned away to gather her wits about her. He’d stayed with her, and she’d slept in his room at The Skulls’ compound. They hadn’t gotten na**d or had sex, but those hands that had taken a life had also given her pleasure. A lot of pleasure. Her cheeks heated recalling the feel of his fingers stroking between her thighs.

“What’s going on, Kels?” Killer asked.

She jumped. Her hand went to her chest to feel her thumping heart. “You scared me!”

“Sorry, you’ve been avoiding me. What’s going on? You’re acting like I’m going to hurt you.”

His arms were folded over his chest.

Great work, Kelsey. He’s defensive.

“Nothing is the matter.” She poured out the hot water into their cups to make them both a cup of tea. Kelsey preferred tea to coffee. Tate hated the scent of coffee. She loved her friend and wouldn’t dream of hurting her.

She noticed her hand was shaking. Putting the kettle down, she tensed as he grabbed her hand. He moved so quickly around her kitchen. “You’re shaking.”

“Sorry,” she said.

He frowned. “There was a time you melted against me, Kels. You look petrified.”

“I’m tired.”

Slowly, he turned her around and pushed her up against the fridge.

“Really?” Killer leaned down. His hands went around her neck, his thumbs pushing her chin up.

Her heart raced.

“The Lions thought it was funny to watch him kill whoever they told him to.”

“I heard he could snap a neck like Lash with his bare hands.”

The conversation she overheard replayed again in her mind. She panicked at the thought of those hands cutting off the air she breathed.

Bringing her hands up she shoved him away quickly. “No, stop!” She yelled the words at the same time her hands went around her neck.

“What the f**k? I was going to kiss you. It has been too damn long since I felt your lips on mine.” He yelled right back at her, not backing down.

“I heard some men talking. I know what you’re capable of and what you used to do for The Lions. The people you killed for fun, the women.” Everything came pouring out, and she couldn’t stop it.

Killer paled. She saw his change of color and the horror on his face.

“You think I’d kill you?” he asked, standing tall. He looked wounded. Her words had hit him hard.

“I don’t know.” She felt like an idiot. Killer had never hurt her. Every time he touched her, he did it with care.

“I would never hurt you, Kels. Fuck.” He slammed his fist against the wall.

She winced, knowing it had to hurt.

“Who did you hear talking about me?” he asked, stepping close.

“I don’t know. “

“You know the f**king Skulls. Tell me who you heard and tell me now.”

Licking her lips, she felt her hands shaking. Kelsey wanted to take everything back she’d said. The anger in his eyes scared her, but it wasn’t directed at her.

“It was Butch and Zero.”

The two men were known gossipers.

“Good. I’ll send someone else to pick you on Friday for the party.” He turned away to leave.

“No, Killer, wait.”

She charged after him, not wanting him to leave for fear of what would happen to him.

He stopped at the door with his back to her.

“Please don’t leave. I’m sorry. I’m an idiot. Please, come back.”

“No. I’ve got shit to do. I shouldn’t have come here. It was a mistake.”

Killer left, taking his anger with him. The door slammed making her tense.

Running to her phone, she quickly dialed Tate’s number.

“Hello.” Murphy answered the phone.

“I need to speak to Tate. It’s an emergency.”

Whatever Killer had to do, it wasn’t going to go well for some of the men.

Chapter Five

Tiny woke up hearing his cell phone ringing. The sun was shining in the partially opened curtains. His cell phone stopped ringing. Rubbing a hand down his face to clear the sleep from his mind, he glanced down to see Eva asleep on his chest. He kept one hand on her back as he reached out to the cabinet beside the bed.

Tate’s name flashed on the screen. He was about to dial her number again when his cell phone went off. Clicking the accept button, he put the phone to his ear.

“What could you possibly need this early in the morning?” Tiny asked.

Eva moaned and started to wake up.

“Is that Eva? You’ve got Eva in your bed? Is she there willingly?”

His daughter was going to spoil his good mood. “Of course she bloody is here willingly. What kind of man do you take me for?”

“I got my answer. I know you, Dad. Piss you off and you give me what I want.” She giggled, which only riled him up more.

“Tell her to stop being mean,” Eva said, mumbling.

He relayed her words. Tate grew quiet, changing the conversation. “I phoned up because Kelsey is worried. Killer was with her last night, and to cut a rather long story short, he’s after Zero and Butch.”

Eva moved off him, and Tiny stood staring out of the window.

“What do you mean?”

“He’s called Killer for a reason. Something tells me Butch and Zero are not going to last much longer if he gets hold of them. They’ve pissed him off. Murphy is trying to find him, and I’m on my way to the club. He didn’t go back to the compound last night.”
