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There was nothing he could do to stop her. Leaving the party behind, he went to his office. He didn’t shut the door as he didn’t want any of his men to be getting the wrong idea.

“You’re hiding away in here?” Eva asked.

She was stood leaning against the doorframe.

“I’m not hiding. I’m waiting.” He sipped at his beer, staring down the length of her body. Memories of the last time he’d seen her in this room ran through his mind. Her body had been naked, open and waiting for him.

“Tate’s excited about everything.” Eva didn’t move from her spot.

Tiny caressed the spot on the desk where he’d tasted and taken her.

“I’ll always remember what you looked like when you took my cock.”

He heard her gasp. Glancing up, he saw her advance into the room. She rounded the desk, wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him down to her.

She claimed his lips, plunging her tongue into his mouth. He gripped her ass, pressing his hard dick against her stomach. Their moans mingled together, and with his other hand, he held her head still.

His heart was pounding, and the need was intense. Never once had he ever felt this way with anyone, not even Patricia. He felt like he was drowning in her essence.

“Don’t go,” he said, whispering the words against her lips.

“I’ve got to.” She broke the kiss, leaning her head against his chest.

“No, you don’t. I’ll take care of you.”

She stroked his chest, running her fingers across his patch.

“No.” Eva pulled out of his arms. Her lips were bruised from his kisses. “You’ll forget about me soon enough.” She caressed his cheek then moved away. He followed her out and paused as Tate pulled her into a hug.

His men offered their wishes and goodbyes. Ned led the way outside, and he went with the crowd. She waved to everyone climbing in the car. He broke through the crowd, watching Ned pull away from the curb.

Eva turned around and stared at him. Her hand was up, waving to him.

Tiny couldn’t tear his gaze away as she drove out of his life.


“Eva?” Ned asked.

She was staring at Tiny, who stood with his hands fisted at his sides. There was nothing for her to do. She had to get away. If she gave into him then he’d regret his decision. Tiny was not ready for any kind of commitment. Living with him had made her aware of the kind of man he was.

“Don’t, Dad.” She spoke still seeing the man she loved getting smaller as they moved away.

When she could no longer see Tiny’s outline she turned back around to stare out of the front of the car. The scenery didn’t catch her eye. She was too busy remembering the feel of Tiny’s lips on hers. They were silent for several minutes. Eva kept her gaze out of the window watching Fort Wills leave her behind.

“Gavin is looking forward to you coming home,” Ned said, starting a conversation.

Turning to him, she glared. “Don’t go there. Nothing is going to happen between Gavin and me.”

“He’s sorry over what happened. It’s time for you both to move on.”

“When I move on it will not be with Gavin or any of your men.” She grabbed her sunglasses from her bag.

Eva frowned. She’d never once told her father the reason why she’d moved on. “How do you know what happened between him and me?”

“Gavin told me. You’re not the kind of woman to just leave without a reason. I know you left me a note, but it’s still out of character for you.” Ned maneuvered around a large milk truck. “He was embarrassed by what happened.”

“What did you do?” she asked.

“Your relationship is your own business. I didn’t hurt him over what went down between you. However, the slut he was with is gone, and he got six months rotation without pay.”

“Is that all?”

“I may have taken him into the ring and kicked his ass for sending my daughter away.” Ned didn’t take his eyes off the road.

“I’m surprised he’s still living.” She flipped open her phone to see a sad face on the screen from Tate. Smiling, she deleted the message and put her phone back away.

“He makes a lot of money, and men f**k up. Gavin was young, and he made a mistake.”

“Gavin f**ked up, and I’m not going to hold anything against him. I won’t be having anything to do with him.” She sat back against the chair letting her thoughts drift to the man she left behind. The women he’d been with had hurt her, but she never actually caught him in the act. They’d never meant anything to each other either, so it wasn’t like he was cheating on her.

“Tiny is a good man, but he’s got the same problems that Gavin has. He can’t keep it in his pants.”

She slammed her hand on the dash board. “No, you do not get to do that. Tiny is none of your business. He never will be, and I won’t be discussing him with you now or in the future. Yes, I loved him, and I loved his daughter.” Her hand hurt from slapping down on the hard surface. “I will not be dating or spending any time with Gavin. Do not think to throw us together. I’ll work for you again, but I won’t have anything to do with the men.”

“If you love him, why are you leaving him?” Ned asked.

“Sometimes to help others you need to know when to back away. Tiny doesn’t need me around, and we’re not good for each other. Kind of like you and Mom.”

She saw him tense out of the corner of her eye.

“Yeah, Gavin is such a good man. He told me what happened with my mother. I know you killed her.” Eva couldn’t believe she was speaking as if death was a natural topic of conversation.

“He shouldn’t have said anything.”

“It doesn’t matter anymore. Nothing is going to change what happened. She’s gone.” Eva had never gotten the chance to know her mother.

“I never told you anything about it or her.”

Staying silent, Eva drummed her fingers on her leg. Her father was a dangerous man, yet she’d never been afraid of him, not even when she’d been naughty growing up. Even knowing how dangerous she was she didn’t hate him. This was the world she’d grown up in. Ned wouldn’t kill her, and he wouldn’t kill Tiny. Both men were too important in their little world.

“She was a stripper I knocked up,” Ned said.

Eva had seen pictures of her mother growing up. She’d been a beautiful, slender woman with blonde hair, but she hadn’t been a loyal woman.
