Read Books Novel


During the walk he didn’t give a f**k about the pain. He didn’t know how long he was walking until he stumbled upon a small town.

People gave him a wide berth, which he didn’t mind. When he got to the phone he pushed some money into the slot and typed in Devil’s number. He’d always been good at remembering numbers.

“Who the f**k is this?” Devil asked, clearly angry.

“Tiny, I need your help.” He wouldn’t be talking to the leader of Chaos Bleeds if it wasn’t necessary.

“What do you need now? Your man, Whizz, he pulled through. I found her sister, and I’m having the f**king party of a lifetime—”

Tiny wished he had all the time in the world to listen to his friend, but he didn’t. “Snitch is back.”

Silence fell from his interruption.

“Are you f**king shitting me?” Devil asked.

“Wish I was, but on a drug run all my crew and I were just attacked. I don’t know who survived, but it was a f**king ambush.” Tiny detailed everything even down to the planned route.

“Sounds to me Alex has it in for you,” Devil said.

“Nah, this was f**king planned. Snitch is back, and he’s after revenge. He wants me out of the f**king picture, and the only way to do that is to get rid of me and my crew.” Tiny tore some of his shirt to wrap around his bleeding knuckles.

“Shit, with Snitch back it affects all of us. I’ll gather some guys together and come help you out.”

“Not right away. Wait for my phone call. This needs to be handled properly.” Tiny spat on the ground and saw one of his teeth mixed in. Fuck, he was getting too f**king old for this shit.

“What do you think Snitch will do?” Devil asked.

“He wants Fort Wills. I’m sure now he was the one responsible for trying to put Nash and Sophia in the ground. It’s now our job to make sure he goes to f**king ground.”

“Whatever you need, it’s yours.”

“Good. Stand by for my call.”

“With pleasure,” Devil said, hanging up. He needed to get to Vegas, and only then could he find out who of his men were alive, if any at all.


One day later

Killer held onto his side as he kept to the shadows. His side hurt like hell, and his cell remained eerily silent. Fort Wills didn’t look too terrifying as he walked past closed shops and empty streets. It was night time, and no one was wandering around. Whatever was going on hadn’t reached the town yet.

Since the attack where he’d taken three men on he’d been hitching rides off passing people. Some people stopped just to be nosey. He paid them money for the ride back to Fort Wills. No one would enter the dangerous biker town, and he had to walk the rest of the way otherwise he’d have gotten home far sooner.

Leaning against a dumpster he took several breaths to gain composure. He’d not slept in over twenty-four hours, and he was feeling it.

Rounding a corner he went straight for the intercom on Kelsey’s building.

“Hello?” Her sweet voice came over the line.

“Kels, I need you to buzz me in.”

He heard her sigh, but the sound of the buzzer filled him with relief. She was waiting by her door as he walked down to her. Killer still held onto his side. As he walked into the light he saw the change within her. He knew he didn’t look all that appealing.

“Killer? What happened?” Kelsey asked, going to him.

Stumbling into her apartment, he shut and locked the door. Pulling the gun from his pants, he placed it on the counter near the door.

“You should see the other guy,” he said, joking.

When he was satisfied no one had followed him, he started to remove his jacket. His side was patched up the best he could, but he wasn’t doing good.

“You’re bleeding. Crap, what is going on?” Kelsey asked, helping him into a seat. He found her caring endearing.

Pulling his shirt over his head, he sat down as she bustled around the kitchen. “I came to you. I thought you would be more qualified to stitch me up.” Partly the truth. After what he’d just been through he didn’t want any other woman’s hands on him other than Kelsey’s.

“I’m a dental nurse, Killer.”

“Don’t care. You’ll do a better job than I ever will. I’ll probably give myself an infection and die.”

She walked over carrying her first aid lit. Kelsey grabbed his face. “Don’t ever say anything like that.” Releasing him she set about working on his side. “What caused this?”

“Dodged a bullet only the f**ker grazed me.”

“Do I need to call Tate and the others?” she asked.

He reached for her, holding her hand. “No, you don’t call anyone. I need you to keep my presence a secret until I know more.”

“You’re scaring me. What the hell is going on?”

Letting out a sigh, Killer stared at her exposed shoulder. She was in her nightwear. He loved the look of her pale flesh. Reaching out he pressed a hand to her shoulder seeing the muck and grime all over him. Before he could touch her, he pulled his hand away.

“We were attacked. It was a run, a standard drop off. We’ve done them loads of times, but this was different. The route was planned, and all of us had the product strapped to the bikes.” He winced as she started to clean his wound. “Fuck, it stings.”

“I’m sorry. I’m being as careful as I can.”

“I don’t know who they f**king were. I’ve never seen them before in my life. They were another f**king crew.”

“Where are the others?” Kelsey asked, putting the soiled bandages into a pot of water.

“We spread out. We’ve got a deal that if we’re ambushed or outnumbered we move … scatter.”

“Do you know who survived? You’ve got a bullet wound. There have to have been casualties, Killer.” She applied some antiseptic to the area. He held onto the edge of the counter to stop himself from screaming at the excruciating pain.

“I don’t know. I saw Tiny come off his bike. He’s going to be f**king messed up even though he was wearing the proper shit. I saw him head off to the tree line. I saw Lash and Nash go down. I couldn’t stop it. The brothers went down together. I didn’t see anyone else. They could all be out on that road and dead. I got away and was able to escape.” He still couldn’t believe how lucky he was. After he’d injured or dazed the men attacking him, he’d run like hell.
