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She slammed her cell phone down on the desk, running fingers through her hair. Eva wanted to talk to the man who proposed. The run had been yesterday, and he hadn’t been in touch.

Her cell phone went off, and she answered it without looking at the screen.

“Tiny, where the f**k have you been? I’ve been worried sick,” Eva said.

Silence was on the other end. “It’s not Tiny. It’s me, Tate.”

The despair in the other woman’s voice had Eva on alert. “Tate, what’s wrong?”

“I, erm, have you heard from my dad?”

“I’ve not spoken to him since yesterday morning when he about to go on his latest run.”

“Something bad has happened,” Tate said.

Eva tensed. “What?”

The next ten minutes were the longest of her life. Her heart was breaking as Tate described every single word of what went down. Tiny could be dead. The man she loved with her heart and soul could be lying in a ditch somewhere dead.

“What are you talking about?” Eva asked, dread overcoming her and making it impossible for her to speak straight. She couldn’t breathe.

She stood from behind her desk as Tate’s words sank in.

“They were attacked on the road. No one knows who is alive or dead. Sandy has destroyed the compound at Stink’s orders. He and Killer are the only ones we know who are alive.” Tate sobbed over the line. “It was only supposed to be a quick drop, Eva. I’ve not heard from Murphy or my father, and I’m freaking out. Killer said it was an entire f**king club, an ambush.”

Her words faded all together. An ambush? What the f**k? Tiny was careful. He would never lead his men into a trap.

Staring out of the office window she saw her father training with Lance. Gavin hadn’t even stopped by to harass her.

Ned hadn’t wanted her to be alone, and he’d brought her to the gym to work even though today was her day off. Gavin was sparring with another of the men. They had both been giving her space yet keeping her in their line of sight. What did they know? Something was wrong, and she was going to find out. She knew they had information about Tiny.

“I’ll be in touch, Tate.”

“Please, Eva, I think they’re dead.”

“No, you’re not to think that,” Eva said. “Your father is an intelligent man. He will not let anything happen to himself or his men, I promise you that. Everything Tiny does is to protect what he holds dear.”

Hanging up the phone she stormed out to her father.

“Dad, I need a word,” she said, rounding the fighting ring where her father was stood.

“Not now, honey. Give me an hour.”

Holding onto the rope she climbed onto the mat and stood in front of her father. “No, we’re going to talk now.”

Ned dropped his arms to look at her. “What do you want to know?”

“The Skulls were organized on a drop, your drop, the other day. No one has heard from them, why?” she asked. Her anger was building. His men closed all the doors and pushed anyone who was not close to Ned out of the door.

“Eva, we do not talk shop—”

“Killer survived,” she said, interrupting him. “They were attacked. How the hell did you not know, and why is it one of your drops?”

“Be careful how you speak to me.”

“Tiny is missing.” Tears she’d been holding back released from her. “Tiny, Murphy, Nash, Lash, Zero, and all of his other men are missing. No one knows if they’re alive. You will tell me what is going, on or so help me, I will walk out of that door and I will never have anything to do with you again.” She loved her father dearly, but she would turn her back on him.

Ned stared at her clearly contemplating what to tell her.

“They were on a run like every other one when they were attacked. We don’t know why or by who. Alex is back in Vegas. He’s rallying his men to find out everything. Tiny was able to phone him before everything died down.” He stepped forward, holding onto her arms. “You can’t go back to Fort Wills.”

“You don’t know anything?” she asked, shoving him away.

“It’s not my business to know anything. My business is to make sure nothing is traced back to us!” Ned shouted.

Shaking her head, she turned away.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“To someone who gives a f**k to see if he’s alive.” She stormed out of the gym with only one destination in mind.

Gavin followed her out. “You need to stay away from this,” he said. “Whoever attacked The Skulls will not stop until all of them are dead.”

“I love him, Gavin. He is my heart, my soul, my very f**king life, and he could be dead.”

“He’s an old man.”

Fisting her hand, she slammed it against his nose. He grunted, collapsing to the floor. She landed a kick against his balls. “I don’t give a f**k how old he is. Tiny is mine.” Turning away from him, she ran up the street, hailing the nearest taxi. She gave the direction to Alex’s casino. Running fingers through her hair, she became aware of how sticky she was. The heat made her feel sick to her stomach.

Her heart wouldn’t stop racing. She needed to know what was going on with her man. The only person she knew who would care was Alex. Settling back against the car, she tapped her leg and tried to focus on everything that was happening.

Tiny could be dead.

No, she wouldn’t think about losing the only man she’d ever loved.

Tiny is dead.

The driver pulled up outside of the casino. She paid him and headed straight inside. Alex’s henchmen were waiting for her at the door. “Mr. Allen is expecting you.”

She didn’t argue and followed them toward the elevator. Leaning against the back she stared at all of their reflections not really seeing anything.

The elevator ride didn’t last long. She saw they were on the top floor to the penthouse suit. They entered in the key code to the penthouse, and she was escorted inside. Alex was sat on a plush sofa. He looked up from his laptop to see her stood there. Wiping the tears from her cheeks, Eva burst into sobs again.

“Tell me what is going on,” she said. “Please, tell me. Is Tiny dead?”

“Eva,” Alex said, walking toward her. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her in close.

For several seconds she accepted his embrace, and then she remembered Tiny was still gone. “No,” she said, tearing herself out of his arms. “I need to know what the f**k is happening, and I need to know now.” She stamped her foot, trying to keep her emotions in check. “Tell me, Alex, tell me how a simple f**king drop has turned into The Skulls running for their lives.”
