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Tipsy (Take It Off #5)(22)
Author: Cambria Hebert

I reached up and pulled his hands away from my face and leaned forward. My chest brushed against his as I tentatively drew the silver ring between my lips. My tongue swept across the skin, lavishing the area with warm moisture, and he groaned.

Feeling a little bolder I rocked forward, the area between my legs rubbing against his jeans, and tugged a little harder on the ring as I slipped my tongue through the center.

Blue gripped my hips and squeezed, holding me against him, causing this needy, throbbing sensation within the folds of my vagina.

After I kissed and played with the piercing, I untangled my tongue and pulled back, but he seized forward and caught me up in a full-on kiss. His arms locked around me and he rolled, pinning me to the mattress, the pillows at my back.

The weight of his body pinned me down as his lips ravished my mouth and his knee worked its way up between my thighs. I gripped his biceps, wrapping my hands around them and holding on, my hips squirming around looking for something I knew he could give me.

When his jean-clad knee connected right at my center, the hard pressure of him made me cry out, but the sound was swallowed with another sweeping kiss. His hand shoved between us and covered my breast. The nipple hardened and rose up to meet him, begging for more attention.

I didn’t know how he kissed me so thoroughly and groped me at the same time, but it was so insanely pleasurable that all thought fled from my brain. All I could think about was more. I wanted more. And less.

More of him. Less of the clothes between us.

Blue ripped away his mouth, panting. He pushed himself up, keeping his weight off me with both his arms. “I should go.”

“Yeah,” I agreed.

Neither of us moved.

He stared at me for a few more moments, his eyes seeming to take in every last detail of my face before he slowly started to lower himself back down. It was almost like he was warning me that he was coming. Like I would push him off or try to get away.

I wasn’t going anywhere. I wanted his lips on mine like a little kid wanted an ice cream cone.

I kept my eyes open, watching him, not wanting to miss a single thing about his expression. I enjoyed the way his pupils dilated with desire and his nostrils flared out just ever so slightly. I enjoyed the way his biceps shook on either side of my head as if keeping himself from touching me was the hardest thing he’d ever done. He stopped short, just centimeters separating our lips as he stared into my eyes.

My stomach was doing some crazy gymnastics, vaulting around inside my middle like I’d just gone on a roller coaster ride with fifty loops and curves. If my heart beat any more erratically, I might go into cardiac arrest.

And then he closed the distance. His lips brushed over mine; the contact was nothing short of jolting. It was like I hadn’t just spent the last ten minutes making out with him like a horny teenager. It was as if I had never kissed him at all.

Every single thing about him washed over me. I felt like I was standing on top of a cliff, ready to dive off. Anxious, delicious desire curled tightly around me, winding me up so tight that I was afraid I might snap.

I dug my fingers into the blankets, twisting the soft fabric around my hands and gripping it tightly, hoping it would keep me grounded.

But nothing could keep me from getting lost in Blue.

It was as if I were Alice in Wonderland and he was the hole I fell through.

His lips didn’t lift one time. The kiss was continuous; it went on forever. It wasn’t demanding. It wasn’t the kind that made my hips gyrate beneath him. It was something that went beyond the search for an epic orgasm. It was the kind of kiss that went further than my desire. It went deeper than my vagina. Something about the way his lips lingered on mine, softly caressing me with his tongue, made the beating of my heart slow to a lazy, lethargic thump.




When our lips finally stopped touching, he looked at me once more. My vision was slightly skewed. I blinked, bringing him and his amazing azure eyes back into focus.

“Come on,” he said, his voice whisper soft. “I want you to lock the door behind me.”

Even after he moved off the bed, I lay there and stared up at the ceiling. I wasn’t sure my heart rate would ever be the same again. How in the hell was I supposed to not want him, to not be angry at his jerk-face ways when he freaking kissed me like that?

Blue did not play fair.

Even still, when he offered his hand as I pushed up off the bed, I accepted.

After putting the knit cap back onto his head, I followed him out of the bedroom and down the stairs into my darkened living room. The soft glow of the nightlight in the stairwell was the only illumination by the front door.

Blue turned to me, nothing but a shape in the dark. “Promise me you’ll stay out of that bar.”

“I already told you I would,” I said, exasperated.

“Lay low for a while,” he said. I could feel his stare. “Unfortunately you’ve been connected with my new identity.”

“Should I call you Gray?”

“You don’t have to call me anything because you won’t see me again.”

My stomach sank. My heart rate sped up. Disappointment was an ugly kind of feeling. “If you planned to never see me again, why did you come here at all?” I said, irritation seeping into my tone. When was he going to stop doing this to me? When was he going to stop getting under my skin, working his way into my chest… only to deny me what I truly wanted.

Damn. It was too late to take that thought back. I couldn’t even convince myself of that lie. I wanted Blue; nothing was going to change that. It was very apparent that he was like my own personal brand of drug.

He heaved a great sigh and stepped forward. I stepped back. His hands dropped to his waist. “I told you. I can’t stand the thought of you… hating me.”

Oh, I didn’t hate him. But I wanted to.

“So you thought making out with me and then taking off into the night would make me less mad?”

“This isn’t forever,” he whispered, stepping forward. “Eventually this case will be over.”


“So then maybe you and I…”

“Are you asking me to wait for you?”

He was silent a long moment. He sighed heavily. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

“So you expect me to sit around here for God knows how long and wonder if you’re making out with some random chick in a seedy bar across town? You expect me to wonder day after day if you’re hurt or if your cover was blown and someone wants to kill you?”
