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Tirade (Heven and Hell #3)(23)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“If you weren’t, you would’ve killed me already, instead of just threatening me, being that you’re such a cold-blooded killer and all.” I waved my hand in front of his face, wafting away his veiled threat and my fear.

He threw back his head and laughed. He had a good laugh. It wasn’t the laugh of a killer.

“What do you say we get out of here? I have somewhere I need to be.”

His eyes narrowed like he was trying to decide if I had an agenda. I picked up my coffee and took a sip. It was cold.

“Walk back to the house with me?” I said to Logan. We walked away without another glance in his direction. I suppressed a smile when he fell into step behind us.

“I don’t trust him, but you’re right. We need him to get Sam,” Logan said quietly to me. Even though his voice was quiet, I knew without a doubt Riley was listening.

I smiled at Logan. For once, it felt like we were on the same team. Team Sam. “Thanks for the support.”

Even though I was shaken about the things Gemma said about Riley and I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to rescue Sam, I was still going to be strong. I wasn’t going to let on how afraid I really was. Especially not in front of Logan.

I glanced over my shoulder at Riley and smirked, putting a hand on my hip. “Let’s go. Where we’re going… I’m going to need you to refrain from murder.”


Training this morning had not gone as I planned and I was full of pent-up energy and anger. Probably because there was too much talking and not enough punching. My dream from the night before left me feeling a sick kind of dread in the pit of my stomach that I couldn’t shake. I didn’t ask Riley if he was up for a run because I knew he would be. He was a hellhound. He could outrun me with ease. He didn’t say anything when I pulled off the main road and parked Gran’s Toyota in the grass. He didn’t say anything when I climbed out of the car and zipped the car keys into the little pocket in the leggings I was wearing. When I began stretching, his lips remained closed too.

I sighed. My little test to see how far he would go without asking any questions failed. “We’re going to the hospital, to see my mother. I like to park a few miles from the hospital and run the distance there. ”

He nodded. “How far?”

“Today I parked seven miles away.” I waited for him to scoff at the mileage.

“Sounds good.” He pushed the hair off his forehead and glanced at me. “You ready?”

I hoped I didn’t make a fool of myself by trying to run this far. Yesterday, I had only run five miles. “Yeah.” I reached into the truck and pulled out my small backpack and strapped it onto my back. “Let’s go.”

We only made it a few yards when I stumbled. The next thing I knew I was hit with an overwhelming white light. I heard Riley calling my name and I tried to tell him everything was fine, but there wasn’t time for that before I disappeared.


The InBetween looked the same as every other time I had been here: empty and white. Airis was standing in the center, dressed all in white (you think she would get tired of being colorless all the time). Her blond hair was long and hanging down her back. Her face seemed to be frozen in the same expression she always wore: serene and loving.

“Please excuse the interruption,” she began smoothly. “I needed to speak with you.”

“Has something happened? Is my dad all right?” I knew better than to ask to see him. After we had to leave Sam in hell, I went to Airis for help. She refused to help me, something I still hadn’t forgotten. To her credit, and to soften the blow, she had gifted me a few precious moments with my father, who had died a few years ago.

“Your father is well.”

“Has something happened to Sam?” I asked frantically.

“I can’t see into hell, remember?”

I nodded. “What is it?”

“I wanted to speak with you about you. I’m concerned.”

“About me?”

“Yes. I’m concerned you’re veering from your path.”

“My path?”

“As a Supernatural Treasure, you’re protecting a Treasure Map. How’s that going?”

“The map is safe.”

“For how long?”

“Excuse me?”

“I’m concerned about the choices you’ve been making lately.”

“My choices?” I echoed, confused.

Airis came forward and laid a hand upon my cheek; peace flowed through her into me. I pulled back. “Things are very confusing right now, I know. Do not lose sight of the path you are on by trusting the wrong people who could lead you astray.”

Did she mean Riley?

“I haven’t forgotten the path that I’m on and that I need to get the map to safety. And I will. But right now I have to get Sam out of hell.”

“You would risk the map for him… a hellhound?”

Of course I would, but something held me back from saying that. “He isn’t just a hellhound, and up until Sam disappeared, you seemed to think he was worthy and on the same path as I.”

“He may not be the same if he comes back,” Airis said, not unkindly.

“He’s the same,” I insisted. My anger was growing.

Airis bowed her head in what I hoped was agreement. “I just wanted to remind you of your path and to warn you of those who tempt you to turn from it.”

“Are you worried that I might trade the scroll for Sam’s release?”

“Would you?”

I was shocked that she would ask me so blatantly. While it had crossed my mind, I knew that it wasn’t an option. It was why I was exhausting every other resource I had available to me, including Riley. Maybe that’s what made Airis so nervous. “No. I wouldn’t. I understand how important the scroll is.”

“Do you understand how important you are to the scroll?”

“No.” It was my turn to answer so directly. “I don’t. Will you tell me?”

“Resist the devil and he will flee from you,” Airis responded.


“There’s a thin line between heaven and hell. Remember which side you are on. Don’t ever forget.”

“I won’t forget.”

“Remember that God allows us the freedom of free will. Use yours wisely and beware of hidden evil.”

“I don’t understand.”

“May God be with you.” She lifted her hand and I knew she was going to send me away.
