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Tirade (Heven and Hell #3)(46)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Both Sam and Riley morphed and pulled them on. Then, finally, blissfully, Sam was there reaching for me. He wrapped his arms around me and I buried my face in his neck.

I was finally home.

“What did he do to you?” Sam murmured, running his hands down my back.

“I’m fine,” I said, tightening my arms around his neck. “You’re free.”

Sam pressed a kiss to my forehead and I wanted to weep at the familiar feel.

Behind us, Riley cleared his throat.

Sam released me and turned toward Riley, narrowing his eyes. I moved to step forward, but stumbled and grabbed Sam’s hand. “My ankle is broken,” I told him.

He growled and swept me up into his arms. “The marbles!” I gasped. I had no idea what happened to them during the commotion.

“I’ll get another one,” Riley offered.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Sam asked.

A large growl came behind us and Sam turned. The Devourer was still sitting there, staring at us.

“What the hell is that thing?” Riley asked.

“That’s The Devourer,” I said, reaching for the bag Sam held. I reached inside and pulled out a Snickers bar. The dragon took a step closer and Sam stepped back. “He wants a snack.” He was probably hanging around because he didn’t get to suck up a soul like he usually did, or maybe he figured death followed us everywhere, so there was bound to be another body turn up.

“Let me down,” I asked Sam. He did what I asked and I quickly unwrapped a Snickers bar and tossed it to the waiting dragon. Then I tossed him two more.

Even after the dragon ate his snack, he still stood there as if waiting for something. I thought after his chocolate fix (a dragon with a chocolate addiction is so unreal it can only happen in my life), he would fly away.

“We need to go,” Sam said, and I nodded.

We turned and the dragon made a horrible sound. I peeked back over Sam’s shoulder and it was coming at us, doing its best to move its massive body in a nonthreatening way.

“No more,” I told it. “Chocolate should be eaten in moderation, even for big guys like you.” It stared at me for long moments, then dropped down and offered me its back. I glanced at Sam. He was frowning at the dragon.

“No,” Sam said flat.

My reaction went along the line of Sam’s, but then I told myself to think past my overwhelming need to just go home and be with Sam. I thought past the throbbing in my ankle and the questions that simmered at the surface of my mind. There was a reason The Devourer was still here. There was a reason he was offering his back. Ignoring that reason, though I wanted to, probably wasn’t a very good idea. Besides, how often did a girl get to ride a dragon?

“I think we should go with it,” I said.

Sam frowned, but Riley was all for it. “Cool. Let’s go.”

He stepped toward the dragon. It made a hissing sound and raised some of the sharp spiky things on its back. Riley took a step back and I thought maybe I was wrong in thinking The Devourer wanted to take us somewhere.

In experiment, I took a hobbled step toward him, cautiously. The dragon lowered himself to the ground. I turned toward Sam, who stepped up next to me, and held out my hand. The Devourer didn’t seem to mind.

Sam turned to Riley. “He doesn’t like you.” That fact seemed to please Sam.


I thought it was odd and it reminded me of something Beelzebub said earlier. “Beelzebub acted like he knew you. He said you betrayed him after everything he had done for you.”

Riley shifted uncomfortably. “How am I supposed to know what he was talking about? That guy makes no sense at all.”

“He did seem to recognize you,” Sam said thoughtfully.

“He also was screaming at Heven for some name. Did you know what he was talking about?”

“Well, no,” I admitted. “You can’t trust anything he says.”

“Exactly. And since Dragon Breath here doesn’t want me around, I will leave you two for your joy ride.”

“Riley,” Sam said in a serious tone, “don’t disappear. Clearly, we have things to discuss.”

Riley saluted, then headed toward the black sludge to get a Lucent Marble. I looked at Sam. “I know I have a lot of explaining to do too.”

Sam’s eyes softened and he held out his hand. “Later. How’s your soul?”

“It’s fine.”

“Then let’s go for a dragon ride.” He stepped toward the dragon, who watched him warily, but didn’t make a sound when Sam found a place on its back that was not lined with sharp quills. He sat me between his thighs and wrapped his arms around my waist. My ankle was throbbing and my head was pounding, but I was determined to see where the dragon would take us.

“Maybe we should make sure Riley gets a marble,” I said, glancing at the black sludge Riley dove into moments before.

“Riley can take care of himself,” Sam said.

Before I could protest, the dragon spread its great wings and took off.


I wish I could say flying on the back of the soul-eating dragon known as The Devourer was thrilling and exciting, but I couldn’t. It was terrifying and extremely uncomfortable. The speed at which he flew jostled us around and sent pain shooting up my leg. Although, I was relieved that those insanely sharp quills and spikes on his back didn’t feel sharp at all against my skin (for reasons I couldn’t explain. I mean, those things looked brutal). I felt dizzy and weak and the insane chanting that Hecate had done while standing over me kept replaying through my mind. I didn’t understand much of it, but a few words stuck out and they made fear churn in my belly. The Devourer swooped down abruptly and I jerked, trying to stay on, trying not to make Sam support all of my weight.

“I’ve got you,” Sam murmured into my ear. That deep raspy voice brushed over my skin and I almost groaned. It was so, so good to be with him again. Desperate to look at him, I turned and another wave of dizziness came over me, making my stomach turn. Sam frowned. “We need to get you home.” He reached up and brushed away the hair that was sticking to my damp forehead.

I closed my eyes, thrilled at his touch, and let myself sink a little bit deeper into him.

“You’re positive this dragon doesn’t plan to make a Heven and Sam shish kebab?” Sam said into my ear.

I opened my eyes and looked up.

It absolutely couldn’t be missed.

It was a huge wall of fire. It burned with awe-inspiring intensity, rolling in colors of red and gold mixed with orange. I looked down, pushing away my fear and dizziness to note that it stretched as far as I could see. There was no getting by it. If we went through it, we would indeed be a Heven and Sam shish kebab.
