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Tirade (Heven and Hell #3)(50)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“I believe you,” Ana said. “I look forward to seeing you again.”

“You seem so confident that we’ll be back.”

“When the truth of your journey settles within you, you will be back.”

“Why does everyone always talk in riddle to us?” Sam wondered. “Why can’t you just tell us whatever it is straight out?”

Ana lifted her hand in a wave. “Because sometimes in order to believe you have to come into the truth on your own.”

Ana didn’t follow us outside, and when the cottage door closed behind us, we walked away from the green side of the island toward the entrance to The Devourer’s cave. We walked through the dragon’s lair (though I was beginning to think he lived on the island and this cave was just for looks) and came out into the depressing side of hell. I sighed.

“Guess I will fetch a Lucent Marble,” Sam said, looking at the black sludge with distaste.

Then the wind began to blow. Dust and ash swirled off the ground around us and made me cough. When it died down, a robed figure stepped into view.


“What have we here?” she asked, stepping closer.

I refused to cower and stood my ground. “The Devourer brought us here and now we’re trapped on the island.”

Her eyes narrowed, sensing my lie. Yet she had no proof. “Tell me why you are really here.”

“We’re about to become dragon shish kebab. Maybe you’d like to join us?” Sam asked sweetly.

“I could just torture you into telling me the truth.” Hecate mused and raised her hands. Lightning seemed to spark from her palms.

Behind us, the ground vibrated as The Devourer lumbered out of his lair. I looked over my shoulder and tried not to gape when I realized I still saw him in his brightly colored, feathered state—his true form. I hurried a glance to see if Hecate saw him as I did, but clearly she didn’t because she took a step back in fear. He shrieked loudly, then bent low, offering us his back.

Sam and I hurried to climb on. The witch was yelling as we lifted off the ground and she raised her palms like she might do something, but then the dragon soared through the air and out of her reach.

“What are we going to do?” I yelled. The inside of my chest began vibrating. I couldn’t be down here much longer.

“I think The Devourer has his own ideas,” Sam said, looking straight ahead.

I gasped. We were flying right at the wall of fire, the gate to hell. Even if I made it through the flames without being burned alive, would we even be able to get out that way?

It seemed we had no choice.

Sam must have come to the same conclusion because he turned me to face him, shoving my face into his neck and tucking my hands against his chest. Whatever you do, do not move.

He wrapped his body around mine as I tried to make myself as small as possible. I didn’t have time to be afraid because The Devourer wasn’t slowing down and we flew right into the blazing wall of flames.

Chapter Sixteen


The heat was the most intense thing I have ever experienced. It was how I imagined the core of the earth to be, boiling and unforgiving. The heat was so intense I actually felt myself go numb as if the pain was so bad my body refused to feel it. My bones ached with the pressure of Sam crushing me into his body. His legs felt like steel vices closing in on me and his arms were like thick cables that held me tight. The fear of being burned alive was so great I thought my heart might stop beating.

I couldn’t see anything because I was tucked against Sam so closely, but I could still hear and feel. Sam swore when the worst of the heat hit us, when I knew we were actually inside the flames. His whole body spasmed, but he didn’t let go, and I wondered how bad the heat was and if it was hurting him. I knew he couldn’t be burned, but did that mean it didn’t hurt?

Thankfully, the moment passed quickly. The wall of flames couldn’t have been very thick; it didn’t need to be. I felt the dragon slowing and the drop in my stomach told me we were lowering from the sky.

I made it. I wasn’t dead. I tried to lift my head, but Sam wouldn’t let me. I could hear the frantic beating of his heart as my ear was pressed against his chest. I didn’t know a heart could beat that fast.

I’m not hurt, Sam. We made it.

He didn’t let go of me, but after a few minutes the beating of his heart slowed. The Devourer hit the ground with a jolt, his wings fell out to the sides and he sat still, patiently waiting for us to dismount.

“Sam?” My voice was muffled against his shirt.

Reluctantly, he pulled me back, gripping my shoulders and staring down at me. There were tears in his eyes.

“Are you hurt?” I asked frantically, looking over his face.

“I thought you were going to be burned alive.”

“Oh, Sam.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed as close to him as I could. I brushed my lips against his neck and was amazed at how hot his skin felt. “We made it.” I sat back and pulled my arms away. “Besides, you should know by now, I have lives like a cat. No wall of fire is going to stop me.”

He smiled as his shirt fell down between us and I frowned, lifting up the fabric. It had all been burned away except for the piece that was between us. I looked down at his shorts, which amazingly were still on, but there were several holes burned in the sides. I, however, was still clothed. Sam managed to completely conceal me from the flames.

The Devourer made a noise and shifted. My bag was still intact as well, with just the strap being burned away. I pulled it out of my lap and we climbed off the dragon. He was watching us, puffing smoke from his nostrils. Sam gasped and I turned to him. He was looking down so I followed his eyes. He was staring at my shoe.

My shoe that was completely burned away. I wiggled my toes, watching them move with ease. My sock was gone too. What was left of my shoe hung around my ankle, a few pieces of rubber and half a shoelace.

“I didn’t cover your foot,” Sam said, dazed.

“That’s not possible,” I said, even though we were both staring at the irrefutable evidence. Obviously, the fire hit my foot because my shoe was gone. But my skin was unburned; there wasn’t a mark on it at all.

Sam stared up at me, a puzzled look on his face. “Did you feel it?”

I shook my head. “No.”

We stared at each other, confused, for long moments. Then the dragon made a sound and I turned. He was staring at me, waiting. “Thanks for the ride, buddy.” I reached out to pat his oversized muzzle covered in bright feathers. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing him this way. He pulled back and looked at me suspiciously. I reached into the bag and pulled out a few of the ruined candy bars. They were still a melted mess. Completely inedible. “Sorry, big guy.” I went to shove them back into my bag and he made a sound.
