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Tirade (Heven and Hell #3)(57)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“Oh, babe.” I pulled her close. “She was wrong.”

Heven pulled away after a few seconds. “I have to go to her house today and take an outfit to the funeral home. There is a viewing this afternoon and this evening that I have to attend. I’m sure Gran is expecting me soon.” She glanced over at the clock and groaned.

“We’ll get it all done and I’ll be there with you through it all.” I promised. I brushed the hair back from her face and kissed her long and slow. “I missed kissing you whenever I wanted,” I told her when I pulled away. “You feel warm.”

She shrugged. “I’ve felt that way since I drank that tea Ana gave me.”

I pressed a palm to her head and studied her face. “Would you tell me if you were feeling bad?”

“Yes.” She climbed out of the bed, taking the sheet with her, and went into the tiny kitchen. “I’m not sure what’s in here, but I’m sure I can make you something to eat.”

The front door burst open and sunlight streamed inside the tiny space. I growled and moved to get in front of Heven when a familiar voice caught me off guard.

“Sam!” Logan cried, rushing into the room. “Sam! You’re back!”

My little brother launched himself at me and I caught him in a hug. “Hey, bud! It’s great to see you!” I couldn’t help but notice how thin he felt as I hugged him. He pulled back, and I got to really look at him.

I knew he was bad, but this was worse than I thought.

I held up my hand for a high-five, which he gave as he bounced around on wobbly legs. “We brought you some breakfast!”

“We?” I asked as Riley strolled in, kicking the door shut behind him. The thought of my baby brother hanging out with someone like Riley made my skin crawl. Why did this guy think he could carve himself a place in my life?

He was carrying a large, flat donut box with a paper sack on top and a drink holder with three large coffee cups. I thought about tackling him to the floor. But he was holding all the food.

“You should have knocked,” I said tightly.

“I have a key.” Riley smirked and I wondered what my odds were of kicking his ass without harming the food.

I looked at Heven for an explanation as to why this guy would have a key to my apartment. She glanced at the floor. “I let him stay here when he got to town.”

Well, I guess that was better than at her house every night.

I was surprised when Logan came to her defense. “Heven went and found him so he could help get you back. She’s been working so hard to bring you home.”

Heven shifted, pulling the sheet tighter around her body.

“Clearly, you’ve been very busy,” Riley drawled, his eyes sweeping Heven as she moved.

“Get out,” I snapped moving to block Heven from view.

“No,” Heven said quietly. “I was just going to take a shower and Logan and Riley brought food.” She glared at Riley before moving toward the bathroom. Riley grinned and popped one of the lids of a coffee and took a sip.

“Don’t you want your coffee? It’s hot,” he called as Heven moved away.

She did want it. I could tell by her slight hesitation so I went and grabbed it. “Wrong one,” Riley said, amused.

I took a deep breath and set the coffee down and grabbed the last one. I told myself not to give him an opening. I told myself to keep my mouth shut. I said it anyway. “You know how she drinks her coffee?”

“We’ve had a few mornings together,” Riley quipped.

And there it was.

My invitation to nail him.

I barely managed to set the coffee down before leaping across the counter and taking Riley down. He knew I wouldn’t want him here. He knew I wouldn’t want him as much as fifty feet near Heven or my brother. Riley wasn’t here to help. He had an agenda.

I got in a few good hits and I enjoyed the way his head bounced when I punched him.

“Sam, stop,” someone behind me said, but I ignored them and went for another hit.

“Heven!” Logan cried and Riley and I both stopped and turned. Heven was bracing herself against the back of the couch. Her face was pale and her breathing was shallow. The sheet had slipped off one shoulder to reveal a new red welt.

Logan looked at me with a helpless look on his face as I went to her side. “No more fighting,” she said. “It… it excites it.”

“Heven?” Logan said. “What’s wrong?”

I swore, feeling like a complete ass.

“What’s going on?” Riley asked.

Heven straightened and banked all the pain out of her eyes to look at my brother. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.” Then she turned her attention to Riley. “You owe Sam an apology,” she snapped. “You were way out of line.”

I blinked. “Calm down. Don’t get all worked up.”

“That’s not how you treat your friends.” She continued, pinning Riley with a stare.

“I don’t have friends,” Riley said without heat.

“Then what the hell are you doing here?” she yelled. “You brought us coffee and breakfast because you hate us? Get real.”

“Calm down, Hev,” I told her again, pulling the sheet up to cover her newest mark. She winced in pain.

“I’m going to take a shower,” she said and went to the bathroom. I followed, afraid she might collapse. In the doorway, she turned to look at Riley. “Thanks for bringing Logan and breakfast by. You can leave. Now.”

Then she slammed the bathroom door.

When she looked at me, I straightened and pushed a hand through my hair. “I shouldn’t have let him get under my skin.”

“I get it,” she said and clutched at the sheet, like she was uncomfortable with my presence.

“I just… It makes me crazy knowing he was here with you.”

“He wasn’t with me.” She sighed. “And I’m sorry I never told you he was here.”

She reached around me to turn on the shower and I grabbed her before she could move away, wrapping my arms around her.

I think whatever is inside me liked when you were fighting. It wanted out so it could fight too.

I’m so sorry

I know you are. She leaned up and pressed a kiss to my lips. Then, she laid the sheet on my arms and stepped beneath the spray of warm water, pulling the curtain closed.

Out in the living room, Riley was making himself at home, eating a donut and drinking his coffee. Logan was watching TV.
