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Tirade (Heven and Hell #3)(84)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Behind us, Hecate made a sound and I looked up to see Beelzebub rise up off the ground where he had fallen.

The sight of him ignited intense anger within me. It swelled up so strong that my body turned hot. Sweat broke out across my brow and I took a deep breath. Beelzebub looked at me and grinned.

Heat rushed to the surface of my skin. I wanted him to suffer. I wanted him to know pain. I was so intent on destroying him that it took a moment to realize what was happening.

His screams are what brought me out of my trance.

His whole body was on fire. Flames engulfed him, angry white-hot fire melted the flesh off his bones, and he screamed once more. It was a scream I would never forget: blood curdling but angry at the same time.

He collapsed in a fiery puddle as we all watched in horror as he burned to death.

Slowly, everyone’s gazes shifted to me.

I knew I was responsible. That I somehow lit our enemy on fire, but I had no explanation.

You have been blessed with the power of the sun. It is awakened in you. Use it with care.

Ana’s words clicked into place. I knew exactly what the power of the sun meant now. Drinking that tea had awakened a new ability within me. An affinity for fire. The power of the sun.

Movement caught my eye and I looked up. The Devourer was positioned over Beelzebub’s smoking remains and I watched as Beelzebub’s immortal soul drifted up over his ruined body and into the air.

It was the moment we had been waiting for.

“Help us,” I asked the dragon. “Please. All you have to do is what you do best.”

I swear he understood me because when The Devourer looked up I saw it in his eyes. I nodded then said, “You can do this.”

The dragon opened his massive jaws and everything around us began to tug forward, the force of his pull was so strong I stumbled even as I dug my feet into the ground. Dust and ash whipped around us, my shirt and hair were yanked forward trying to follow The Devourer’s call. I pushed back the hair from my face and watched as Beelzebub’s soul began to waver. Even he with all his power was no match for a mighty dragon.

Then, with great triumph swelled within me as the Prince of Demon’s soul was sucked into the dragon and disappeared from sight.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Death. I don’t think dying hurts. My brother seemed to be at peace. Death is hardest for those the dying leave behind. The finality of death is what hurts, the absence that will be in your life until you die too. In my brother’s case, it’s also the horrible injustice of a life cut far too short. Of a boy who was so good, yet ended in such a terrible, tragic way.

I tried to protect him. I tried to give him what he deserved.

I failed.

All I could do now was honor his life—his sacrifice—by not wasting the life I still had.

But it hurt. The loss cut deep.

“Sam,” Heven whispered, crouching down beside me. She didn’t try to touch me and I could sense her wariness. She didn’t know if I would be angry, if I would need to yell.

I didn’t feel anything but sad.

I looked up into her blue eyes and felt some comfort. “I know it’s hard, baby, but we have to go.”

Our job wasn’t finished down here and I’d be damned if I let that old witch and that psycho Beelzebub get away with anything else. Heven was holding some clothes, and for the first time I realized I wasn’t wearing any. I looked down at the blood streaking my body. I had no idea whose it was.

“Will you stay with him?” I asked. My throat felt raw.

“Of course.”

I lowered my brother’s body to the ground and went to change at the Jeep. I wanted to mourn, but mourning would have to wait.

Once I was dressed, I had Riley pull the Jeep close to Logan’s body and everyone climbed in. I held my brother with great care as I settled in the passenger seat and Riley began to drive.

“Go to the castle,” Heven said as she coaxed The Devourer into following us.

“How do you know that oversized bird isn’t digesting Beelzebub right this second?” Riley said, tossing the words sarcastically over his shoulder as he drove.

Heven turned her attention away from coaxing the “oversized bird” and hushed Riley. “You’ll hurt his feelings!” she said.

He snorted.

“Beelzebub is immortal remember? I’m guessing that makes him indigestible.”

“Wouldn’t want that heart burn.” Riley cracked.

No one else laughed. It might have been funny in a different situation but nothing about what was happening was funny to me. My baby brother was dead, we were in hell, and I just wanted this one plan to work. Heven went back to luring the dragon with candy bars and I went back to staring down at the body in my lap.

We stopped at the drawbridge and I stared up at the castle. Heven leaned into the front. “I can handle this. You stay here, with Logan.”

I shook my head. I needed to stay with her. My brother died helping to protect her and me and I wasn’t going to do anything to jeopardize her safety.

Gemma and Cole stayed with Logan’s body in the Jeep while Heven, Riley and I climbed out. Riley went around to the back, where Hecate was basically half in, half out, and grabbed her lifeless frame.

“What happened to her?” I asked.

“I bound her powers, but when Riley tried to put her in the car she was struggling so he knocked her out.”

“I think we should throw them in Kimber’s cell,” Heven announced.

“Do you think that’ll work?” I asked.

“It’s enchanted by Hecate herself to keep a soul in. Beelzebub is a soul. And Hecate is so weak and without power she won’t be able to get out or break the spell that holds them.”

“Let’s do this,” Riley said, walking toward the castle.

I looked at The Devourer. “He won’t fit down in the dungeon. We need something to put his soul in until we get down there.”

“Here,” Gemma called. She reached into the pouch at her side and pulled out the box that held the amulet. Riley and I both stiffened when she took the amulet out and stuffed it into her pocket. She tossed Heven the box.

Heven caught the box and opened it, standing in front of The Devourer. “Sneeze,” she told it.

I didn’t think it would work. But the dragon seemed to understand and he did exactly what she said. He sneezed. The blackened soul of Beelzebub shot out and landed in the box. Heven slammed the lid shut and gripped it in her hands. “Good boy,” she told the dragon and patted it on the nose.
