Read Books Novel

To Hate Adam Connor

“You’re sure? You’re sure you are pregnant then? You went to a doctor?”

“I took a pregnancy test today. Those are pretty accurate from what I hear.”

Now he was the one shaking his head. “You have to go to a doctor. Have you told him yet? Your ex?”

“Not yet. And I know. Of course I have to go to a doctor, but I missed my period and have been feeling off lately, so I took the test and…” I opened my arms. “Tada…a baby.” My throat was dry, and I didn’t think I sounded cheerful at all. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, right? And you were making fun of me when I said my family was cursed.” I gave him a dry laugh and it died out as quickly as it had started. “Who’s laughing now?”

He didn’t laugh. Not even a smile. I was losing my edge.

I took a deep breath and backed away from him. Dropping my head in my hands, I massaged my temple.

Why had I come over here again? Oh! Yes. I thought I could seduce Adam Connor because he owed me that much after teasing me the night before.

Nice job, Lucy. Awesome job…

“Are you going to call him…your ex? Will he come back here?” Adam’s voice was gentle, as if he were talking to a skittish horse.

I looked up at him and sighed. “I just found out a few hours ago. I didn’t really think about what I want to do.”

His eyebrows rose. “You’re not going to tell him.”

Was that a question?

Bristling, I grumbled, “What do you take me for?” I looked behind me to make sure the couch was there and sat my ass down before my legs decided it was time to play the damsel in distress. “This isn’t a book or a movie. There is no romantic story here, no arc in the plot, no happy ending. I’m not gonna hide the pregnancy from him and then pop back into his life when I can’t take the guilt and say ‘surprise’ after the kid is a few years old. Of course I’m going to call him; he won’t get off that easily, and he better help me through this.”

The couch dipped, and Adam sat down next to me, our arms touching. Did he have to sit that close? Really?

And was I still interested in seducing him?

After that kiss? Hell yes, I was.

“I’ve decided you’re going to make love to me,” I announced, looking straight ahead.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me.”

“No, I don’t think I did. Could you repeat that?”

“You’re going to make love to me.”

“Is that an order?”

“No, just a…fact. You’ve been married, so you must know how to make love. And if not, you’re a sort of, kind of good actor. Act.”

“And you don’t?”

“As you can imagine, I know how to do the grand slam, bumping uglies, and all that stuff. I…” I turned my head and glanced at him. “I don’t think I’ve ever made love to anyone.”

“Your ex?” he asked, his disbelieving eyes on me. “I thought you said you loved him.”

“I thought I did. I mean, I did. But he had a giant thing in between his legs and as I already told you, I have a thing for those, as in I like my fucks to be good and hard.” I shrugged and looked away. Was that heat I was feeling on my face?

What the hell, Lucy?

“And how do you think making love works exactly?”

I gave him a quick glance and saw that his lips were twitching. I could deal with amusement. I twisted my body, pulled my leg up on the couch, and faced him.

“I believe it requires looking into each other’s eyes at all times. A slow entry. A little gasp and a little moan here and there. We’ll skip whispering I love yous to each other, of course. Other than that, I believe it’s a slow thing. Maybe an orgasm? If you can manage, but no pressure, of course. Just because your kiss improved, I’m not gonna assume—”

“And you want me to make love to you why? You don’t think I can fuck you?”

“Who knows. I’m sure you have your moves, but I want you to make love to me because I assumed, being an actor and all, you could give a good performance, so I could have that at least once in my life.”

He tilted his head, looking all confused and sexy. “Once in your life?”

“The curse?” I prompted. “I’m having a baby. I did exactly what my mom did. I’m not saying I love you to anyone ever again, hence not making love to anyone again.”

His eyes roamed my face, and he shook his head like I was being ridiculous and he didn’t know what to do with me. “Lucy…I…”

I held my breath and waited for his words. If nothing else, I wanted his lips on mine again. I’d settle for that, too, if this offer didn’t work out.

He touched my cheek with the back of his hand, then my still swollen lips with his fingertips. “Do you remember what I asked you last night? Nothing changed. Admit that you like me and I’ll show you how to make love.”

“I’m reduced to bargaining for a ‘maybe’ orgasm.”

“I don’t think I’m asking for too much, do you?”

“Okay. I’ll give you a thirty-two.”

“And that means…?”

“Out of a hundred, I’m giving you a thirty-two. That’s how much I like you.”

He seemed to think on it for a few beats then smiled at me.

“I can live with that. You are forty-nine for me.”

Dumbfounded, I widened my eyes and, without even realizing what I was doing, scooted back from him. “No.”

He raised an eyebrow. “No?”

My heart pounding in my chest, I said, “Fifty is like edging toward love. Take it back. Give me a thirty-five or something.” His fingertips reached for me again, and I scrambled back as far as I could go. “Take it back.”

There could be no talk of love between us; I wouldn’t fall for that again, like I had with Jameson.

After studying me for what seemed like an hour, he rose up from his seat and leaned down to rest his lips against my ear. “I will always be honest with you, Lucy. My son is in love with you. Who knows, maybe I’m falling for you too? Is it too hard to believe that I like what I see when I look at you? That I like talking to you, arguing with you, watching you laugh with my son, watching you smile. Maybe after I make love to you, I’ll fall a little more. So, I think forty-nine is a good number. Ask me again in the morning, I’ll let you know how you did.”

I leaned away, my back arching against the arm of the couch. He was becoming dangerous. His mouth, his eyes, his body…everything about him was getting too dangerous to stay close to him. Was it enough to deter me from having him inside me? Well, not really. Not yet.

Like I’d said before, for once and for all, I was ready to make love, and my vagina seemed to have chosen him as its victim. I was okay with that choice.

“No answer? No objection?”

I shrugged and tried to relax into the couch. “I don’t believe you, so it’s okay. You are free to say whatever you wish to say. I’m not someone who falls for flowery words.”

His eyes bored into mine, and I swallowed the thick lump in my throat. Even though I didn’t believe him, that didn’t mean it wasn’t affecting me.

He straightened and fixed the cuffs of his shirt, drawing my eyes to his hands.

“Stay right where you are,” he ordered and started to walk away.
