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To Hate Adam Connor

The first thing I spotted was my son in Jason Thorn’s arms right outside our house next to another police cruiser. Something broke inside me—or maybe something mended…maybe both. I lost count of the seconds it took me to get past the cops who tried to block me and get to their side.

“He fell asleep,” Jason murmured as he gently passed my son into my arms. I ran my hand over every inch of his body to convince myself that he was okay, that no harm had come to him, and crushed him to my chest as my breath shuddered out of me. All the ruckus going on just a few feet away didn’t even faze him as his head fell on my shoulder and his tiny hands instinctively held on to my shirt.

I dropped my forehead on his shoulder and took a deep, calming breath.

When I lifted my head, all that mattered was finding Lucy…and she was right there, right there next to Olive, holding her friend’s hand in a tight grip as tears ran down their faces.

“I fucking love you,” I said in a growl, going for her. “I fucking love you, Lucy.”

She held on to me just as tight as I was holding her to myself.

Her body shook against mine, and I heard her breath hitch. If I could have, if it had been possible, I would’ve held her closer, pulled her tighter.

“I love you,” I whispered into her neck before brushing a kiss on her skin. “I love you. I love you.”

I closed my eyes and ignored all the shouts and the flashes.

I kissed her lips countless times as I tasted her tears.

I kissed her neck, her throat, her nose. Everywhere. Every inch.

I thanked her again and again for being there for my son for the second time.

I held her in my arms for long minutes.

I ignored the entire world around us.

It was at that moment, that specific moment where everyone around us disappeared and it was just the three of us, where she trusted me enough to hold her up, trusted me enough to let me whisper my love to her, that made me sure I would do everything in my power—even if it meant fighting with her—to make her understand that I was the one who would make her happy for the rest of our lives, that I was the one who had already broken her curse.

A Terrifying Night for the Connor Family

What a day, folks. What a freaking day…

The day started with Adeline Young refusing to comment or answer questions about the sex tape rumors and somehow progressed into a nightmare when an alleged stalker of Adeline broke into Adam Connor’s house in Bel Air. However, that wasn’t how the night ended for the Academy Award-winning actor. The night’s big ending was him being photographed with another woman in his arms as they kissed in front of the cameras. It took some time, but we finally identified the lucky woman as Olive Thorn’s literary agent, Lucy Meyer. The couple was also photographed having dinner with Jason and Olive Thorn the night before.

Before we cry buckets of tears for missing our opportunity with Adam Connor, let’s get back to the terrifying night his son and his new girlfriend had.

The alleged stalker J.D. is apparently one of Adeline Young’s number one fans who took things more than a little bit too far. After he was arrested in the actor’s house for stalking and breaking and entering, J.D. admitted that he had been stalking Adeline for days now. He admitted to breaking into the house and said he “meant to harm Adam Connor for upsetting Adeline,” who he believed was his future wife. “I couldn’t sit back and watch her cry while Adam Connor took her son away from her.”

In the video below, you can hear the tearful nine-one-one call the new girlfriend made, and it intensifies the chilling night they had as they hid in the closet until the police entered the home and apprehended the intruder. As far as we know, J.D. wasn’t armed when he was arrested, but none of us want to even imagine how he would have reacted if he had found Aiden Connor and Lucy Meyer in their hiding place, as he believed he was there to save the little boy from his father and return him to his mother.

An hour before the emergency call was made, Adam Connor had been photographed entering his ex-wife’s home. From what our sources say, he raced home as soon as he heard something was wrong back at his place. The photos below show him running up to his house as he takes his sleeping son from his neighbor Jason Thorn’s arms and holds on to his crying girlfriend.

We’re so relieved no one was harmed and that Aiden Connor is spending the night safe in his father’s arms.

We’re also working tirelessly to find out more about the new girlfriend.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


After the cops left with the intruder in cuffs, Jason and Olive went back to their home with promises to come back in the morning and help with whatever we needed. After everything was said and done, it was only the four of us left behind.

With Aiden still sleeping in my arms, I grabbed Lucy’s hand, guided us to my bedroom, and closed the door behind me. I needed to be alone with them for the night, knowing Dan would be busy making calls and taking care of things for me. Morning wasn’t too far away anyway; I’d deal with everything in just a few hours. But for the night, at least for the remaining hours, I was where I wanted to be.

Lucy helped me tuck Aiden in and sat with me for a few silent minutes as I watched my son sleep peacefully, his hands tucked under his head, his mouth slightly open. I brushed his hair away from his forehead and smiled when he kicked my leg with his feet. If I hadn’t known he’d always been a very heavy sleeper, I would’ve been worried about his ability to sleep through all the commotion. When I was sure he was okay and safe, I pulled Lucy into the bathroom with me, ignoring her questioning look.

I heard the soft click indicating that the door was shut and just rested my forehead against the door until my head wasn’t spinning anymore.

I felt Lucy’s hand on my shoulder and back, stroking, caressing.

“He is okay, Adam. He is safe now.”

I turned around and gripped her wrists in my hands, not hard enough to hurt her, but not loose enough that she’d think she could get away easily.

“You’re safe, too. This is it, Lucy,” I said thickly. “This is all the talk you’ll get. Give me everything you got, tell me all the reasons why we can’t be together, and I’ll prove every one of them wrong. This is it. You won’t get another chance. I won’t let you go.”

I forced my body to do the exact opposite and let go of her wrists. I waited, still standing in front of the door, blocking her. I didn’t think she’d run away from me, but with Lucy you could never know; she always had a way of surprising you, and I wasn’t about to take the risk.

“Okay,” she said with a sigh. “Okay, Adam. You win.”

I slipped my hand around her waist and pulled her closer. “I win what, exactly?”

“Apparently you win me.” She gave me a tentative smile and raised her fist in the air. “Yay? Congrats? You got yourself a relationship. Enjoy.”

“I’m blinded by your enthusiasm.”

“You’re welcome.”

An unexpected laugh bubbled out of me, and I leaned down to kiss her, but she stopped me before I could taste her, before I could make her eyes go out of focus.

“Before you give me what I’m pretty sure will be an awful kiss, I want you to know that I know that this can’t go anywhere.”

I shook my head and exhaled. “You have to stop it with the enthusiasm, Lucy.”

“I’m being serious. I need you to know that it’s okay. When the time comes and this ends—”
