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Torch (Take It Off #1)(27)
Author: Cambria Hebert

When I stepped out of the bathroom, he was there leaning against the wall, waiting. He was dry and dressed in a pair of basketball shorts and no shirt.

I would never get tired of seeing him without a shirt.

He pushed away from the wall, his eyes sweeping over me in his shirt, and I knew by the look in his eyes he liked what he saw.

My entire life I’ve never been concerned with pleasing others, but I desperately wanted to please him.

“You’re beautiful,” he told me.

“I think you are, too.”

“Goodnight, Freckles.” He kissed me on the forehead, his lips lingering, and then he pulled away.

I caught his arm as he turned. “Holt?”

“Anything,” was his reply.

Butterflies erupted in my belly. “Will you sleep with me?”

He glanced inside his room at the bed, then back at me. “Only if you promise not to try to take advantage of me.” He widened his eyes like he was somehow scandalized.

I laughed. “Please. You’d like it.”

“You’re damn right.”

I followed him into the bedroom. He pulled back the blankets and then gestured for me to get in. Once I was settled, he climbed in behind me, pulling the sheets up around us both.

My body still tingled from the shower, and I rolled to face him, leaning over to kiss him. Finally, my hand was free from the fear of water, and I was able to run it over his bicep and slip across his chest.

“Oh, no you don’t,” he murmured against my lips, placing a hand over mine to stop it in its tracks.

“You don’t want me to touch you?”

“Oh, honey, do I ever. But not tonight. I’m a patient man, but I’m no saint. Your hot little body has already pushed me to my limit.”

I frowned, thinking that might not be a good thing.

He must have read my silence because he laughed. I saw his teeth flash in the dark. “Tomorrow. You can have your turn tomorrow.”

He pulled me down against his chest and sighed. I snuggled just a little bit closer.

Suddenly it felt like Christmas. I knew the sooner I went to sleep, the sooner tomorrow would be here.

The sooner I would be able to unwrap my present… or in this case, the sooner I’d be able to unwrap Holt Arkain.


The police came knocking at the crack of dawn the next day. Okay, it was after nine, but we were still in bed. Turns out he is really warm and really comfortable and it makes waking up impossible.

But when the cops knock, you answer.

Unless, of course, you’re a criminal. Then you probably run out the back door.

But I wasn’t a criminal and I wasn’t running anywhere.

Still, I wasn’t happy about it. While Holt answered the door, I stumbled around looking for a pair of pants. I finally found some shorts and pulled them on. I was reluctant to take off his shirt, but I knew I couldn’t leave it on. For one thing, it was so long if I walked out there with it on, it would appear I wasn’t wearing pants.

That wouldn’t be appropriate.

But I wondered what Holt’s face would look like…

It was almost enough to get to me try it out.

But at the last minute, I peeled it off and threw on a tank top with a built in bra. My wrists were still really sore from last night and all I could think about was a pain pill.

Okay, and Holt.

More specifically, today was supposed to be my day for touching.

It seemed a little alien to me that just yesterday I’d been a little nervous and feeling insecure, but today I was feeling more bold… more willing to give things a try.

I was smiling when I walked out into the living room. All eyes turned to me. Then I remembered I didn’t comb my hair. I likely looked like I stuck my finger in a light socket.

I grimaced and wondered if they would think it was weird if I ran from the room in search of a brush.

I glanced at Holt. He wagged his eyebrows at me.

Clearly, he would be no help.

“If it’s all right, Miss Parker, we would like to speak with you about the events that took place last evening at the library.”

“Of course,” I replied, giving up on my hair and going over to sit on the couch.

And so the questions began.

This time they were more involved, more detailed because I’d actually seen someone. It didn’t matter that I didn’t get a look at his face; they seemed to think I probably did and just didn’t realize it because I was so scared. I begged to differ. I knew when I looked at a person’s face and when I didn’t.

However, they still wanted me to meet with a sketch artist to draw what I saw. I thought it was stupid, but I agreed to it anyway. I certainly wasn’t going to do anything that might slow down the case. I wanted this person caught. I wanted my life back.

I wanted my life back—didn’t I?

After I told them everything at least three times, they still said the same thing to me. “We’re investigating. Be cautious.” Then, they finally left.

The minute Holt shut the door behind them, I went into the kitchen and reached for my pain medicine and a bottle of water.

“How’s the pain?” he asked, eyeing the way I clutched the bottle.

It sucked. “Better than last night.”

He gave me a look that said he knew I was lying, but he didn’t call me out.

After I took my medicine and downed half the water, I said, “There’s a couple things I need to get at the store. I can pick up something to make for dinner while I’m out. If there’s anything you need, let me know and I’ll pick it up for you.”

Staying here was hard to swallow sometimes because he wouldn’t let me give him money for rent or utilities. I didn’t like thinking I was mooching off him or he was taking care of me. I liked taking care of myself. The ability to take care of myself was very important to me because I was someone that would never let me down. I was someone who always looked out for me. I realized Holt was being far more supportive than most, but I still didn’t want to lean too much on him because that would make standing up straight again that much harder.

Finally, I got him to agree to let me pay for the groceries. And then my time in the kitchen sort of became impromptu cooking lessons, so at least I felt I was repaying him even if it was in a small way.

“I have to work today,” he said as he glanced at the clock.

“Are you late?” I wondered, thinking he usually went in early when he had to work.


My eyes widened. I made him late! I wallowed all over him in bed and caused him to miss his alarm.
