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Torch (Take It Off #1)(33)
Author: Cambria Hebert

I grasped fistfuls of his shirt and pulled it up over his back and then ran my fingers down over his bare skin. He released my face to pull the shirt up over his head and when he leaned back to kiss me again, I shook my head.

“It’s my turn,” I reminded him.

He dropped his hands between us, resting dangerously close to the fly of my jeans, and my body reacted, pushing itself a little closer to his hands.

He began to playfully tug at the button of my jeans as I began my exploration of his incredible physique. I started at his shoulders, splaying my hands out over their incredible mass and then trailing down lower to grip his defined biceps. His skin was smooth and warm to the touch, making me want to climb inside him and find somewhere to rest.

Keeping my grip secure, I leaned in and pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips. He turned his head so I could kiss him fully, but I pulled back and then began kissing my way to his ear, taking the lobe into my mouth and gently suckling it. When I released it, I traced my tongue upward around the shape of his ear before whispering how much I loved the way he smelled.

His hands gripped the inside of my thighs, a low groan vibrating his chest.

I glanced down, noting that my nipples weren’t the only ones to have tightened into tiny little buds, so I brushed against them, stopping to pinch them lightly between my thumb and forefingers.

I glanced at him, my tongue wetting my lips. “Can I kiss you?”

“Honey, you can do whatever the hell you want.”

I bent, flicking my tongue over one of those rock-hard pebbles and then covering it with my lips completely. I sucked him into my mouth and his hands found my head, tilting it so I was even closer and pinning me there. I increased the pressure, sucking a little harder, and was rewarded with a heavy moan.

Next, I slid over and did the same thing to the other as my hands began to trace around the waistband of his jeans.

When I was done lavishing his pecs with attention, I sat up, rocking forward to kiss his lips, but my movement sent an intense rush of pleasure through my center and a little gasp broke my lips.

He stared at me through heavy-lidded eyes, giving me a knowing smile. Gripping my hips, he guided me into a gentle rocking motion that proceeded to drive me half out of my mind. The way my jeans rubbed against his made me hungry, hungrier than I’d ever been.

I wound my arms around his neck, pressing myself against him, taking the lead and kissing him deeply. I didn’t lift my mouth from his; I didn’t come up for air. I didn’t need oxygen; I needed him more.

His hands snaked between us and he used a single finger to stroke upward on the seam of my jeans that pressed against my crotch.

Something exploded within me and I groaned. I couldn’t sit up straight and I collapsed against his chest as he applied more pressure against that secret spot. Wave after wave of ecstasy rolled over me, and every single coherent thought fled my mind.

When he finally pulled his hand away and slid it beneath my shirt and up my back, my body was completely boneless and flushed from head to toe. The hard ridge in his pants still pressed against me, stirring even more desire within me.

It was incredible.

I pulled back to look into his passion-laced eyes. “Take me to bed, Holt.”

“If you’re not ready—” he began, and I silenced his words with a provocative kiss and rocked against him once more.

He stood as I locked my legs around his waist and he carried me into the bedroom, yanking the covers down and draping me across the center of the mattress.

I sat up, reaching for the button on his jeans.

His hand covered mine. “Are you sure?”

I had never been so sure of anything in my entire life. In fact, I was sure if he didn’t cover his body with mine right then and there, I would go insane.

“Have you ever wanted something so badly that you could barely see?” I whispered.

“Every single day since you walked into this house.”

I brushed his hand away and unfastened his jeans, slowly lowering the zipper. With a gentle tug, he gave in, abandoning them to the floor. My eyes trained directly at the bulge beneath his boxer briefs. It was a very large bulge that made me swallow thickly.

He pushed me backward onto the bed, leaning over me, and his erection brushed against the inside of my thigh. I wondered again about its size, but before I could worry, he was moving down to grasp the end of my jeans at my ankles. The fabric of the jeans scraped over my legs as he tugged them away and the cool air of the bedroom brushed against my overheated skin.

When my pants were gone, he lifted up my foot and began kissing down the inside of my leg. I started to tremble with desire. It was almost as if my body understood what it was going to do and it urged me on, barely able to contain its thrill.

His kiss was at the back of my knee now, moving down… down… so he nipped at the inside of my thigh. I looked down the length of my body at the striking contrast of his dark head against the paleness of my thigh. I shivered.

“Holt,” I said, shocked by the deep rasp in my tone.

He glanced up, those light eyes piercing me from just above my most secret place. I thought he might say something.

He didn’t.

With our eyes locked, I watched as he licked up the center of my panties. My back arched up off the bed and an involuntary moan pierced the silence around us.

He hooked his fingers in the fabric and slid it down my legs, tossing it somewhere over his shoulder. Then he leaned back down, nuzzling the soft folds of my center, and began to do things with his tongue that were utterly sinful.

In between gasps, I felt his fingers gently part my folds and then the slightly rough texture of his tongue delved into my entrance and made me cry out.

I grabbed up fistfuls of the sheets on either side of my hips and squeezed them until I thought the fabric might rip. My knees were shaking so uncontrollably that I probably would have been embarrassed if I had room for thought inside my brain.

Just before I tumbled once again over the edge of complete bliss, he pulled back and smiled. “You’re so incredibly wet and you taste so sweet.”

I sat up, my head swimming a little like I was drunk, and reached for the waistband of his boxers. He was so hard now that it created a tent.

Before pulling the fabric down, I leaned forward and pressed a trail if kisses down his abdomen and beneath his belly button.

Holt pulled my shirt up over my head and reached around to unclasp my bra, leaving me completely naked to his eyes. It was only fair that he become as bare as I.

I stripped away the last remaining barrier between us, my eyes widening at the way he jutted upward into the space.
