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Torch (Take It Off #1)(40)
Author: Cambria Hebert

His hands drifted away from my breasts and I leaned down to kiss him, but he gently pushed me back up. His fingers found the edges of my panties, slipping inside and into the wet and ready folds.

“Holt,” I whispered, my voice shaky and weak.

“Come for me, sweetness,” he purred as his fingers began to move, sliding in and out, up and down. I bit down on my lip and grasped ahold of his biceps.

The tension in my body was mounting and I began to move faster, more frantic against his hand. He plunged two fingers inside me and crooked them forward, like he was motioning for me across a room. And then his free hand found the little swollen bud at my center and stroked it gently.

I erupted. My body convulsed violently atop him. I threw my head back and moaned, my eyes going wide as I stared up at the star-splattered sky. My body kept twitching as waves of pleasure overcame me again and again until finally my body quieted into a gentle all-over trembling.

Holt pulled his hands away and reached for me, pulling me down into his arms where I let out a huge contented sigh.

The sound of the waves came back to my ears; the feeling of the sand on my toes had my eyes springing wide. “Oh my gosh!” I whispered, frantic, whipping my head up and looking around. “We just did that in public!”

He chuckled. “No one else is here.”

“But what if there was?”

“Then they’re thinking what a lucky bastard I am right about now.”

I laughed and collapsed against his chest once more. The inside of my panties was so wet it was kind of uncomfortable, so I shifted and he moaned.

My eyes snapped up to his face. I might have just had an earth shattering orgasm, but he was still rock hard.

I slid my hand over the front of his jeans.

He rolled quickly, pinning me into the sand and pressing a kiss to my lips. But then he jumped up and reached down to pull me along with him. “Come on,” he said.

He took off in a jog, still holding my hand, so I started to jog too. We ran toward and old pier that had partly fallen into the sea. There were no longer any lights lining it or a little shop at the end. It was just a dark, imposing structure that jutted out into the middle of the salty sea where it then disappeared.

Holt led me beneath it, far up into the sand. It provided a wealth of cover, blocking out the stars and the ocean breeze. He grabbed me by the waist and spun me around, planting his lips on mine in a kiss so hungry I felt the stirring of brand-new desire.

I reached for his pants, pulling them open and reaching inside. I wrapped my hand around him, tightening my grip, squeezing him through the fabric of his boxers.

“I want you, Katie. I want you so fucking bad right now.”

I slid my hand beneath the waistband of the boxers, cupping the proof of his words. “I’m yours.”

I lay down in the sand, pulling my dress up around my waist as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a condom. I watched as he rolled it down the incredible length of his hardness and then came forward, settling between my legs. Achingly slow, he pulled my panties down, leaving them hooked around one of my ankles. He pressed a soft kiss to the inside of my thigh, and then slid up my body so his elbows rested on either side of my head.

As he brushed the hair away from my face, he kissed me softly, slowly, as if he had all the time in the world and the blood wasn’t pounding through his veins like he was running a marathon.

But I could feel his heart beating. It thumped so rapidly against my chest that I smiled.

As he kissed me, he probed the entrance to my body, slipping inside easily. I felt the eyes roll back in my head as my lids drifted closed and my head rolled to the side.

He moved against me. I answered each one of his thrusts with my own until I lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist. He hugged me tight, pulling me against him as he penetrated me over and over so deeply that my muscles clenched.

His breathing became more labored, and I knew he was about to come when he pushed up onto his arm and reached down between us, once again finding the swollen bud. He ground his fingers against it and my back arched in surprise as another orgasm flowed through me. This one wasn’t as powerful as the last, like the volcano already erupted and now the warm lava was coating everything inside me.

He moaned and his own release burst forward.

Instead of rolling off me, he kissed me as he pulled out and reached down to pull my dress over my nakedness. Only then did he roll away.

After I had my panties on and he was completely redressed, he pulled me up into his arms, hugging me close. “I brought you here so you could think, not so I could take advantage of you.”

“I liked it.” I confided.

He drew back. “Yeah?”

Did he really not know how hot he was? “Definitely. I’ve never felt this way before.”

“Me either,” he said, taking my hand and leading me back the way we came. This time we walked closer to the water’s edge so the surf could rush over our feet.

“Not even with Taylor?”

He snorted and stopped, pulling me around to look at me. “All of my feelings for Taylor were here,” he said, taking my hand and rubbing it against his fly. “With you…” he said, lifting my hand and bringing it to rest over his heart. “My feelings are mostly in here.”

This feeling of rightness descended upon me, like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I swallowed past the lump lodged in my throat.

“So Taylor must have been pretty good in bed,” I said, trying not to feel jealous but failing.

He rolled his eyes. “Were you just back there?” He motioned to the pier. “That was way better than ‘pretty good.’”

I giggled, not knowing what else to say.

“I don’t want to talk about Taylor. She’s my past. You’re my future.”

I stopped walking as water rushed up around my ankles and tiny droplets spattered against my calves. “I am?”

“Yeah. You got a problem with that?”

I shook my head, so many feelings overwhelming me. He smiled and we started walking again.

I did want to be part of Holt’s future. I wanted it more than I wanted anything. In barely any time at all, he managed to insert himself so wholly into my life that I couldn’t imagine a day without him.

That scared me.

For two reasons:

One, giving away my heart meant I ran the risk of getting it broken.

And, two, with someone out there trying to kill me, I wasn’t even sure I had a future.


I woke up in his arms with the steady sound of his heartbeat beneath my ear. I wasn’t wearing a shirt and neither was he, so our skin was pressed together and my leg was tossed up over his.
