Read Books Novel


Trashy (Take It Off #10)(22)
Author: Cambria Hebert

When it was buckled in place, Adam stood back to admire his handiwork. “You look like a bobble head.” He grinned.

I tried to kick him, but he dodged my foot with ease, and I tipped over to the side. He caught me, setting me straight. “Careful there, sweetheart. You’re top heavy now.”

“Ass,” I said, but my voice was completely muffled due to the massive protection around my skull.

He flashed his teeth, then straddled the bike. It was a Harley. Heat simmered in my core seeing him with all that metal and power between his legs.

Adam motioned for me, so I climbed on behind him. Reaching around, he looped my arms around his narrow waist and left his hand atop where my hands met. “Don’t let go,” he said.

I won’t.

The bike rumbled and vibrated beneath us when he started it up and put it in motion. It was like being part of the wind. The way we navigated through the street seemingly without cause. Things looked different from the back of this bike. I felt free.

I didn’t get to experience it very long, though, because he pulled into a Friday’s just a mile down the street from the club. The parking lot was fairly empty because we’d arrived at a time past lunch but before dinner.

Once he slid the bike into an empty parking spot and supported it with its kickstand, shutting off the engine, I started to climb off. Adam grabbed my legs and stilled me, silently telling me not to move. I obeyed, wondering what he was doing as he spun around so he was straddling the bike, facing me.

The space between us was wide because our knees were bumping together, but that didn’t last very long. Adam slid his palms in the hollow behind each knee and gave me a little tug. I slid forward, and he draped my legs over his thighs.

Our centers were intimately close. The only thing that kept me from rocking against him wantonly was the fact we were out in public.

Beneath my chin, Adam unbuckled the helmet and then tugged it off my head. I reached up to fix my undoubtedly helmet hair, but he caught my hand and pulled it against his lips. “Leave it,” he murmured. “It’s sexy.”

The entrance to the restaurant opened, and a couple young guys came out. They were laughing, but when they saw us, they stopped. I knew from the flare in their eyes they noted the provocative way Adam and I were sitting.

I tensed a little, waiting for Adam to push me away or put some space between us.

He didn’t.

The guys stepped off the curb, both of them openly looking at us, and walked to a nearby car. Adam glanced at them coolly, but they didn’t seem to notice.

The blond-haired “surfer” type climbed in the passenger side, closest to us. Even after he got in the car, he turned to stare out his window. He gave me a little smile and jerked his chin at me through the glass.

Adam grasped me by the jaw and gently turned my face. His lips claimed mine in a thorough kiss. I forgot we were out in the open. I forgot we were being watched. Kissing him like this, practically in his lap where everyone could see, was such a high.

When he lifted his head, I licked my lips, loving the way he tasted. He grunted, satisfied, then looked at the car, which was now pulling away.

“What was that for?” I asked.

“Just letting everyone know you’re already taken.”

Surprise rippled through me. Not only was he unapologetically blatant about being here with me, but he basically just staked his claim.

How very caveman-ish.

Who knew cavemen were so sexy?

“I’m taken?” I asked, lifting an eyebrow.

He gave me a heart-stopping lopsided smile. “I’m working on it.”

He was doing a damn good job.

Wait. He was working on it? Did that mean he wanted me?

Adam slid out from beneath me and tied the helmet to the back of the bike. When he was done, he pocketed the keys in his distressed jeans and allowed his eyes to roam over me for one lingering minute. When he was done, he made a half growl in the back of his throat and wrapped his hands around my waist.

“So tell me,” he rumbled as he lifted me effortlessly off the bike. “How was your first time?”

His voice was sinful. Like some aged, insanely expensive bourbon that only rich people could afford. There was this lush flavor to his tone, like his words didn’t come from his throat, but from the deepest parts of him. And when he lowered his usual tone, the effect was what I imagined finely aged bourbon would have. It was intoxicating.

“What?” I asked, breathless.

He laughed quietly as he slid my body down the front of his. It was a very effective way of showing me exactly how much he enjoyed our kiss.

“Your first time on a bike.” He clarified, and it reminded me we were having a conversation.

“It was the best first time any girl could ever have.”

“Words every guy wants to hear.” He grinned.

“I’ve only ever said them to you.”

I looked up at him from beneath my lashes, wondering if he understood that I was talking about more than just the bike ride. I knew he was only being playful and so was I, but I meant it. No one had ever given me a better first. It made me wish he’d been my first for more than a motorcycle ride.

“That’s not your last first with me, sweetheart,” he murmured and brushed a loose strand of hair away from my face.

I hoped not. I truly did. It scared me how much I wanted more firsts with Adam. I hadn’t wanted anything or anyone so much since I met Craig all those years ago.

A little jolt of panic zinged around inside me with the thought. But then I felt my hand tucked inside Adam’s, safe as he led me through the crowd toward the table the hostess escorted us to. And yeah, maybe I noticed the hostess note the way he caressed my lower back, gently motioning for me to slide into the booth before he moved to sit across from me.

Adam wasn’t Craig.

I couldn’t even define what was between us, but even still, he made me feel like I was the only woman in the room.

To any other girl, a guy acting like they were proud to have you on their arm was probably nothing new.

But for me…

For me it was everything.



It was physically painful to sit across the table from her and resist the urge to touch her. I felt like I was back in high school all over again, just discovering the world of women.

And shit, I wanted to discover Roxie. I wanted to know every last detail about her, right down to the little sounds she made when I entered her.

Thoughts like that would only make it harder to sit here. I grabbed up my southern sweet iced tea and took a drink, telling myself to calm the fuck down. My hormones might be on overdrive, but sex wasn’t the only thing I wanted from her.
