Read Books Novel


Trashy (Take It Off #10)(26)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“I can get it fixed,” I vowed, hating the way I rushed to make it right. This was his fault, but my bravado was gone. I was scared now. He was pissed.

He dragged me across the room and threw me on the couch. My back hit the front and bowed around it. Pain exploded, but I didn’t have time to think about it because he picked me up and tossed me onto the cushions and straddled my hips. The slap he delivered across my face stung and made my eyes water. I turned my head, letting my hair cover my face and eye as I stared at the plain-colored couch cushions as the ache radiated across my cheekbone.

“You think you can go out with him and me not know!” he roared. “You think you can straddle the back of his bike and press yourself against him and me not know! You’re trying to make a fool out of me!” he snapped. “I won’t have it.”

He grabbed my chin, squeezing and forcing my head around so I had to stare up into his angry face.

How can someone so good-looking be so ugly?

I didn’t say anything even though I wanted to yell. There was a difference between bravery and stupidity. He was sitting on me, pinning me down. Whatever I said right now would only make it worse.

“Do you understand me?” he said, chest heaving.

I nodded as his fingers dug into my jaw.

He got up abruptly. His weight leaving me was such a relief. I scrambled up to my feet, pushing my hair out of my face and glaring at him.

He threw the chain at me. It hit me in the stomach and fell at my feet. “I want that fixed. Today.”

“I want you out of my life.” My voice was deadly calm, utterly serious. I couldn’t do this anymore. I wouldn’t.

His eyes narrowed. He stalked toward me. My body prepared itself for another blow. “You want him that bad?”

“This has nothing to do with Adam,” I ground out.

“Don’t you fucking say his name to me!” he roared. I winced and my ears rang. Surely, the neighbors could hear him… Why wasn’t anyone helping?

“You make me sick,” he said, his voice quieter. “I thought you were better than that.”

I didn’t know what he was talking about. How could he imply that any attraction I might feel toward Adam was wrong? Adam was ten times the man he would ever be.

He heaved a heavy sigh. “I’ll let you go.”

My eyes snapped up to his. I wanted so desperately to believe what I just heard.

He chuckled. “The desperation in your eyes is not a good look,” he spat.

“What do you want?” I asked. I didn’t care if I sounded desperate. I was.

“I need you to do something for me,” he said, his voice finally back in control. “Do it and you won’t have to see me again.”

I clung to this sudden ribbon of hope, even though I knew it was probably a lie.

He reached into the back pocket of his jeans and withdrew a business card and extended it to me. I took it but didn’t look away from him. I wanted to be aware of what he was doing at all times.

“In two days, be at that address. The time is on there. Come dressed like the trash you are and be ready to perform.”


A sinking, sick feeling settled in my gut. Oh no…

I glanced down at the card. PINK PRODUCTIONS.

I snapped my head up. “I told you no,” I growled.

He shuffled closer and grabbed my chin again. My jaw already hurt from how he grabbed it earlier. I struggled to pull away. His hands made me sick. How the hell I ever got pleasure out of them I would never ever understand.

He tightened his grip and stepped even closer so I could feel the muscles beneath his clothes. I wanted to sag in defeat. His sheer size and muscle mass outmatched me tenfold.

“I told you it was a done deal,” he said quietly. “I’ve already been paid. The money’s been spent.”

So that’s how he paid for that car…

“You will do this, Roxie,” he intoned. “And in return, I’ll get out of your life.”

I felt tears well in my eyes. Damn him! Damn my weaknesses, damn my anger, and damn my fear.

His eyes softened. “Don’t cry, baby,” he crooned. “I love you.”

Oh my God, was that supposed to make me feel better?

Finally, he released my chin and stroked the side of my head, like he was petting a dog or a possession. “Just do this for me.”

I’d rather die.

“You wouldn’t want anything happen to lover boy, would you?”

That got my attention. I might give up my life, but not Adam’s.

He smirked. “I thought so.” Craig stroked my hair again. “Be at that address day after tomorrow, Roxie. Come dressed like the trashy bitch you are.”

He stepped away, but I felt no relief.

Causally, he strolled toward the door like he didn’t have a care in the world, like hitting and threatening someone he supposedly loved was natural.

He turned in the open doorway before leaving and gave me the kind of charming smile I fell for when I didn’t know any better.

“And, Roxie? Wear your hair like that. It looks hot.”

When he was gone, I sank down onto the sofa, my entire body trembling. I sat there for a long time, numb and staring off into space. Reality eventually came creeping back, and I felt the heavy card crushed in my hand.

I looked down and a sob ripped from my throat.

I was finally getting what I wanted. I was getting rid of Craig.

The price for my future was very steep.


It sounded innocent, almost pretty.

It was none of those things.

Craig tried to sell me to them before, and I wouldn’t have it. Seems he somehow made a deal behind my back. He pretty much sold me to a company with no morals at all.

The price for my freedom and apparently Adam’s safety…

Starring in a porn flick.



She was late.

Roxie was never late.

She was probably just nervous, fussing over her hair or some shit, and lost track of time. But the more I told myself that, the harder it got to believe.

Harlow poked her head in my office as I looked at the clock. “Has Roxie called in?” she asked.

I muttered a profanity. “No. She hasn’t called you?”

She shook her head, worry in her eyes.

“Did you see her before work?” I asked.

A guilty expression crossed her face. “I knew I should have stayed home,” she said almost to herself.

I motioned for her to come into the office. “What the hell does that mean?” I asked as she walked in.
