Read Books Novel


Trashy (Take It Off #10)(34)
Author: Cambria Hebert

When I was dancing, I separated myself from it. Just because I was getting almost naked didn’t mean I was showing all of myself. There were a lot more parts of me—more important, more vulnerable—and those parts I kept hidden.

But not here.

Not now.

I was baring everything to Adam. I’d let him past my skin. I was showing him everything beneath my curves and flesh.

I was vulnerable to him in ways I could never be at the club.

Yet, he called me beautiful.

During my internal revelation, he quickly pushed off his pants and kicked them away. My eyes went immediately to the massive bulge in his tight boxer briefs. They were black and hugged his hips and thighs like they were custom tailored just for him.

He was so hard that his tip jutted out his waistband, giving me a little peek of his smooth, bulbous head.

I wanted to feel him, to see him. I reached out, hooking my fingers in the thick band of the underwear. Adam’s hand covered mine, and he shook his head. “You first.”

I frowned and he laughed. “Don’t you worry, sweetheart. You’ll get your turn.”

Adam lifted me like I was nothing but a feather and draped my body across the bed. His large frame came over me, straddling my hips. My breasts fit perfectly in the palms of his hands, and he took full advantage, rubbing against the lacey cups.

My nipples began to ache, pressure building in them, begging for more. I arched my back to give him greater access, so he reached beneath me and unhooked the material on his first try. The garment was flung somewhere into the shadows of the room, and Adam took the fullness into his hands and squeezed gently, holding them up, and bent over to lavish kisses between them.

I purred low in my throat as he suckled the hardened pebbles, pinching them between his fingers and kneading the flesh as he sucked.

His hands and mouth worked simultaneously, and moisture slicked the insides of my panties, drenching them and making my hips swivel around atop the mattress.

Eventually, Adam moved lower, kissing his way across my abs and down near the waistband of my undies. My body stiffened automatically when he swept the fabric off my legs and pushed them wide to settle between them.

“Relax,” he murmured. “I’m not going to hurt you.” His words were accompanied by the gentle probing of his fingers along my folds. I shuddered, my knees starting to shake.

The groomed, wiry curls at the center of my body seemed to intrigue him as he played with them, pulling his fingers through their middle.

When he lowered his head, like he meant to taste me, I stiffened again. He looked up at me from between my thighs. “What’s the matter, sweetness?” he murmured.

“I…” I began as he slid a finger down my slippery slit.

“You don’t like this?”

I shuddered.

“‘Cause it seems like you do.”

“No one’s ever…” I murmured as my hips thrust up, seeking his hand once more.

Adam stilled. When I didn’t feel his fingers, I opened my eyes wide.

“Are you telling me no one’s ever tasted you?”

I shook my head, nervous. My ex never did this. He said he didn’t like it. He said the place between my thighs wasn’t for his face, only his cock. I’d just assumed no respectable man went down there on a woman. I assumed it was taboo.

Apparently, I was terribly wrong.

“I am one lucky bastard,” he muttered and settled himself more thoroughly between my thighs.

“But…” I started, feeling completely self-conscious. What if he didn’t like it? There had to be a reason my ex never went down there. Maybe there was something wrong with me.

“You’re going to love this. I promise.” I felt his fingers part my folds, cool air brushing over the newly exposed flesh. A single finger swirled in my heat, teasing my entrance. “So wet,” he crooned as my head fell back against the mattress.

His finger slid into me and I groaned. He moved slowly at first, in and out, dragging that finger along my slit like it was exploring some great unknown. I felt the heat of his stare as he studied me down there and the hot breath he occasionally blew across my swollen bud.

My hips started to swivel, dancing to the pace he set, and then he had two fingers inside me and I felt his lips close around my clit. My body shivered and my legs felt like Jell-O against the mattress. I filled my hands with the blanket on either side of me as the sensation of his mouth and his touch stole over my senses.

My body rose higher and higher; his fingers moved faster and faster. The thickness of his tongue seemed to travel everywhere, not missing a single inch of the place no one else had given so much attention.

I whimpered his name, unsure I could take much more, and his fingers left me. I cried out, feeling empty as his hands wrapped around my hips.

The next thing I knew, his mouth was on me once more and his tongue surged into my body. I started to moan as release washed over me, and Adam licked up, applying the most delicious pressure on the swollen bud.

Bright light exploded behind my eyes and my hips surged off the bed. The orgasm went on and on, and he ate me through the entire thing. He acted like a starving man devouring his only meal.

When I thought I couldn’t take any more and my entire body shook like a leaf, Adam lowered my hips back onto the bed and came over me. I glanced up at him through lust-heavy eyes, and he smiled.

I reached for the waistband on his boxers and pushed at them. Adam left me, standing beside the bed, and discarded them totally. His proud member jutted out from his body and caused my eyes to widen. He was huge. I wondered if I would be able to wrap my hand around him and if my fingers would touch.

His balls were heavy and full, and I imagined what they might feel like in the palm of my hand.

Adam reached into the drawer beside his bed and tossed a couple foil packs on the pillow near my head. He ripped one open with his teeth, and I watched with rapt attention as he rolled the condom over his impressive girth.

Part of me was a little sad I hadn’t gotten to touch it yet.

I reached for him, but he evaded me. “If you touch me right now, I’ll never make it inside you,” he rumbled. “I need to be inside you.”

“I don’t think you’re going to fit,” I blurted out, then slapped a hand over my mouth.

What the hell did I say that out loud for?

Adam threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, I’ll fit, sweetheart. That body of yours was made just for me.”

He climbed between my legs and settled there. I could feel his bulging head at my entrance. Nerves skittered along my spine. I was worried he wouldn’t like it, and I was genuinely concerned he wouldn’t fit.
