Read Books Novel


Trashy (Take It Off #10)(46)
Author: Cambria Hebert

I suppose I should have thought it was after what he said to me earlier when he gave me the Roadster to drive. But hearing it and living it were two different things.

“Thank you,” I said sincerely. “I’ll cover the bill—” I began, but he cut me off.

“There is no bill.”

My mouth formed a little O.

“Those jackasses are fixing what they screwed up and you aren’t paying for shit. They are.”

I didn’t know what to say. I was impressed and beyond touched he did this.

“I’ll drive,” he said and held his hand out for the keys.

I handed them over, and he opened the passenger-side door for me to get in. He didn’t just close the door, though. Instead, he leaned inside, his large frame taking up a lot of the space, and pulled the seatbelt around me. It clicked into place, but his fingers lingered, caressing me.

“Long night, huh?”

“You have no idea,” I murmured, intoxicated by him.

The entire drive to his place, I kept my eye on the rearview mirror for anyone who might be following us. I peered at the drivers in the cars beside us, and I gripped my hands together in my lap because I was nervous. When the security gates of his community closed behind the car, I sighed with relief.

He carried my bag up to the condo, and I tried to force out all the anxiety in my chest and listened instead to the sound of the nearby crashing waves.

Inside, the condo was dark, but the minute we entered, Adam flipped on several lights and dropped my stuff by the door. I kicked off my heels and padded directly across the open-concept room toward the large windows with the sweeping view. The moon was high above the water, and the inky sky glittered with stars.

I couldn’t see much of the ocean other than the constant white-capped waves crashing against the sand.

Adam’s arms encircled me from behind and he balanced his chin on my shoulder. “I think we need to talk.”

God, I dreaded those words.

As if everything I told him last night about my past wasn’t bad enough, now I had to tell him about the man with the gun, the porn, and all of Craig’s threats. I wish I didn’t have to, but he was involved now. He needed to know to be extra cautious.

Hell, what if being cautious wasn’t enough?

“We should go away.” My voice was wistful. “Just get out of here for a while.”

Adam nuzzled the side of my neck and I tilted my head to the side to give him greater access. “Spending time holed up in a hotel room or a nice resort with you sounds amazing, but I can’t help but think you have an ulterior motive besides just wanting to be alone with me.”

I covered his forearm with my hand, gripping his solid muscular arm.

“Harlow’s worried about you,” he murmured.

“On my way home earlier today, I was followed by a strange car. When I pulled off the road, it sped up and the driver pulled out a gun.” The words rushed out of me in one great whoosh.

The silence that followed was deafening.

“Someone shot at you today?” Adam finally said. His words were bone-chillingly calm and quiet.

“No. They had the gun out. They pointed at me, but then they drove away.”

Adam pulled away and paced around behind me. I didn’t need to turn and look to know he was agitated and pissed.

“Did you get plate numbers? A description of the driver?” he demanded.

My shoulders slumped. “No. It happened so fast and then he sped away.”

“It was a man?” His voice sharpened.

“I’m pretty sure,” I said. Then because I knew he would ask, I added, “It wasn’t Craig.”

“What kind of car does he drive?” Adam asked, surprising me.

“Some red sports car-looking thing,” I replied.

“Son of a bitch,” Adam growled. “How the fuck does he pay for that car?”

I turned and faced him. “What?”

“He was following me around today. He drove off when I got out to confront him.”

I wasn’t surprised and I nodded grimly. “He’s been doing that a lot.”

“Harlow said he threatened you.”

Gee, thanks, Harlow, I thought. But I guess I understood because if I were worried about her, I’d go straight to Cam.

“He owes money to some people. It’s how he paid for that car and who knows what else?” I explained. “He wants me to help him repay his debt.”

“You’re not a fucking ATM!” Adam roared and punched the air.

Without thinking about it, I shrank back against the glass. I hated myself for doing that. I knew, knew Adam wouldn’t hurt me. But I couldn’t stop the almost reflex of reacting that way when a man started yelling and throwing his arm around.

Unfortunately, even in his anger, Adam noted my reaction.

It made me feel ashamed.

“Aww, Rox.” All the anger drained away and his voice quieted to almost a whisper. “I didn’t mean to yell, sweetheart.”

“I know,” I said, still watching him through wary eyes.

“I swear to God I would cut off my arm before I ever hurt you.”

“I know,” I said again.

He cursed beneath his breath.

He took a tentative step toward me. When I didn’t try to stop him, he took another. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, reaching out. I put my hand in his.

Gently, he tugged me away from the window and into the solid wall of his chest. His palm came up to cup the back of my head, and I closed my eyes.

“I hate that guy,” he said, making my chest tighten. “I can’t stand the things he’s done to you.”

That made two of us.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.

“What good would it have done?” I replied. “I thought he would get tired of following me around and stop.”

“But he hasn’t.”

“No,” I said, my voice cracking. “And now I’ve dragged you into this mess. My mess.”

“You can’t drag a man who was already running in your direction,” he drawled.

I squeezed my eyes closed. “That man wasn’t after me today, Adam. I was in your car. Once he saw it was me behind the wheel, he left.”

“Some lowlife with a gun doesn’t scare me.”

“Oh, I didn’t know you were bulletproof,” I said, pulling back to look at him. This wasn’t a joke. I needed to make him understand that.

“Nothing is going to happen to me,” he vowed.
