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Tricks (Take It Off #6)(35)
Author: Cambria Hebert

I could see her thinking about it. I could see her weighing the pros and cons. I knew that in her mind, she was creating a neat little list and mentally checking off the boxes.

“And in the morning?” she asked.

“In the morning, I’ll be Max’s brother and you can help me find that drive. Once we hand it over, I’ll go to North Carolina and you won’t have to see me again.”

“I loved him,” she said, like she had to make sure I knew.

“I loved him, too.”

I knew the exact moment when she gave in, when she decided to let me have the rest of the night. Something in my chest lightened. I felt as if a one hundred-pound weight had been removed from my shoulders.

“One night.” She agreed.

I wasn’t about to waste a single second. Surging forward, I wrapped my arms around her and spun, letting the spray cascade over my back and shoulders. The hot water slid between us, making our skin slide together. I took her mouth in a hungry kiss. I felt like a starved man, a man who had been without food for far too long.

Our tongues mingled together; our breath mixed. I tugged her lower lip into my mouth and sucked while her arms came up to grip my biceps. My hand found the heavy, wet mass of her hair and I grabbed a handful of it, tugging her head back to expose her throat.

I licked at the water running down the sensitive flesh of her neck, enjoying the way her body trembled. Reaching between us, I pinched her nipple and she arched toward me.

I brought our lips together once more, kissing her as deeply as I could.

Charlotte grew bold, her hand dipping low as she took my full hardness in her palm. Using the water from the shower, she began to stroke me, sliding up and down along the shaft and making the breath hiss between my teeth. My body jerked when she hit that sweet spot on my head, the most sensitive spot on my entire body.

My toes curled into the shower floor as her hand traveled lower to cup my balls in her warm and welcoming palm.

I loved the way her hands felt on me. I loved the way her touch was bold yet still tentative. I loved the careful way she stroked me as if being gentle was a form of worship.

After several long minutes of nothing but her touch, I couldn’t take anymore. My blood began to boil; my cock began to demand more. I grabbed her face and tilted her head back to stare down into her eyes.

“This isn’t going to be like the last time. I’m not going to take my time with you. I want you too badly. I want you here. Now.”

“Then take me.”

The words were barely out of her mouth when I moved. Within seconds, I had her legs wrapped around my waist and her back pinned against the wall of the shower. Water flowed over our bodies as I surged inside her already wet and ready vagina.

I cried out, burying my face in her neck, and stilled, allowing her body to stretch around me and allowing me a moment to catch my breath. Pure ecstasy rolled along my limbs. The feeling of her tight, warm walls clenching around me was almost enough to get me to spill my seed.


I wanted more.

“Hold on, darlin’,” I drawled and began to pound inside her. She couldn’t move because I had her trapped between me and the shower wall. I surged in her again and again, my thigh muscles burning from the effort and my penis so hard that it throbbed.

Charlotte thrashed her head from side to side, gasping for breath and asking for more.

I went deep into her, but I wanted deeper. I released some of the pressure on her body and she slid down the wall, burying the head of my cock into the most private places within her.

I couldn’t hold it any longer and I titled, surging myself along her inner wall, and both of us fell over the edge.

Her nails bit into my back and her teeth sank into my shoulder. The little mewling sounds that released from her throat as she rocked against me were like music to my ears.

I started to pump again, milking every last drop of my orgasm that I could. When it was over, we collapsed against the wall, both of us breathing heavy. The water had turned cool, and I angled my back to keep most of the cold droplets from spraying her body.

When I finally stepped back to turn off the water, she slid down, like her legs were incapable of holding her up. I chuckled and pinned her once more to the wall while I shut off the cold spray and reached for her towel. I wrapped it around her body and then picked her up, stepping over the edge of the tub and carrying her out of the bathroom and back to bed.

“I’m soaking wet,” she protested when I tried to lay her in the bed.

So I sat her on her feet and took possession of the towel. I dried every single part of her body. Twice.

After she returned the favor, we abandoned the towel and slid beneath the blanket. I gathered her close, marveling at how well her body fit up against mine. My hand cupped her ass, kneading the bare, round flesh.

“You better get some rest while you can.” I warned her. “We still have the rest of the night and I’m not even close to being done with you yet.”

“You promise?” she asked.

I smiled in the dark. It was a promise I would be thrilled to keep.



I didn’t know there were so many different ways to have sex. Last night was an education of a lifetime. I had no idea where he learned some of the things he did to me, and frankly, I was afraid to ask.

But damned if they didn’t feel good.

We did it on the bed, in the shower, against the wall, on the floor, and with him sitting in a chair and me straddling his lap.

He touched every inch of my body like he would be taking a written exam the next day and needed to know every last place that made me purr.

I’d never felt so sexually charged… so wanted.

Tucker made me feel bold. He made me feel like I could do anything to him and not be embarrassed. He was so daringly comfortable with his body that I somehow forgot to be uncomfortable with mine. When I reached for his cock, his eyes would get heavy, his lids would droop, and he would whisper my name.

I loved when he whispered my name.

He asked me for one night and I was so incredibly glad I gave it to him. For hours upon hours I didn’t think of deadlines or work. I didn’t worry about my suit getting wrinkled or my fine hair getting knotty. I didn’t check my email every ten minutes, and I felt like I could breathe.

And now the darkness in the sky was giving way to the new light of day, slowly spreading across the horizon and turning the sky a deep shade of apricot.

My bare feet barely made a sound as I made my way into the dim kitchen. I don’t think I slept for more than an hour last night, but I wasn’t tired at all. I pressed the start button on the coffee maker and then turned to retrieve a carton of orange juice from the fridge.
